clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Peter: Uh.. hes like... an expert in IRL lore.
Tony: Do you mean heā€™s a heā€™s a historian, Peter? Are you talking about a historian?
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Peter: Yeah heā€™s a science guru.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Pepper: Tony you canā€™t buy the whole world thatā€™s not possible.
Tony: But Pepper.
Tony: Iā€™m a Material Gorl.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Stephen, exasperated: What did you do now?
Tony: ur mom
Tony: No, actually I lit a building on fire.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Peter: Iā€™m so cold but at least I look good.
MJ: Beauty is pain and pain is living in New England during January.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Natasha: Iā€™m about to do a full 360 degrees spin and slap you.
Tony: Donā€™t you mean 180 degrees?
Natasha: No, itā€™s called lies and deception. I start spinning around so you think Iā€™m going to walk away and not slap you, so you let your guard down, only for me to come back around again and bitch slap you extra hard.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Peter, showing MJ photoā€™s of them from five years ago: Oh, look, these are so cool.
MJ, squinting at the picture, and back at Peter: You look so different, I canā€™t see the resemblance!
Peter: MJ, we were snapped. We havenā€™t changed in the last 5 years.
MJ: And?
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Bucky: Things were better back in my day.
Bucky: Now itā€™s allĀ ā€œNo, Bucky, you canā€™t do that!ā€ ā€œNo, Bucky, thatā€™s illegal!ā€ ā€œNo, Bucky! You canā€™t stab people!ā€
Bucky: Like, ugh.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Pepper, looking at the camera, Tired of Shit: Neither my husband or my daughter had voluntarily eaten in the past three days and I donā€™t know which will last longer, my daughterā€™s toddlerhood, my marriage, or my will to live.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Tony, angrily: Stop calling me!
Maria Hill: Tony, the compound is burning down, Thanos is attacking, Fury is dead, and everythingā€™s going to hell.
Tony: I swear, my phone has been blowing up all morning, and I havenā€™t even had coffee yet.
Maria: Tony, Loki got ahold of the Chutari army somehow-
Tony: I couldnā€™t give less of a shit.
Maria: Tony, the sun is blowing up-
Tony: JARVIS, block all saved phone numbers.
*line ends*
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
ā€œI have a PhD in Gamma Radiation, not people skills.ā€
-Bruce Banner at some point.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
*Peter about to fistfight someone in the store*
Manager: Iā€™m afraid weā€™re going to have to ask you to leave the store.
Narrator: Peter knows this was a rhetorical question, but that doesnā€™t mean he was going to take it that way.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Nat: Howā€™d you manage to get a boyfriend?
Bucky, proudly: I swept him off his feet.
Steve: He drop kicked me.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Tony: ...what did you do?
Peter, standing in front of a room full of spiderwebs: It wasnā€™t me!
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
ā€œOkay, your definition ofĀ ā€˜too much Goldfishā€™ is different than my definiton.ā€
-Peter at some point in his life
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
*Dr Strange describing his adventures through the multiverse*
Stephen: ...and a giant lizard comes charging at me. At first I think itā€™s a dragon, then I realize itā€™s a T-rex.
Peter: You literally just described most of the history of archeology in a sentence.
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clownsandmarvel Ā· 2 years
Tony: What time is it?
Pepper: 8:00.
Morgan: actUALLY ITā€™S 8:02-
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