dabihaul666 · 1 minute
Anyway caedrel and rekkles r that "and they were both bottoms" meme, which is where I come in and-
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dabihaul666 · 5 minutes
I only checked (came crawling back to) tumblr bc twitter had a whole THREAD of bnfs to follow re stpl and i just lol cant handle that kind of behavior :icant: :ucant: :icant:
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dabihaul666 · 16 minutes
God genuinely not enjoying any part of chisaki or dabi fandom these days :icant: but am i enjoying for getting anything from being into stpl? Also no.
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dabihaul666 · 21 minutes
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dabihaul666 · 28 minutes
Chapter 350: Flames
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dabihaul666 · 33 minutes
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✧Happy Birthday Chisaki Kai✧
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dabihaul666 · 35 minutes
So like… what are your thoughts on Chapter 419? AFO modifying Overhaul into Decay kinda makes him come across as a dumbass. Because why not just mold Overhaul into your successor unless AFO was just that petty which considering that he killed the light baby for being the “first” Quirk user, that’s fair. But then he had all these convenient pushes like making Kotoro more abusive or inspiring Tenko, or convincing Kotoro to have another kid.
In the latest chapter is all for one implying that Tomura’s decay was a mutated copy of overhaul?
How do you feel about 419 when it comes to Overhaul now?
I will get to All For One's influence on Tomura's backstory soon, but for now, I'll just stick to "Decay", Overhaul", and everything surrounding that.
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For Tomura being given a Quirk by All For One, I don't mind that part too much. There has always been something sketchy about Tomura's backstory, especially him awakening "Decay" in the first place. It all just seem too convenient for me given the circumstances and a figure similar to All For One appearing in Tomura's backstory. So the set up was there for this. My only possible reservation is now that "Decay" isn't Tomura's Quirk anymore. One of my favorite parts about Quirks is how much thematically they tie into the user. Tomura especially since so much of his theming and growth is tied into his Quirk. I do think that some of that is lost if Tomura's Quirk is not "Decay". However, I think that there could be some interesting thematic reasoning for it as well and new ways you can read into it. Because now, I think it reaffirms that Tenko wasn't just born evil, for lack of better wording. That he didn't have this terrible need to destroy everything and how that was forced upon him by outside forces.
My problem comes in tying it to "Overhaul". While I vastly prefer this to it being Deku's Quirk, I do not see the point in connecting the Quirks like this. If you want Tomura to be given "Decay", why not just say Garaki made it? We know that he can with Quirks like "Warp Gate". Tying these together raises a whole lot of questions as well. If Overhaul was at one of the orphanages, how did he get with the Boss? Was he adopted like a normal kid? If so, why on Earth would All For One or Garaki ever let him go? Why waste someone as promising as Kai? Even if you want to argue that he couldn't work as a vessel for whatever reason. Like the ability to heal and fix things somehow made him unsuitable, Tenko far more malleable as a target, or that All For One is just such a petty chump. Why not keep him around as a minion? And this all raises a bigger question: why didn't All For One take "Overhaul"? "Overhaul" is one of, if not the most powerful Quirks in the setting and All For One had it within arm's reach. Why not take it? Is it because it was too complicated to use? Well, that there isn't anything about how the Quirk is used that implies it's that hard. It just raises so many questions.
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dabihaul666 · 37 minutes
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Man anyway stalker dabi au was great
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dabihaul666 · 18 hours
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dabihaul666 · 18 hours
League pro n ex pro players slowly whittling down my staunch belief that rpf is weird and fucked up behavior. Maybe w eSHOULD tweet about cow nekomimi caedrels pussy or whatever that kpop tweet was on.
I think caedrel needs a service top to get him out of his head when he gets real stressed like he did over the clip and ship n ddosing thing
Maybe it should be me
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dabihaul666 · 19 hours
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dabihaul666 · 19 hours
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Thinking about this photo
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dabihaul666 · 19 hours
shit. i'm shipping rekkles and caedrel now. what do you mean his house was your sanctuary. what do you mean caedrel cannot hold eye contact. what do you mean caedrel knew rekkles wasnt doing great
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dabihaul666 · 6 days
this is absolute BULLSHIT but its exactly what u knew was gonna happen!!!!! fucking op quirk powers no consequences no meaning no stakes victory feel good perfect world fuck ass hori
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dabihaul666 · 6 days
chisaki shoulda killed eri when he had the chance, the league should have killed eri when they had the chance and now look at this fucking manga man im so sick of it im so fucking SICK.
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dabihaul666 · 6 days
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I would kiII everyone and then myseIf
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dabihaul666 · 7 days
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