Every year many couples struggle to get pregnant worldwide. The reasons for infertility could be plenty, but the most common treatment practiced is IVF (In-vitro Fertilization). IVF is considered to be the most effective synthetic reproductive method and is often suggested to women facing infertility above the age of 35.
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Did you know that most couples face fertility issues while planning for a baby? The problem can be present on either side, both the woman and the man. So, don’t be afraid of infertility because it affects about one in every six couples. While infertility is sometimes incurable, few things can help you boost your fertility chances.
Here is a list of some of the important lifestyle factors, nutrients, and foods that have been associated with improved fertility in women.
Eat A Nutritional Diet:
A diet rich in iron, calcium, complex carbohydrates, zinc, omega-3 fatty acid, and vitamin can help you boost your fertility and increase the chance of getting pregnant.
Maintain Healthy Weight:
Being both underweight and overweight affects the chances of getting pregnant. As per studies, 25% of women experience infertility because of obesity, whereas 12% suffer the same because they are underweight. It would be best to consult with your gynaecologist and nutritionist before opting for a dieting plan, as your nutritionist can help you prepare your personal diet chart.
Daily Exercise to Stay Fit:
Apart from maintaining a healthy weight, it is important to do regular physical activity to boost fertility. As we know, never do extra exercise or physical activity as it can negatively affect fertility. You can do a brisk walk in the evening for around 4000-5000 steps.
Know the Time of Ovulation:
You are more fertile during the ovulation period, which is around twelve to fourteen days before your periods start. Whereas during your period or two to three days after, you are least fertile and doubtful to get pregnant at this time.
Hence, if you have regular menstrual cycles, you can use a calendar or mobile app to evaluate your fertility.
Avoid Alcohol:
Excessive alcohol can interrupt your menstrual cycle, making it challenging to conceive a baby. It has an adverse effect on our general health, so it is recommended to avoid excessive drinking.
Quit Smoking:
Smoking causes blockages within the fallopian tubes, can damage the eggs maturing inside the ovaries, and is responsible for ectopic pregnancy. It is not good for the lungs as it can cause cancer.
Avoid Drinking Caffeine and Stay Hydrated:
According to the studies, high caffeine consumption can cause recurrent miscarriage and can delay the chances of conceiving by ten months. Caffeine makes the body dehydrated, leading to the decreased production of cervical mucus, making it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg. So, it is important to drink an ample amount of water to stay hydrated.
Get Ample Amount of Sleep:
A sufficient amount of sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy life and it increases the chances of fertility.
Meet with Your Doctor:
Suppose you have been trying to conceive for a couple of months and getting negative results. In that case, you should consult a gynaecologist because a specialist can help you diagnose problems such as hormonal imbalance or PCOS or PCOD, which affects the chances of getting pregnant and can help you resolve the problems.
Stay Stress-free and Relaxed:
Stress is a reason behind infertility, as negative emotions do not promote the proper biology for conceiving. So, try to go for a walk or on vacation, especially if you have a stressful job.
As per studies, almost 69% of infertility cases can be resolved by changing the lifestyle and diet. However, if you are still not getting any positive results, you can consult a fertility specialist to check if you have any other health issues behind the inconvenience.
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According to studies, it is found that young children suffer from various diseases, one of the prominent being infant botulism, caused by a special type of bacteria that occurs in honey. Such infections at a tender age make their immune system receive a major setback. There are many food items which we as adults may find completely normal and feed to our children. But that is what goes wrong. After carefully analyzing these are some food items that you should not be feeding your child.
Fruit juices and soft drinks
If your child is below the age of one, you should definitely refrain from feeding juices and even if they are above one, it is better if their consumption is limited. Generally, fruit juices especially packaged mostly carry lots of sugars contributing to calories and no essential vitamins. Well, feeding soft drinks are just like poison, it contains harmful brominated vegetable oil leading to toxicity affecting your child’s skin and even nervous system. Feed them with a fruit smoothie or yogurt which would be a healthier option.
Microwave Popcorn
Most parents prefer to feed their child with microwave popcorns which is quite an evening snack. But these popcorns come in bags made of perfluorinated chemicals and when heated emits toxic compounds which are really dangerous for children. Yes, it is quite quick and easy to make but huge damage to your child’s health. So why go for this? You can always make some fresh popcorn for your child at home and let them enjoy it as an evening snack.
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Quite a surprise, right? Yes, honey is a really nutritious and healthy food for everybody. But not so for your young one who is below than one. There is a specific type of bacteria that is present in honey that causes infant botulism causing serious damage to children’s immune system and induces breathing problems. But if your toddler is above the age of one, they can eat honey but in limited quantities. Before one it’s better if you feed them, some fruits smashed by hand.
Canned food
Generally, canned foods are packaged items, and most packaging materials like that found in can contain a toxic element like Bisphenol-A (BPA). It is a very dangerous type of food that makes a deep impact on a child’s health especially their nutrition system and is also linked to cancer. If you have to use canned food or ingredients make sure you use glass jars but it is highly recommended that you use fresh vegetables and ingredients.
Hot dogs and burgers
It’s a fact that most hotdogs and burgers made of meat are processed ones. Now processed meat especially for children is at all not good. It not only increases calories and trans fats as they are made from brominated oils. Instead, if your child really loves to eat burgers and hotdogs, you can make one at your home filled with veggies or fish. Consuming red processed meat is a major cause of cancer in the USA. So, it is better if you start making them avoid such things from a young age.
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Chewing Gums
Most parents are in the habit of feeding their children with whatever they have. One of them includes chewing gums. Now chewing gums contain a huge amount of sugar not only causing cavities but also increasing calories. Another prominent reason for not allowing children to have chewing gums is that they can swallow it accidentally and this can cause a choking accident and also cause a block to their digestive system. So it’s better if you avoid them as a whole.
Potato Chips
We all love chips and so do every kid. Munching potato chips with their favorite T.V show is all they need. Unfortunately, it’s not at all a healthy snack as it contains a lot of fat, salt, and oils contributing great calories. This not only leads to an increase in obesity but your child can also suffer from high blood pressure that too at a young age. So, it’s better you bake chips in your home and serve them fresh which will be quite a healthy snack and will be flavorful.
Yes, it is one of the popular fast food that everyone loves but Pizza from stores or even frozen pizza is not at all a good choice of food. The toppings add a lot of fat and salt which has a cumulative effect. Diabetes and Child obesity are two diseases that most urban toddlers are facing with. It does depend a lot on foods that they are eating regularly. Pizza, especially take-outs and frozen, is a big no. But you can always bake a fresh pizza in your home with healthy ingredients.
Summing up
Try to follow these and feed the best to your child in their growing years
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Infertility is the lack of pregnancy after a year of unprotected sex. This is widely considered to be a female issue. Whereas on the contrary, males and females are equally likely to be infertile.
There are a lot of factors contributing to infertility and worldwide around 60-80 million couples are facing this problem and seeking out treatment for it.
In this article, we will dive deep into female and male infertility issues, their causes, and potential treatments.
Female Infertility
Fertility in women decreases with increasing age. The age of 16 to 25 is considered to be the most fertile time for a woman to conceive. The first sign of infertility in women can be seen if there is no pregnancy after 6 months of trying. The most basic factor for female infertility is age. The older the woman, the slimmer her chances of conception.
But nowadays, infertility is seen in women of all ages. The steps of pregnancy start with the release of a matured egg from either of the ovaries. This matured egg meets with the sperm in the fallopian tube and the created embryo must reach the uterus and attach with the uterine lining for successful implantation. Then the embryo grows to be a fetus and later a baby.
Any problem in one or several of these steps may result in infertility. Impaired fecundity is a condition related to infertility, in which a woman struggles to conceive or carry the pregnancy to term.
Causes of female infertility
Conceiving a child and carrying the pregnancy to term is a very complex process. A lot of things can lead to infertility or miscarriage. Here is a list of the most common causes of infertility.
Irregular Menstrual Cycle.
Failure to Ovulate.
STIs and other vaginal or uterine infections
PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)/ POI (Primary Ovary Insufficiency)
Uterine Fibroids
Structural Reproductive Problems
Implantation Failure
This list does not include all the factors responsible for infertility. But if you are facing any problems related to infertility, it’s highly recommended to see an endocrinologist (An infertility specialist).
IVF and its role in curing Infertility
While addressing infertility, the topic of IVF is usually next in line. But surprisingly, IVF is not the first cure in treating Infertility.
Usually, after the diagnosis of thecause and conduction of the required tests, doctors suggest fertility drugs. Depending upon the cause of infertility the recommended drugs may differ. Some of the most come fertility drugs are Clomid (clomiphene citrate), Gonadotropins, including LH, FSH, and hCG, Femara (letrozole), and Arimidex (anastrozole) to name a few.
Generally, 85%- 90% percent of couples facing infertility, are treated with low tech-treatments, like fertility drugs or surgeries. Only up to 5% of couples need reproductive technologies like IVF.
Women above the age of 35 are suggested an IVF treatment. IVF is one of the last resorts of assisted reproductive treatments available. This treatment is carried out in cycles, the chances of successful pregnancy and childbirth with IVF are even less.
It is a highly developed treatment in which an egg is fused with the sperm in the lab and later implanted into the women’s womb for fetus formation.
Couples going through IVF for the first time rarely experience a successful pregnancy. It takes a couple of IVF cycles for a successful pregnancy to occur.
Couples are advised to carry out the IVF process through a proper IVF center under the consultation of expert doctors. Also, a little bit of homework never hurts!
Male Infertility
While talking about infertility, the issue of male infertility is not highlighted as much as it should be. Male infertility is responsible for the lack of pregnancy equally as much as female infertility.
Male infertility is a health issue faced by a man which reduces the chances of his female partner getting pregnant after a period of unprotected sex.
Male infertility is a bit difficult to diagnose as often the problem is with the quality, quantity of sperm production, and its delivery.
A semen examination is the first step in the diagnosis of male infertility. The doctor often looks into medical history and the sexual drive of the man to cure male infertility.
The sperm needs to travel a long distance from the organ it is produced in till its fusion with the egg in the female body. A lot of things can go wrong in the process, which may lead to male infertility.
Causes of Male Infertility
Below are the most common reasons for male infertility-
Sperm Disorder
Retrograde Ejaculation
Immunological Infertility
Drugs/ Alcohol
Erectile Disfunctioning (ED)
All of these causes can be cured by medical assistance under the consultation of a specialized doctor. Men facing infertility can undergo medication or surgery to cure it.
IVF and IUI are also viable options to consider for couples facing infertility.
What is IUI Treatment?
IUI (Intrauterine insemination), is often referred to as artificial insemination. It is closely related to male infertility, as it is one of the prime treatments for male infertility.
In IUI, specially prepared sperm is inserted in the female’s vagina for fertilization to occur. The sperm inserted is usually washed and concentrated for better results.
Sometimes the woman is also treated with medication to stimulate ovulation before IUI.
The sperm used in IUI can be from the couple or a sperm donor, depending upon the severity of the male fertility issue and the couple’s choice, especially in the case of same-sex couples.
IUI treatment is one of the best ways of assisted pregnancy. The success rate of IUI increases with the number of IUI cycles performed and reaches 95% till the fourth cycle. Almost 90% of women are impregnated within the first 3-6 cycles of IUI treatment.
It is a great treatment for male infertility or unknown infertility issues.
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IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is the most effective treatment for infertility. This is a nerve-wracking treatment process but most people don’t know what steps are involved until they go through it. So, here is a guide for you.
IVF is a complex series of procedures that involves the fertilization of an egg in a specialized lab. After that, the fertilized eggs will be transferred to the uterus. Usually, one complete cycle of IVF takes almost two to three weeks. But for some women, more than one cycle is required to get pregnant. IVF is often performed when other fertility treatments to get pregnant have failed. Here are the steps of IVF that you should know before or after the appointment.
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‘Depression’ has become an overused word that you can hear buzzing around in all age groups. Be it, new mamas, old-aged parents, or youthful teenagers, you will definitely come across someone proclaiming how depressed they feel.
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Pregnancy has never been easy for a soon-to-be mom. The tension begins from family planning to being pregnant. This fear also envelopes childbirth in some mothers’ minds. This fear is called Tokophobia where a woman feels to have a baby but is too scared of birth, preventing her from getting pregnant or even opting for a cesarean, in case they can’t deny pregnancy. In this blog, we will discuss tokophobia in detail to help you understand your fear of childbirth in simple language.
Tokophobia: Scared of Childbirth
This phobia is related to over-anxious women over the topic of childbirth and pregnancy. The women who experience this phobia will neglect giving birth or becoming pregnant altogether. If by any chance they are unable to terminate their pregnancy, they’ll shift for the C-section, then going for the vaginal birth.
These women don’t dislike kids but, the pathological fear stops them. This phobia can be observed in new mothers and even in moms who experienced traumatic birth incidents.
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Some men even experience Tokophobia, where they fear extremely about the safety, and health of their partner, and the baby.
Tokophobia comes under the category of specific phobia, further categorised under anxiety disorder where excessive and irrational fear is observed over certain situations or objects.
After knowing about what Tokophobia is, now let’s figure the symptoms of this phobia.
Panic Attacks are quite common.
Sleep disturbances can occur frequently.
Nightmares can worsen the situation.
The woman facing this phobia will often have an avoiding behavior for the situation.
Depression because of the overwhelming anxiety.
Extreme feelings of fear at the thought of birth and pregnancy.
The woman facing the phobia will deny vaginal birth and will insist on a C-section.
The woman filled with a phobia will severely fear defects in birth, maternal death, or stillbirth even before all this happens.
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To understand Tokophobia a little better, let’s first figure out its types. Tokophobia has two different types:
Primary Tokophobia
This type of phobia is an experience by women who haven’t yet experienced this birth process. It can begin from the early age of adolescents or even if they are currently pregnant. It is most common in raped or sexually assaulted girls. Sometimes medical exams performed during pregnancy or childbirth can often lead to original trauma flashbacks.
Secondary Tokophobia
This type of phobia is an experience by women who had traumatic birth past experiences. It is experienced by women who had miscarriages, unsuccessful fertility treatments, termination of pregnancy, and stillbirth. In some cases, women having no past traumatic experiences can also face it.
The contributing factors that can lead to scaring regarding childbirth and pregnancy are:
Fear of Pain.
Fear of death through miscarriage or any complications related to birth.
No trust in the medical practitioners.
Faced child abuse or have a history of depression and anxiety.
Reading or hearing distressing stories or news over social media related to childbirth.
Sometimes, imbalance in hormones even influences anxiety levels making them out of control or hard to handle.
Fear of losing control or lack of privacy.
Sometimes psychological factors also operate in, for example, getting pregnant in adolescence, lacking the social support required, or getting impoverished.
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Tips To Manage Childbirth Fears
Don’t stress about knowing you have a particular type of phobia. Try to follow the below-listed points to make yourself better.
Remember, fear increases even more if you keep it caged in you. Talk to people about your fear without the feeling of judgment and ask suggestions to conquer it. You aren’t the first one to experience there, are many on the list. Don’t suffocate yourself with those constant negative thoughts. Breathe in the fresh air with the people who love you and care for you.
Talk to your doctor and the team responsible for the childbirth. Check on everything and clearly state your fears so that they can work on reducing your anxious feelings by providing you with a secure environment.
Don’t communicate with yourself in a negative tone. Get your gear and attend a yoga session to make you feel calm and composed. You can even go to a nearby birthing class. And, don’t forget to create a birth plan.
Follow these, and you will feel much better and strong to conquer your fear!
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On Mother’s Day, India Today brings you the stories of mothers who are working as doctors and nurses at the frontline of the battle against Covid-19.
RN Meena is the lead nurse in the post-Covid ward at Gleneagles Global Hospital in Chennai. The 30-year-old healthcare worker walks into her patients’ room after sanitizing her hands with a big smile on her face. When she speaks to the patients, the care in her voice is evident.
Back home, Meena is the young mother of a seven-month-old baby. She lives with her child, husband, and in-laws. She makes sure to take all precautions at work to ensure she does not get infected and put her loved ones at risk during these difficult times.
Working in the Covid ward was a tough decision to make, but she has been part of the team since the first lockdown.
“Biggest fear is infecting my baby”
Meena’s colleague Shiny R is a senior nurse in the oncology unit of the hospital. The 28-year-old is six months pregnant with her first baby.
“This is my precious baby as I have conceived after three years of marriage. Even though I am at high risk, I take care of many other high-risk patients who come for chemotherapy treatment. My biggest fear is that I may take the virus to my family or my baby,” Shiny said.
She said that even though her family is stressed, she comes to the hospital to do her duty. She keeps herself safe by boosting her immunity with multivitamins and wearing a personal protective equipment kit at all times.
Shiny said her message to the people is to be safe and get vaccinated as soon as possible.
No time to spend with family
These superheroes in scrubs have been working day in and day out during this very busy year, leaving them with almost no time to spend with their families.
Dr. Spoorthi Arun, internal medicine physician, and managing director at Promed Hospital in Chennai, is the mother of three children. Before the pandemic struck, her family would spend a lot of time and go for outings together.
Dr. Spoorthi and her husband, who is also a doctor, live in a constant state of worry.
“My biggest fear is that, since my husband and I are doctors, we may get infected, and then who will take care of the family and my three young kids? It’s tricky but my family knows that we have to be there to take care of others. As I have a responsibility towards my family, I also have a responsibility towards my patients and my family understands that,” said Dr. Spoorthi.
She said her children are very proud of her and send her off with a smile every day, even though the fear in their eyes is evident when they say “be careful, mommy.”
Shortage of beds, oxygen, medicines, manpower
Dr. Spoorthi also spoke about the shortage of hospital beds and oxygen amid the surge in cases during the second wave of the pandemic. She said they receive calls all day asking for admission and they have no choice but to say no to patients due to the non-availability of beds, oxygen, or medication.
“The most distressing factor during the second wave has been the rapid rise in infections and the feeling of helplessness with the limited infrastructure we have. Not being able to provide oxygen to our patients is overwhelmingly heartbreaking,” she said.
Dr. Spoorthi added, “We are seeing a shortage of resources and manpower. My nurses are doing double shifts and working extra hard. They look tired. All of us are very tired. I have been managing through these difficult times by trying to surround myself with positive things. I think of all the happy recoveries. I take the time out to work out every day.”
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In a year, there have been many deaths reported because of the COVID-19 spread. The deaths were more when compared with heart diseases or cancer. To prevent the deaths, scientists came up with vaccines that were declared for emergency use.
The government urges its citizens to take 2 doses of the vaccine for reducing the risk of getting affected by the virus.
People who already had COVID-19 are also advised to take the vaccine to prevent reinfection and reduce the severity of getting sick again.
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May 5, 2021
   Second pregnancy can be fun and tiring at the same time. The biggest thing that needs to tackle is making your first child comfortable and ready to welcome the newborn into his space. In this blog, we will discuss preparing the first child for the arrival of the newborn.
10 Preparatory Tips
Include these tips to make your first child comfortable with the news of your second pregnancy and to avoid sibling jealousy once the newborn arrives:
I. Let’s start with teaching them in the form they love to explore. Start by explaining to them the importance of protecting their baby. Teach him the ways he can interact with his sibling through animated videos or storybooks. You can teach him almost everything about communication and handling a newborn. Encourage him to play as a big one to his sibling. If he feels stuck somewhere, demonstrate, talk to him and guide him again to improvise on his elderly performance to the young. And, when you are confident about his learnings, don’t let him go instantly. Wait for the correct timings to work on other perspectives.
II. Don’t forget to train your child for the soft touches that require soon. Train the older child by explaining the rubbing technique on the tiny back of the newborn. Incentives are always good. Don’t miss on rewarding your child when he learns the art of touching his sibling. It will make your child learn to be physically positive with the newborn.
III. Be kind by your words. Don’t let children think that you’re looking down, at them, after the arrival of the new baby, into the house. Respect the feelings of each child and support them with loving words. Try to understand their unspoken feelings and sit down to sort their tensions. Stop playing the blame game with your existing children after the new one is in place.
IV. Care for them and love them a little bit more than the newborn to make them feel that they’re still the apple of your eye. Ignorance commonly finds a place in the heart of older children. In this, one cannot be held responsible. According to psychology, human nature and feelings of neglect stores in children’s minds and hearts.
V. Make your child part of preparations happening for the newborn. You can ask him about the toys, bedding, and clothing. It will promote a sense of responsibility and happiness in your older child. After you show interest in his choices, he’ll get confident and excited to check on all decor changes done for the newborn. You can even make him choose the items you bought recently, like pajamas or socks.
VI. Don’t make your older child feel like they are not important. The mothers often fasten the potty training or shift the toddler to a new bed in haste which sometimes leaves the older baby thinking he has been disposed of or replaced by the new one. Take the process slow and don’t let your child think he is getting replaced, instead make him feel he is about to get a companion.
VII. After your newborn has arrived, don’t lose focus on your older babies. We understand that the newborn requires all your attention but don’t let that attention disturb your older child. You can even give him something as a gift that’s his favorite to assure that you love enjoying time with him. You two can go for a walk or play in the playground where he feels energetic and relaxing. Go for outings together to uplift that bond even higher.
VIII. Let your other children plan name celebrations for their siblings. Let them plan the location, menu, and games at the party. Go with them to fetch the necessary items needed for the celebration. It will help your older children feel better and responsible about the event.
IX. If you feel your child is experiencing thoughts of jealousy, anger, or separation, don’t ignore them. Talk to him to make him realize his love for the sibling. You can cancel his negative thoughts using care. Remember not to snub because ignorance can cost you later.
X. Let him enjoy time with the newborn under your attention. Don’t make him think he is dangerous for the baby. Let the two enjoy the time of togetherness, love, and care. Let your other children play with the newborn.
Boost his confidence, celebrate his friendships and love his actions. We know you can do this all!
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