brunagardel · 3 years
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Architecture article recently submitted for international publication.
The original in portuguese: A Modernidade de Nova York...
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brunagardel · 3 years
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O MÉDICO HOLÍSTICO, de Carl Loyal (2021) Edição & Revisão: Bruna Gardel
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Elaine Earhart trabalha no Hospital Metropolitano de Nova York como oncologista e hematologista, e por isso está sempre em contato com pacientes terminais. A médica, sempre muito cuidadosa, é surpreendida quando o recém-contratado Marcellus consegue um bom resultado com métodos não convencionais. Ao oferecer atenção e escuta à esposa angustiada de um paciente, ele leva a Dra. Earhart a reconsiderar seus métodos e sua competência, por mais que ela tente evitar.
A verdade é que muito do cotidiano de Elaine é preenchido por esforços em manter a imagem convencional de sucesso que ela idealiza: uma mulher voluptuosa e segura de si, médica competente, bem-sucedida em seu casamento. Essa é a maneira que encontrou para sentir-se no controle. Mas a tensão instaurada quando a figura enigmática de Marcellus desafia sua opinião sobre si mesma se torna o ponto de ruptura para que Elaine desabe. Seu casamento está em crise, os casos extraconjugais já não satisfazem sua necessidade por validação, e o vício em remédios psiquiátricos agrava seu quadro de transtorno bipolar. Ela, com seu estado emocional já fragilizado devido ao contato constante com o sofrimento de seus pacientes, ainda precisa descobrir por que razão o médico holístico parece tão familiar.
Seguindo a espiral autodestrutiva de Elaine, descobrimos mais sobre os desejos não-compreendidos de Peter, sobre a busca de Marcellus por entender seu passado e encontrar seu irmão, e sobre a relação dos personagens com a hipnoterapeuta Helena. Conexões tão enigmáticas, cuja explicação se esconde em memórias reprimidas, constroem uma narrativa que leva o leitor pela mão através de um beco escuro. O acaso pode parecer ter levado muitos dos caminhos a se cruzarem, mas depois de inspeção mais cuidadosa, o leitor verá que medo e desejo podem ser forças de grande poder, mesmo que inconscientemente.
Um espaço de cura, como um hospital, é aqui o cenário perfeito para que grandes questões se manifestem: os vícios e virtudes do ser humano, os muitos sentidos possíveis da palavra cura, o ímpeto de querer viver. Ainda assim, questões humanas de grandeza equivalente como controle, entrega, liberdade, sexualidade, e instinto são também explorados quando Elaine segue Marcellus, ainda na primeira semana de trabalho, até uma casa de swing. Nessa história, médicos, agentes de cuidado, estão em sua própria jornada em busca do que significa estar vivo.
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brunagardel · 3 years
Versão em inglês: Bruna Gardel
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brunagardel · 3 years
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THE HOLISTIC DOCTOR, de Carl Loyal (2021) Versão em inglês: Bruna Gardel
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Elaine Earhart works at the New York Metropolitan Hospital as a hematologist and oncologist. The always diligent doctor is caught off guard when the recently hired Marcellus has a good outcome in one of her cases using an alternative approach: offering attention to the suffering wife of the patient. He leads Dr. Earhart to reconsider her methods and competence, even if she tries to avoid it.
The truth is that much of Elaine's daily life is spent in efforts to maintain the conventional image of success she idealizes. A voluptuous, confident woman; a successful doctor in a successful marriage. This is the way she found to be in control. However, the tension instilled when Marcellus challenges her opinion of herself turns into a point of rupture for Elaine to collapse. Her marriage has been in shambles, extramarital affairs no longer satisfy her need for validation, and the addiction to pills has been aggravating her bipolar disorder. On top of her fragile mental health, a product of her involvement in the suffering of her patients, she still has to figure out why the holistic doctor seems so familiar to her.
In the wake of Elaine’s self-destructive spiral, we learn more about Peter’s exploration of his buried desires, Marcelus’ search to uncover his past and to find his brother, and about the threads that connect them to the hypnotherapist Helena. Such enigmatic bonds, explained by deeply repressed memories, build a narrative that takes the reader by the hand through a dark alley. Chance may seem to be the culprit of these happenings, but upon careful inspection, the reader will realize that fear and desire can be forces of great power, even if unconsciously.
A hospital, a space for healing, lands itself perfectly for major questions to manifest themselves: the vices and virtues of a human being, the several possible meanings of the word “cure”, the will and the fears involved in staying alive. But human issues of equivalent magnitude such as control, surrender, freedom, sexuality, and instinct are also explored when Elaine follows Marcellus into a swing house, in his very first day of work. This book tells the story of doctors, agents of care, on their own journey in search of what it means to be alive.
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brunagardel · 3 years
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GREEN UNIVERSE, by Carl Loyal (2018) Versão em inglês: Bruna Gardel
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An alien group by the name of 'Zeitgeist' shows up at the headquarters of the United Nations to attempt a first contact with humans, and so begins a psychedelic science fiction full of surprises and twists. The alien representative, Hank Rearden, has no defined appearance or gender, changing shape as he wishes, and claims that their only request from humanity and planet Earth is cannabis. In return, they offer various knowledge with the potential of curing serious diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Thus, we are invited to join Chris Werner, a botanist who integrates the task force in charge of interacting and investigating the Zeitgeist group, which is made up of scientists, the FBI, CIA, NSA and the army. The plot puts the characters in various unusual situations, such as abductions, persecutions and ayahuasca sessions, revealing, sometimes comically, and other times unexpectedly, an intricate web of connections that holds the reader captive until the very last line.
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brunagardel · 3 years
IDENTITIES OF TOURISM IN THE TOCANTINS, E-book organizado por Rosane Balsa, Núbia Nogueira do Nascimento, e Mariela Cristina Ayres de Oliveira.
Versão em inglês: Bruna Gardel
Identities of Tourism in Tocantins, organized by Rosane Balsan, Núbia Nogueira do Nascimento and Mariela Cristina Ayres de Oliveira, presents research results and academic performances which help to illustrate and decode an important portion of Tocantins’ natural and cultural heritage. It is possible for the reader, in addition to understanding potential or current tourist processes, to also get to know landscapes, to get to know religious rites and manifestations, to understand the ecological formation and to learn about the regional history of Tocantins. The work is a product of collaboration between 22 scholars and academics at various stages of their professional and life trajectories, which, in itself, would be an exemplary contribution of this book. These generational meetings are manifested in the form of partnerships and mutual learning between undergraduate, graduate students and the more experienced professors, with varied disciplinary origins. And it could not be otherwise, since tourism, as a complex social practice, needs to be scrutinized and thought about from various perspectives. As said by José Saramago, “to know things, you have to turn them around. Turn them all the way around”.
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brunagardel · 3 years
REFLEXÕES E CONTRIBUIÇÕES DE THEODOR ADORNO PARA A EDUCAÇÃO, artigo de César Bressanin e Maria Zeneide de Almeida.
Revisão: Bruna Gardel
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