In case you didn't already notice, I haven't been active much on here or fanfiction writing in general. There are several reasons for that, from losing interest to just being busy in life, and I have decided it's better to leave and move on than to leave anyone hanging and waiting for me to post.
So this is a goodbye, hopefully just for a short while until I get it all figured out.
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Golden Knights, Silver Crowns: Chapter 2
Feliciano and Ludwig struggle with their relationship, but, after receiving Chel's letter, Feliciano devises a plan to fix it.
Their first days together weren't going so well. Aside from waking up way to early for his tastes and actively doing his duties, Feliciano was bothered by his dreams, reminding him of his past.
But it wasn't all too bad. Ludwig was actually interesting to talk to and talking was easy for Feliciano. Not to mention he was getting along well with Romeo, he didn't treat either of the brothers differently because they weren't close in age. Maybe that was something Feliciano needed.
That morning, Ludwig came in his room with news. "There is a letter for you, Your Highness," he says, holding it in his hands.
Feliciano rubbed his eyes and sat on his bed as Ludwig opened the curtains, maids rushing in to bathe and dress him. Feliciano read the letter afterwards. "It's from my girlfriend," he said. He didn't notice as Ludwig's expression turned from neutral to annoyed.
'Darling Feliciano, I am happy that you considered writing to me about your concerns. Unfortunately, I might not be of much help, but I will offer you my advice regardless. You wrote to me that your problem is with your knight, specifically your past with him, right? I do not want to seem rude, but if both of you are so hung up on past then your relationship will only worsen. I believe you should leave it behind and start from scratch. If that does not work then I am afraid you will have to keep up with what you have been doing until now.'
Feliciano nodded along as he read the letter, agreeing with what Chel was saying up until that point. He glanced at Ludwig, wondering if starting from scratch with him was possible. Ludwig wasn't paying any attention to him, helping out the maids in making Feliciano's bed. 'Huh, he's a gentleman when he wants to be?', Feliciano thought. Maybe his memory of Ludwig from the past was messed up by the promise he broke, but it seems like Ludwig is still a good guy. Smiling, he returned to the letter in front of him.
'Putting that aside, how are you doing? It has been long since we last saw each other, I hope you are doing well. That being said, I will be coming in a few days to help plan our announcement ball. I have so many ideas, you will just love them.
See you soon my love,
Right, he forgot about that. He forgot about his engagement announcement ball. Ludwig's return completely sidetracked him from something so important to his future. If his grandma was alive, she would have punished him so hard for ignoring the traditions. "Ludwig," he called out. Letting Ludwig know was the start. "What is my schedule for this week?"
Leaving the maids to finish up with the work in Feliciano's room, Ludwig pulled out a small black notebook. "Mostly studying and training. What is it?" Ludwig said.
"Is there a way you can fit in preparations for guests anywhere in it? And planning for a ball?" Feliciano asked, folding the paper in his hands and putting it back into its envelope.
If it weren't for Ludwig's sternly neutral expression, Feliciano could probably read the confusion off his face. That didn't seem to be the case here. "What for?" Ludwig asked, noticing it's hopeless to expect Feliciano to read the mood.
"My girlfriend Chel will be coming over soon," Feliciano blurted out. "To help prepare for our engagement announcement ball."
Feliciano couldn't see a trace of emotion on Ludwig's face or body, but, on the inside, Ludwig was boiling over with annoyance. Feliciano was already kept on the strict schedule to make a somewhat decent leader out of him, if he gets carried away at the ball, it would ruin everything.
That being said, it wasn't like Ludwig could stop him. He wasn't royal after all.
"I will see what I can do, but I make no promises. If you are going to be busy preparing the ball, that means I have to cut your free Saturdays," Ludwig said, checking the schedule once again.
"Free Saturdays?" Feliciano asked.
"A day off for you and me. You can do whatever you want on Saturdays and I don't have to watch over you as much. We agreed to this when I arrived," Ludwig explained, closing and putting away his notebook. "You haven't been paying attention, have you?"
Well, there goes another possibly good day. Now, Feliciano would have to endure strict lectures from Ludwig for not listening when he should and he is really not in the mood for them. He really shouldn't speak too much. "My bad, I forgot," he apologized, hoping that would at least fix the situation. "But there's no need to cut them. I can plan during the week and on Saturday, I can plan even more because I'll have more time. That way everything would be done much faster, don't you think?"
Ludwig smirked, that's unusual. Feliciano wasn't always much of a thinking type, but Ludwig knew he liked to plan things, even when they were just kids. However, Ludwig knew of the other side to that coin as well. "You will just end up procrastinating it all until the very last day. Am I wrong, Your Highness?" He said.
Feliciano has once again been caught in an inescapable situation, so he just nodded in agreement. Ludwig knew too much about him, he hasn't, changed much from the childhood after all.
Like any other day since Ludwig's arrival, this day was just as long and Feliciano spent it devising a plan. Obviously, his relationship with Ludwig couldn't go on like this, both of them stuck deep in the past, so he needed a new tactic. He considered asking Ludwig about it, if starting over was okay, but that option would only work under set circumstances.
Which is why he was devising the plan in the first place. Feliciano knew his teachers don't care as long as it looks like he's doing something.
Step one was to be really nice to Ludwig for some time, even though Feliciano thought he was being nice from the start, being nicer never hurt anyone.
Step two was to get Ludwig alone, maybe a nice walk through the garden would do. Just make sure that the setting was perfect, maybe it would soften Ludwig's heart.
Step three was to actually talk to him and this was where Feliciano was having difficulties. Talking to Ludwig wasn't hard... in theory. Feliciano had to watch his words a lot and would have to be serious the entire time and that was exhausting. But those dreams were even more exhausting to him than pretending to be serious, he can do this. He will get Ludwig to accept and he will finally move on!
For the reminder of that week, Chel would be arriving Sunday evening, Feliciano was being extra nice to Ludwig. He didn't complain in the morning anymore, he studied, he discussed serious topics with Ludwig, like how to lower taxes for people and increase the income of the kingdom, and was generally very obedient. Seeing as how Ludwig seemed to be more energized and less annoyed at the end of the day with Feliciano, step one seemed to be working.
Feliciano liked this, Ludwig being less angry at him, but the act has made him more exhausted than he expected. He sneaked into Lovino's room one night after bedtime was announced.
"What do you want this late?" Lovino sneered at him, shuffling through some letters, but quickly putting them away as soon as Feliciano flopped down next to him.
"I'm so tired of this," Feliciano complained. "I didn't think being serious would be this hard."
"It figures. Get off my bed," Lovino pushed him off the bed, so Feliciano had no choice but to stay on the floor.
"Ah, I can't wait for this to end so I can go back to my old self anymore. If I have to talk about money one more time, I will die."
"Get used to it, when Nonno and Papa die, it's our job to do it. They will likely split the empire between the three of us as it seems."
"Would you take over my half?"
"No way in hell, deal with your own shit yourself. Leave me out of it."
"If you're done, get out. And turn the lights off and shut the door when you do. I have to catch on my beauty sleep or I'll end up looking like you," Lovino said, adjusting himself in the bed so he faced away from Feliciano.
"Okay. Good night, Lovi," Feliciano said, doing what his brother told him to on his way out.
"Trouble sleeping?" Someone asked as he walked to his room, startling him. He turned around to see Ludwig standing in the hall, arms crossed and holding a torch.
"Not really, just wanted to talk to Lovi. Why are you still up?" He asked.
"I was telling Prince Romeo his bedtime story."
Feliciano's expression softened. Seeing how Ludwig cared for his younger brother made him want to push forward with his plan, he'd like to get to know this new Ludwig without it being influenced by the past. He'd like to be friends with the new Ludwig. "The one with the princess and the dragon?" He asked.
"Yes," Ludwig simply answered as the two walked side by side.
"He told me all about it, I didn't know you could tell stories so well."
"Watching over young kids was a part of my training so I picked it up over time. I don't think I am good at it, but I accept the compliment."
"Well, by Romeo's standards, you're pretty good at it, though you don't have much of a comparison."
"Possibly, I am just glad that he is happy. He is a very good kid and would make a nice ruler one day. You were much more wild when you were younger, Your Highness." There it goes, why did he have to say that?
Why did he have to bring up the past?
Screw the walk through the garden under moonlight, if Feliciano doesn't ask him now, he will never do it.
' It's just a simple question, Feli. No time to be shy. If you don't ask him, you'll just keep on suffering. Just say it, it's not hard', his brain was screaming at him.
"Ludwig?" He called.
"What is it?" Came the response.
"Um, what do you say we...," he trailed off, unsure if this was the right moment to ask such a thing. But he made his choice, he has to do this. "We, uh, start over?"
Ludwig paused in his footsteps, confused. "I beg your pardon?"
Feliciano took a deep breath and looked Ludwig straight into his deep blue eyes. Strange, Feliciano remembered them being much deeper, kinder, there was so much love in those eyes that is now completely gone. Where did it all go? Ludwig's eyes were still beautifully blue, but that's not the same blue Feliciano remembers. Not the same blue he... "What do you say we forget what happened between us in the past and start anew? Become friends as adults?" He asked, all in one breath, hoping that Ludwig understood him.
Ludwig just burst out laughing.
Considering that didn't happen very often, Feliciano would gladly join in the laughter, but he just asked the question that was bothering him for a while and laughing was not the appropriate response, Ludwig! "Why are you laughing?" He asked.
Ludwig finally stopped, straightening himself up. "You must be joking, Feliciano. We can't abandon our past, I can't abandon our past," he answered.
"Why?! Why is it so hard for you to leave it behind?! Why do you have to bring it up every time we talk?!" Feliciano wasn't thinking anymore, he wasn't keeping up the seriousness anymore. Tears were threatening to escape his eyes, no act could keep them behind.
"Because it made me who I am today. Because I promised I would protect you and I am here to do so. I kept my promise even when you forgot and you asking me to throw it away would be throwing myself away. Do you understand, Feliciano? Is it simple enough for you?" Ludwig was back to his seriousness, anger stronger than ever in his voice.
Feliciano couldn't hold it in any longer, Ludwig's tone, the look in his eyes, the walls coming up to squish him from all sides, everything, it was all too much. He broke down in tears, but he could still see that Ludwig wasn't softening up in the slightest. He didn't know why, but it felt like he had been stabbed in the heart a thousand times. "With what an asshole you've become, I'm glad I didn't keep that promise!" He spat out before sprinting to his room. He didn't care who he woke up or who he startled. He just had to get out of there.
He didn't even see the heartbreaking look on Ludwig's face as he ran.
Ludwig collected himself and, instead of running like Feliciano, he walked to his own room. He knew he hurt Feliciano, he could hear him crying all night through the walls, but he doesn't regret what he said. He had been hurt first after all.
That Saturday, neither of them spoke a word to each other. And Sunday seemed to the same, until Princess Chel and her family arrived.
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Drawn Together: Chapter 21
"You know, I was really looking forward to eating some homemade German cooking." Feliciano said. They were currently sitting in a small restaurant not far away from the house. Although Feliciano invited his grandpa to join, he stayed at the house to work through some papers, leaving Ludwig and Feliciano to enjoy stuffing themselves with food alone. "Like you making me something."
Ludwig looked at Feliciano from behind the menu he held. "I am not a good cook. That was always Gilbert's job. I only bake."
"Speaking of, where does Gilbert work? He never showed me."
Feliciano blinked in confusion. "Here as in right here? As in this restaurant?"
"Yes. He is this restaurant's chef."
"That's amazing!"
"He is good at his job, but I am not sure if he likes it or not."
"What do you mean?"
"He gets into fights with other cooks easily."
"Oh... But it's nothing bad, right?"
"Nothing physical at least." Ludwig wanted to say more, but they were interrupted by the waiter. Feliciano stared at Ludwig, puzzled as he tried to make sense of what Ludwig was saying. He really should polish his German.
"I ordered us a Gilbert's special." Ludwig read right through Feliciano.
"I'm that obvious?" Feliciano asked, shocked but laughing.
"In a way."
They talked some more until their food arrived, a large piece of meat covered in gravy with side potatoes and sausages. Feliciano looked at Ludwig, unsure of what to name this dish. "What is this, Ludwig?"
"We call this The Gilbert's Special. It is actually Rinderroulade-," he pointed with his fork at the meat-,"with mashed potatoes and Knockwurst. It isn't a single dish, but more of a combination of dishes."
"It looks too delicious." Feliciano said before cutting up a large piece from the meat and stuffing himself with it. Ludwig watched him with amusement. "Wait, is this beef?"
"It is. Do you not like it?" Ludwig asked, cutting up his own piece.
"I love it. I haven't had proper beef like this in years."
"What do you mean by proper?"
"Not straight out of a package." Feliciano was struggling to speak and eat at the same time, devouring the meat in a matter of seconds, like it was going to grow legs and run away from his plate. "We used to eat proper meat back in Tuscany."
"Tuscany? Aren't you from Venice?" Ludwig asked, puzzled.
"I am, but my grandparents from my dad's side are from Florence. I haven't been there since Romeo was small."
"I see." Ludwig answered, continuing to eat his meal.
Feliciano and Ludwig shared a few small words here and there as they ate, mostly preferring to stay in each other's silence. They were, of course, unaware of Gilbert who was sneaking glances at them from the kitchen and giggling.
"I'm so full... Ludwig, can we cancel everything for today?" Feliciano asked when he was finished, sprawled on the chair like a shirt worn once.
"Only if you plan on exercising double the usual amount tomorrow." Ludwig answered, faint smirk visible on his face.
Feliciano's eyes widened before he stood up, too sudden for his brain as he had to sit down immediately from the dizziness. Ludwig offered him a glass of water. "I was joking, are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah. I am. This happens sometimes." Feliciano laughed awkwardly, massaging the back and sides of his head until the pain passed. When it did, he stood up again, slowly this time. "Should we split the bill?"
"No, I will pay."
"Oh absolutely not. I won't have you paying for my meal as well. No!"
"Feliciano, you are a guest at my house. I can pay our food."
"Over my dead body will you be the only one paying!"
As they argued, they failed to notice Gilbert approaching them, trying his hardest not to laugh at the exchange. Only when he coughed to get their attention did they notice him. "Children, it's all on me and already paid. Now get out." He said before walking back to the kitchen, allowing neither of them to protest.
"So it isn't okay if I offer to pay, but if Gilbert does, it is alright?" Ludwig asked as they walked out.
"Well, he didn't let me argue with him. I'll pay him back when we get home." Feliciano answered.
"I doubt he will accept it."
"I'll make him accept it. I can be very convincing when I want to be."
"I would like to see you try."
Feliciano suddenly got serious as he stared Ludwig right in his blue eyes. He noted Ludwig's eyes looked the best when it was cloudy outside, bringing the bright blue sky in the dark moments.
Normally, Ludwig would start to grow anxious about being stared at so hard by someone. But this wasn't just 'someone', this is Feliciano. He didn't know why but the way Feliciano's irises would soften and expand when he looked at him, eased Ludwig's mind. He could look at Feliciano all day.
"I'm gay." Feliciano finally spoke, dead serious look on his face.
Ludwig blinked in confusion. That came out of nowhere. "What?" He asked.
"I'm gay." Feliciano repeated himself.
It didn't shock Ludwig any less, but... "That was a bit sudden, but I respect you. Thank you for telling me." He managed out. Ludwig really did respect Feliciano, even if his assumption of Feliciano's sexuality was incorrect. As long as they are friends, Ludwig could care less who Feliciano loved.
That's what he was telling himself at least, but deep down, he did care. They were already separated enough by their countries, Ludwig didn't need another person waltzing into Feliciano's life and stealing him away. Even if he knew Feliciano would make time for him when time itself was scarce.
Feliciano smirked at him, turning his head away so Ludwig could be left longing for his calming eyes. "See, you believed me?" He said.
"I don't understand." Ludwig raised his hand as if he was asking the teacher to explain something.
"I told you I'm very convincing. I'm not actually gay, Ludwig."
Ludwig was once again left confused. What just happened?
"Well, I don't have anything against gay people and I don't think dating men would be too bad. Maybe it would in Italy, but my brother is more of an expert on that field. I don't think it matters what's between your legs or what you identify as, as long as you love each other-" Feliciano rambled on, Ludwig half listening, half tuning out.
"So you said you were gay just to prove your point to me? Is that correct?" Ludwig asked.
Feliciano stopped his rambling, nodding. "Yeah."
Ludwig sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Feliciano, I am not all too familiar with LGBT+ issues and jokes, but that was a bad one. Coming out to someone and then saying you were kidding is making fun of their struggles."
Feliciano paused, his brain remembering what happened during that dinner a couple of months ago with their grandpa. In his attempts to prove something to Ludwig, he hurt his own brother, without either of them even knowing it. "Oh." Was all he could manage.
They walked to the park in silence, Feliciano still thinking about what Ludwig said. When they sat in front of a pond to watch ducks, he finally spoke. "Thank you."
"Hm?" Ludwig questioned.
"If you hadn't told me it was bad, I would have probably continued to use that as a joke. You aren't exactly taught this in Italy, where being gay is an insult on its own."
"I can't speak for them, I just know that coming out is very important to them. For that reason, I believe, we should all respect it."
"I never understood it really well. I would just read Tumblr posts about it, but the ones I found were always vague for me."
"From what I know, it is having a secret you can barely tell yourself and sharing it with your family or the world."
"Like being sad when you're smiling and everyone thinks you're happy and you should be happy, but you aren't?"
"That sounds... close." Now Ludwig was worried about Feliciano.
"I've been there." Now Ludwig was very worried about Feliciano.
"Are you alright?" Ludwig asked.
Feliciano smiled. "Yeah. I learned something new today. Learning new things makes me happy."
Ludwig sighed in relief, turning his eyes back to the ducks in front of them.
"And being here, in Germany, with you. It makes me so happy, I could fly."
Ludwig smiled. It made sense for Feliciano to say something like that.
The two of them sat in front of the pond for what felt like hours, talking and commenting ducks. Feliciano occasionally mentioned pigeons to get a laugh out of Ludwig, who never forgot how his drunk brother screamed he was a pigeon for days after the conversation with Feliciano. When they were ready to go home, Feliciano felt something soft rub at the side of his leg. Turning around, he noticed a black cat nuzzling up to him. It was dark, but Feliciano could still see those beautiful, piercing blue eyes staring at him. He let his hand move on its own as he pet the cat, who moved its head into Feliciano's hand. It was a perfect fit and Feliciano was instantly in love.
But it was time to go, so he couldn't pet it longer. And it broke Feliciano's heart really bad. He bid the cat farewell and left with Ludwig. But the cat had other plans, following both of them home. Feliciano wasn't the only one who was in love.
"Ludwig, look at it!" Feliciano squeeled when they arrived home and the cat was right behind them.
"It seems to really like you, Feliciano." Ludwig smiled.
"Ah, I wish I could keep you." Feliciano pet the cat once again, motioning for Ludwig to join in. It didn't seem to like Ludwig as much as Feliciano, but it gladly accepted pets.
"If my dogs get along with it, maybe it could stay here. It looks like a mouser cat, we could use one here."
"There's a lot of mice?"
"They sometimes run around and my dogs are scared of them. Gilbert wanted to suggest we get a snake, but they are scared of them too."
"I'm scared of snakes too, I completely understand." Feliciano shivered at the thought. "Can you go get the doggies so we can see if they like it?"
"You are that intent on keeping this cat? Alright, I will be back soon." Ludwig said, standing up and unlocking the door to the house. Immediately, three dogs raced out of the house and almost tackled Ludwig down. He gave each of them their hello kisses and some dog treats he keeps in his pocket, just in case there is a cute dog outside.
Feliciano picked the cat up, it was really obedient as long as Feliciano kept petting it, and walked to the mess of fur and Ludwig. "Hello!" He greeted the dogs, who went to licking his free hand as a greeting. "We brought a friend with us. Please get along well, pretty please."
The dogs sniffed around the cat as Feliciano placed it down. Neither the cat nor the dogs seemed to mind each other that much, to dogs, it was a new playmate and to the cat, it was a new family. Feliciano was overjoyed and, seeing him like that, Ludwig was too.
"All of you need a bath, though." Feliciano commented as he went to pet Aster, before Berlitz protested and jumped into Feliciano's lap for hugs and pets.
To Ludwig's surprise, the cat, it was actually deep gray and male, was much easier to wash than his dogs. Even Feliciano, who was washing Berlitz and Blackie, seemed surprised by that. His cats would rather die than be touched by water and shampoo, this one was very calm and serious. It reminded Feliciano of Ludwig. "Germouser." He said.
"Hm?" Ludwig asked, rinsing the cat out.
"You said he was a mouser cat. And seeing he's from Germany, his name will be Germouser." Feliciano explained. "Do you like it?" He asked the cat.
The cat meowed at him and Feliciano all but melted right then and there.
By the time Gilbert arrived home from work, the six of them were cuddling on the couch, watching some movies on the TV. Berlitz and Germouser were glued to Feliciano while Ludwig took Blackie and Aster to himself. Gilbert was about to protest having a cat in the house, but the look of happiness on Feliciano's face silenced him. "Just don't let it eat Gilbird." Was all he said before going to his room and passing out.
"Berlitz doesn't usually like new people." Ludwig said at one point.
"Really? He's very cuddly with me." Feliciano asked, petting the sleeping dog's head.
"Yes, he is very shy. Before he came to us, he was in an abusive household and it took him 5 months to warm up to us. And he was still a puppy back then."
Feliciano felt his heart break at the poor dog's past, hoping that whoever abused this lovely dog got what they deserved. "You poor baby. How dare anyone do that to you?"
"Apparently, she got a life sentence in jail. Not only did she abuse animals but she also killed her ex husband for talking to the cashier lady, I believe. It was in newspaper a couple of years ago."
"I hate women like that. If you're certain he loves you, if you married him because you know he loves you, then acting jealous like that is just irrational."
"It is all in the past now, but Berlitz is still recovering. I am glad he gets along with you so well."
Feliciano smiled, his previous anger at the unknown abuser woman now gone. "This is the first time in a while. I'm not much of a dog person."
Ludwig's face fell, but not enough for Feliciano to notice. "You aren't?"
"I was in the past, but not so much since then."
"I see." It still wasn't enough to cheer Ludwig up.
"I had this dog, well, he was actually my grandma's dog and she would bring him when she came for a visit." Feliciano looked at the TV and, for the first time, Ludwig saw distance in his eyes. "I have so many good memories of him. He was a friend unlike any other, better than anyone ever was to me."
Feliciano looked back at Ludwig, but the distance never went away. It was only clouded by glossy glass. Feliciano looked ready to cry. "You kinda remind me of him. The way you follow me into my dumb ideas, even if you know they are going to fail. And you stay."
Feliciano swallowed whatever saliva he had in this mouth and turned his head away. "He was like that and we played all the time, but then... then..." At this point, Feliciano couldn't choke back the tears. He hadn't thought about his friend in years, even if he was always in his heart, and telling Ludwig about him opened up old wounds.
He felt Ludwig wrap his arm around his shoulder, bringing him closer into a hug. "I got you, Feliciano. You don't have to tell me the rest."
Feliciano cried into Ludwig's shoulder for a couple of minutes, telling him how his grandma wrote to him how his dog got eaten by a wolf, even if that was probably untrue. Ludwig said nothing the entire time, knowing how hard it is to lose such a precious friend. It probably hurt Feliciano enough for him to distance himself from dogs. Ludwig understood it all.
"What was his name?" Ludwig simply asked.
"Tsuki." Feliciano managed through tears and sobs.
"Like the Moon." Ludwig said.
"Tsuki is a Japanese word for Moon."
Feliciano laughed. How ironic. "I don't know what species he was but he was white and had large black dots on his body. There was one that went from his ear to his eye so I guess he kind of looked like the Moon."
"He sounds adorable, I wish I could see him."
"I have a framed picture at home with us. For my 4th birthday, my grandma brought him and me and Lovi dressed him up in Romeo's clothes. He looked so cute and funny." It seemed like Feliciano stopped crying.
"You have to show it to me when you get home."
"I will. I'll show you all of the pictures with us, but I have to warn you, I was a really cute kid. So don't go falling in love with me because that would be illegal."
Ludwig laughed and Feliciano joined in, waking up the dogs who moved to their beds and the sofa to sleep, taking their new friend along as well. "We should go to bed as well. Tomorrow, I won't be back until 8 p.m." Ludwig said.
"Oh." Feliciano's face fell. "Right, you have work."
"Yes, but we can have fun after that. Just promise me you won't skip your training tomorrow."
"I'll sleep the day off until your return, Captain." Feliciano saluted to Ludwig, with his left hand.
"I will let Gilbert know then." Ludwig said. "And you salute with your right." Feliciano quickly corrected himself.
"Can I at least sleep with you tonight?"
Ludwig was about to decline, knowing he probably won't get enough sleep for the day ahead of him if Feliciano 'slept' next to him, but seeing how Feliciano just finished crying, he couldn't refuse. Feliciano probably needed it too. "Alright."
"Yes!" Feliciano leaned in to kiss Ludwig's cheek, a thing Ludwig would have to get used to. "Thank you! Let's go then."
They turned off all the lights and the TV and, unlike the previous nights when he would sneak in to sleep with Ludwig, Feliciano didn't go to the guest room at all. Instead, he made himself comfortable next to Ludwig, even if it was a single bed and not his double sized one. "Ludwig?" He called.
Of course Ludwig would get less sleep that night. "Hm?"
"I'm really glad I met you." Feliciano said, smiling before he turned around so his back faced Ludwig.
Ludwig felt his cheeks warm up, still not believing that the two of them actually met and are lying in bed together like this. He wrapped his arm around Feliciano's waist to properly tuck him in. Nights in Germany were cold and Feliciano probably isn't used to that. That's what he told himself to justify his action. Turning around so their backs faced each other, Ludwig whispered. "Me too, Feliciano." And just like that, the two of them drifted into the world of dreams.
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I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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Golden Knights, Silver Crowns: Chapter 1
Feliciano is the young prince of Roma Nova just living his best life, but when his childhood friend returns to keep his promise to him, the world turns upside down. His biggest concern, aside from keeping his own part of the promise, is that he's slowly growing fond of his new knight. Request by @mybrainbutonpaper, I hope you like it.
Feliciano didn't expect them to meet again like this in the slightest. Yet somehow, seeing his old friend standing before him dressed like he was off to some distant war, brought him a bitter taste in his mouth.
His grandfather, King Augusto, stood beside his old friend. Feliciano would swear on his dead mother's soul that he seemed a bit too giddy about this whole situation. Feliciano had no idea what the situation was, but if Ludwig was involved, it surely was important.
Ludwig had grown a lot since Feliciano last saw him and he had to admit he grew up pretty handsome as well. He slicked back his blond hair and his eyes were now piercing their way into Feliciano's skull, like they were analyzing him. Ludwig was also dressed neatly, his armor was nicely polished and his cape like it was made yesterday just for him. He rested one arm on his sword, like he didn't trust anyone in the room, even if it was only them.
Feliciano, on the other hand, looked like he just rolled out of his bed, which was true actually. The maids rushed him awake as soon as Feliciano was called by his grandfather and he slept his way through the dressing, wearing tight brown pants and a white blouse, which he slightly opened to let himself breathe. Overall, he was underdressed for this occasion. And his hair wasn't even brushed.
"Well, I see none of you are willing to start a conversation so it is down to me. Feli, I'm sure you remember Ludwig?" King Augusto started, getting impatient at their quietness. Feliciano nodded, so he continued. "He recently got promoted to the highest knight rank and he came to ask me a favor. He wants to become your personal knight, meaning he will be in charge of your training, studying, protection...," he rambled on and Feliciano chose to shut him out, staring back at Ludwig.
Feliciano spoke first once King Augusto stopped listing Ludwig's duties. "You kept your promise?" He said it like a whisper, but loud enough for Ludwig to hear.
"You didn't," was all Ludwig said and at his words, Feliciano felt that bitter taste return. He didn't expect Ludwig to return from Germaniae at all, let alone still remember the promise they made as kids.
If Ludwig is here to be his personal knight, then Feliciano is in for a lot of changes.
Ludwig already got his hands on Feliciano's schedule for the day, informing Feliciano that, since it was the first day and a bit unexpected (Feliciano would disagree, it was very unexpected), they will go easy on his duties that day. Starting tomorrow, it was going to be a living hell for Feliciano. No prince wakes up at 5 in the morning anymore, Ludwig! For now, it was just the two of them, walking to Feliciano's study room for geometry lessons, very silently and awkwardly.
"So," Feliciano broke the ice first, "how was Germaniae? How is your brother?" Of course Feliciano would forget his childhood friend's brother's name, but at least he tried.
Ludwig was quiet at first, like he was thinking of an answer. "Home was nice. Gilbert is good too, he will be coming in a few days." And of course Ludwig noticed Feliciano forgot his brother's name.
"I see you're still not very talkactive," Feliciano smiled.
"You say it like it is a bad thing."
It was a good feeling to know that some things never truly change, comforting even. A lot has changed about and around them in the past years, but at least the core things stayed the same.
"It's good to have you back, Ludwig," Feliciano said somewhat melancholically.
"Thank you," Ludwig responded, his response lacking some emotion.
The rest of the walk was quiet, but not uncomfortable. Once they made it to the study room, Ludwig left his side, telling him that he will return when his lessons are finished. Usually, Ludwig should stay with Feliciano at all times, but since it was only day one and there was no danger to Feliciano inside, he could relax a bit.
Feliciano has never felt so bored in his life as much as he did in those 3 hours of geometry lessons. Only his thinking and imagination kept him occupied at the time. There was too much happening all of a sudden, making his brain go wild. Ludwig was back and he is his personal knight and his mentor still thought Feliciano would be building pyramids so he needed to know the Pythagorean theorem. Who even is that guy? As soon as the maid walked by to announce the time, marking the end of his lessons, Feliciano bolted out.
It was breakfast time and, although a maid threw a piece of bread in his mouth for him to chew as they were dressing him up, Feliciano felt like he could eat the entire castle. As he was rushing down the halls, he bumped into Ludwig and knocked them both down.
"I'm sorry!" Feliciano said, rubbing his head. He noticed Ludwig changed his clothes into something less shiny and hard, but it hurt Feliciano nevertheless upon impact. He quickly got up. "Food," was all he said before continuing to run.
Ludwig grabbed him before he got too far, brushing his hair. "No running," he said, "food will not run away if you walk."
Feliciano didn't want to argue with Ludwig now, allowing himself to be escorted by him to the dining room. Lovino and Romeo should already be there, alongside his grandfather.
The dining room was spacious, it needed to be to fit a table as large as theirs. King Augusto also had a policy that every servant in the castle had to eat with them at the same table, going as far as to punish those who disobeyed the rule with more work. When Ludwig and Feliciano arrived, it was already full and the food was set.
"There you two are," King Augusto greeted them, "we were just about to start eating."
Feliciano sat down next to Romeo, his younger brother, ruffling his hair. Romeo was only 5 so he didn't know Ludwig and Feliciano introduced them. Ludwig sat down next to Feliciano, on the opposite side of Lovino.
Lovino, the oldest and the heir to the throne, stared at Ludwig with a scowl. He remembers Ludwig when he was a kid, the two never liked each other for some reason. Ludwig just nodded to him as a greeting.
He looked around the room, servants were already drooling over the food in front of them, having waited for the last member of the royal family. But it wasn't that which caught Ludwig's attention. It was the two empty seats, one next to Lovino and the other at the very end of the table, opposing King Augusto.
Feliciano seemed to notice Ludwig eyeing the two empty seats, pulling him closer to whisper in his ear. "If you're wondering one is for my mother and the other for my grandma," he said. Ludwig responded by nodding, not wanting to stick his nose where it didn't belong.
One thing Ludwig found odd about their meals was how lively they were. Normally, people would be quiet when eating, but in Roma Nova they were talking even when food was spilling out of their mouths. He already felt like a stranger, quietly eating his food.
The breakfast had dragged on for what felt like hours to Ludwig and he was glad when it was finally finished, all servants scattering to clean everything and back to their duties. The royal family was the last to leave, staying a bit longer just to talk.
Ludwig felt a tug at his side as he was leaving, turning around to see Feliciano's brother, young prince Romeo. "Hello," Ludwig greeted.
Romeo smiled at him, "Hello. My name is Romeo. Are you here to take care of Feli?"
Ludwig's heart almost melted, this boy was so young and already so polite. He remembers Feliciano being a whole lot more wild when he was his age. "Yes, I am," Ludwig answered.
"I have to warn you, he's a lot of trouble," Romeo said and Feliciano turned around to pinch his cheeks, overhearing their conversation.
"Do not worry, Young Prince, I can handle him." Romeo didn't respond, screaming at Feliciano for pinching his cheeks.
Ludwig saw Romeo once again when he finished dragging Feliciano to the rest of his lessons, playing alone in the halls. As soon as Romeo spotted him, he ran up to him, "Ludwig, do you want to play with me?" He asked.
"What are you playing?"
"Dragons!" The way Romeo exclaimed that instantly proved to Ludwig that he really is Feliciano's brother.
"Alright then," Ludwig said. "Do you have a story to go with your play?"
Romeo paused, sticking his finger in his mouth. "Not really, I'm just playing around."
"Would you like for me to give you a story?" Ludwig asked.
Ludwig proceeded to tell Romeo a story about a knight who got turned into a dragon by an evil wizard and about a princess he loved and took to protect against her father, the evil wizard. Romeo appeared to like the story, seeing as he didn't move during the entire time Ludwig was telling it to him. Their time talking was cut short when Feliciano came storming out of his class, finally done for the day.
"I'm going to take a nap," he said, out of breath. Ludwig parted ways with Romeo, who was still starry eyed after Ludwig's story, and escorted Feliciano to his room.
"Was it fun?" Feliciano suddenly asked. "Talking to my brother?"
"Yes, he is much more mature than you were his age," Ludwig answered.
Feliciano smiled, "Of course he is, he doesn't have the childhood I had."
"May I ask in what sense?"
"Mom is not here. I had her to raise me normally and freely, Romeo doesn't have that. All he has is Lovi and me," Feliciano's smile long gone from his face, he clutched his hands.
"I am sorry about your loss, Feliciano. I remember how close you were to your mother," Ludwig said.
"I'm fine. She didn't die in vain and she is still remembered as our kingdoms finest princesses. People knowing how kind she was is enough for me to feel better."
"I understand."
They reached Feliciano's room, and as Ludwig was starting to walk away from him, Feliciano grabbed him. "I'm sorry, Ludwig. For not keeping my side of the promise," he said and closed the doors.
Ludwig walked away.
Feliciano had a dream from the past that night. An old memory. He was swinging around with his wooden sword, playing with a kid with blond hair.
"I'll be leaving soon."
"I'm leaving for Germaniae to train. I'm going to become a knight and when I do, I'll come back to you."
"Do you promise?"
"Yes. But only if you promise me something else."
"What is it?"
"Promise me that-"
Feliciano woke up sweaty and shaking, the memory of that day burned deeply in his heart. More than ever he wished for his mother to be still alive now. She would know how to help with the pain he felt. He got up from his bed and walked to his desk, beginning to write a letter to the only other person he knew could help, his fiancee Chel.
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Drawn Together: Chapter 20
Not dead yet, woo hoo!
It took a couple of days to adjust to the new setting.
"3... 4... Come on, Feliciano, you can do better than 4." Ludwig said, holding a timer as he sat by Feliciano's side.
"I'm pretty sure 4 is my limit now." Feliciano answered, laying face down on the floor. The reason? He was trying to do push ups, according to Ludwig, an important part of training to lose weight.
"Come on, you have 5 more seconds." Ludwig encouraged... sort of.
Feliciano tried to go through with one last push, but his hands gave up and he was met with the floor again. He cried as his nose collided with Ludwig's hard, polished floor.
Ludwig stopped the timer, flipping Feliciano over. "Well, that's one more than it was yesterday." Feliciano smiled at the encouragement as Ludwig offered him his hand to help him up. "Get your refreshments, we're running today." He said and Feliciano's smile fell. As well as maybe his eyes.
This was how the two spent their days now, the awkward first day now long behind them. Feliciano absolutely enjoyed spending his days like this, Ludwig had classes in the morning, but had the whole afternoon just for Feliciano. That didn't mean that Feliciano was allowed to sleep the morning away. Gilbert made sure that won't be the case. If Ludwig got to spend the whole afternoon with Feliciano, then Gilbert had every right to keep him occupied in the morning.
As for Grandpa Rome, he usually had meetings in the morning and worked the afternoon off. Feliciano never really saw him working like that, he always thought his grandpa would do his job with a wink on his face, given how he didn't talk about it much. Coming to Germany and seeing his grandpa so hardworking was an experience. He didn't talk much to either of the Beilschmidts and even when he did, it was almost always to Gilbert. Feliciano got the vibe that his grandpa didn't really like Ludwig much.
Gilbert was his own special case of happy to have Feliciano here. Although he worked the afternoon, being a chef wasn't easy, he spent most of his free time showing Feliciano around Berlin. Occasionally, Elizabeta and her husband, Feliciano learned his name was Roderich and that he was the inspiration behind the character Rod, would drop by. Elizabeta was overjoyed to see Feliciano after so long, but Roderich kind of scared him. Ludwig told Feliciano that Roderich and Gilbert had a rocky relationship since birth, especially since Elizabeta came into the play. Things are better now that Gilbert has moved on though.
Ludwig wasn't the type to show it, but he was happy that Feliciano was living with him for a short while. They didn't do as much sightseeing as Feliciano would like, but they enjoyed their long talks, often lasting deep in the night. Ludwig was sure that Feliciano could never truly run out of things to talk about. The same seemed to be the case now, and, truth to be told, Ludwig was amazed by Feliciano's ability to talk while running. Even if he wouldn't call that running.
Feliciano was fast walking behind Ludwig, talking about birds. From what Ludwig could gather, Venice was filled with birds all year round and Feliciano was surprised by the lack of them in Germany. There were birds, but it wasn't the same amount.
"It probably has something to do with feeding them. We don't really feed them much here." Ludwig commented, slowing down until he was 'walking' by Feliciano's side.
"Probably, tourists in Italy don't know any better than to feed them. And I'm pretty sure they are told not to do that." Feliciano said.
"That just makes them assholes for not listening."
"Agreed. Hey, Ludwig?"
"You don't have to go anywhere tomorrow, right? Since it's Saturday."
Ludwig paused to think. He didn't have work the whole week since Feliciano was here and he considered working that weekend, but he could postpone that consideration. Feliciano was giving him one of the cutest puppy eyes he had the privilege of seeing after all. "No. I am free all day. Why?"
Feliciano smiled. His smile shined so brightly, Ludwig had to look away from it. "Well, when I was walking around with Gilbert yesterday, I saw some interesting movies. Wanna go with me?"
Ludwig nodded. "Sure, why not. When is it playing?"
"Well, I was hoping you would choose the movie because I'm really bad at making decisions, but I can give you a list of some of the interesting ones. So you can pick the movie and the time." Feliciano fiddled with his fingers, his pace slowing even more, he wasn't even running at this point.
"If that is what you want. I think we should go for a dinner out as well. You said you wanted to try some German food."
"As expected from Ludwig, you remember everything!"
"Not everything..." Ludwig turned his head away, shy at the sudden compliment.
"Well everything about me. It's like we're having a date tomorrow! What do you call a date between friends, though?"
"Friend date, maybe."
"Friend date with Ludwig, yay!"
"Aren't you excited." Ludwig stated and Feliciano would swear on his art collection that he saw a smirk on his face.
"I've been excited since I came here. I'm having so much fun!"
"Alright then. Now finish your running." Ludwig said and Feliciano whined.
That evening, Gilbert was greeted by a series of yelling coming from the living room. From the looks of it, it seemed like Elizabeta and Roderich came over, he could hear Elizabeta's voice a mile away.
He entered the living room to see Feliciano, Ludwig and Elizabeta playing a board game and Elizabeta seemed to be losing. "What y'all doing?" He asked.
"Playing Ludo." Feliciano answered, rolling a 2 on the dice and moving his yellow piece. He had all 4 of them out, 2 in the 'house' area and the other two on their way.
Ludwig rolled after Feliciano, rolling a 6, not that it was a surprise for Gilbert because his brother was good at these games. He moved his green piece and stood at the front of his 'house', waiting. It was his last piece out of it.
Elizabeta had tough luck, having only 1 of her red piece in the 'house' area and 3 not out yet. She rolled a 3 and it seemed to piss her off even more. If she was going to lose, she didn't want to lose like this.
Gilbert sat down to watch their game, too late to ask to join in. He talked a bit to Ludwig about his day at work, distracting him. In the end, Feliciano won because Ludwig wasn't paying attention and Feliciano kicked him out in front of his house area, seizing his victory. Ludwig didn't care and Elizabeta ended up losing, only getting halfway through with her second one.
Gilbert joined in for round two and it looked like it was going to be a tie between him and Ludwig, until Elizabeta kicked both of them out and Gilbert flipped the table. It was then when they decided to go eat something.
"So, when are you two going to watch that movie?" Gilbert asked.
"Tomorrow-" Both Feliciano and Ludwig started, but Ludwig let Feliciano finish his sentance.
Feliciano smiled, Ludwig was really nice. "Tomorrow morning, so we have the whole afternoon for play time."
"Aw, that's so sweet. You two are already going on dates together." Elizabeta cooed, causing both of their cheeks to flush.
"It's a friend date, Eliza. Not like that date." Feliciano said, wiggling his thumbs together.
"Keep telling yourself that, honey. We'll see in a few months."
"Betty, stop." Ludwig interjected. "It is uncomfortable."
Elizabeta sighed. "You two are no fun."
That was the last all of them spoke together, too distracted with their own conversations to notice other ones. Ludwig and Feliciano, mostly Feliciano, talked the entire time, unaware that Gilbert and Elizabeta were watching them closely, almost giggling.
Elizabeta left to go home after dinner, despite what Gilbert previously thought, she didn't bring Roderich with her. Kissing and hugging Feliciano, she bid them goodbye just as Grandpa Rome returned home.
He greeted them before turning to Feliciano. "Why aren't you in bed?" He asked. It was only then that they all looked at the clock to see 1 a.m. flashing before their eyes. Elizabeta hurried home and Feliciano leaned in to kiss Ludwig on his cheek, causing the latter to blush furiously.
"What was that for?" Ludwig asked, eyes everywhere but on Feliciano, Grandpa Rome noticed.
"It's a goodnight's kiss. You don't do that here?" Feliciano said, confused.
"Not really, no. Is it common in Italy?"
"Kind of, yeah."
If it weren't for Grandpa Rome's deadly stares and Gilbert's jumping behind Feliciano, begging him for a kiss as well, this whole situation would have been too awkward for them to deal with. But, they both brushed it off as a misunderstanding. Feliciano noted that Ludwig might want a warning before a kiss next time.
Kissing Gilbert good night, Feliciano and his grandpa retreated to bed. Gilbert and Ludwig stayed up a little longer, probably to clean any mess they left. Feliciano knew that because as soon as he noticed them go to their own rooms and as soon as his grandpa fell asleep, he sneaked out.
He had been to Ludwig's room a couple of times, mostly during the day. Ludwig was a very clean person so his room was neatly organized. Ludwig was the exact opposite to Feliciano, who was a mess of a being. "Ludwig, are you awake?" He asked.
Ludwig must have been taken by surprise because he shuffled loudly in his bed, turning on the light to see Feliciano at his door. "Feliciano?"
"Can I come in?"
"Sure. What is wrong?"
Feliciano made his way to Ludwig, sitting on the floor by his bed, even when Ludwig offered him to sit on his bed. "I wanted to say sorry for making you uncomfortable tonight. I'm just used to kissing my brothers goodnight so I forgot it's not exactly the same everywhere else." He blurted out fast, playing with the one curl always sticking out, a trademark of Vargas family.
Ludwig blinked the confusion away. "It is alright, I was just surprised. You didn't have to come here this late just for that."
"Well, maybe I had other reasons. I like talking to you after all." Feliciano smiled.
"You still have things to talk about even at the end of the day?"
"Yes. I can't get everything out of my system in just one day."
"Do they even let you talk at home?"
Feliciano went quiet at that question, afraid to answer it. "They do, but they don't really listen like you do."
Ludwig nodded. "I see."
"Have you ever felt like that, Ludwig? Like you're just talking to yourself even when there's people around you?" Feliciano asked, avoiding looking at Ludwig.
"Sometimes. I don't talk to others all that much. I don't have many friends and all the talk with my colleagues is just work or homework oriented." Ludwig stared at the ceiling, a bit of white paint was starting to chip off from it.
"I was like that in school, too. And even then everyone would just ignore everything I said. Even my teachers would sometimes tell me to shut up when I tried to talk about the things I liked. So I just-"
"Stopped." They both said at the same time, causing a few giggles.
"That's why I like talking to you, Ludwig. You listen to what I have to say. I've never had anyone listen to me like that before."
"I believe that the other person always has something important to say, even if it is something as simple as 'hello'."
"Do you believe the things I say are important too?"
Ludwig blushed again, not that Feliciano would notice in the dark. "Yes."
They ended up talking a lot more that night, Ludwig eventually got Feliciano to sit in his bed as they talked. Feliciano talked about everything that his mind could think about and Ludwig talked mostly about the dogs he saw that day. In the end, they both collapsed on Ludwig's bed, cuddling close together.
Gilbert woke them both up that morning, noticing that they were nowhere to be found 2 hours before the movie starts. Seeing that Feliciano wasn't sleeping next to him in the morning when he woke up, Grandpa Rome was very suspicious. Those suspicions only confirmed themselves when they found them sound asleep together in Ludwig's room, Gilbert snapping a few pictures for Elizabeta.
Feliciano wouldn't lie, that was probably the best sleep he got since birth. Nothing was hurting him, he didn't dislocate anything and life was good. Despite sleeping only 4 hours max, he felt well rested and energetic. Ludwig was the same, even if he did wake up with Feliciano's drool all over his pajamas.
They quickly got ready for the movie and speed run to it, Ludwig refused for them to take a bus, saying it was a good exercise to run for the cinema. They made it in time, buying their tickets and going for a little ice cream break before it starts.
Said movie was the most boring thing Feliciano watched in his life, but he didn't complain. The movie didn't matter to him in the slightest, just the fact that he got to spend more time with Ludwig. He got a good laugh out of Ludwig's head movements whenever a questionable scene came up. Boy just couldn't decide where to move his head in order to look away.
It didn't feel right to go home as soon as the movie was over so the two of them decided to take a walk. It wasn't as cloudy as it normally was that day and they took absolute advantage of it, walking towards a small park Feliciano spotted earlier.
"There are so many flowers here, it's amazing." Feliciano commented, picking every flower he deemed pretty enough to paint when they came back. He stopped in the field of daisies. "You know, I think daisies are very underrated among flowers."
"Why is that?" Ludwig asked, he already knew Feliciano loved daisies, but he wanted to hear why.
"Because there's always a lot of them and people don't really notice them all that much, but if they weren't there, the world would be boring. You know what I mean?" Feliciano ranted, picking a handful of daisies.
"I understand. You are saying that just because they are small, it doesn't mean that they aren't enough to make someone else's day better." Ludwig offered to hold some of Feliciano's flowers.
"Exactly! They are really small, but they are one of my favorites and they remind me of when mom was still living with us and I would pick them up and give it to them. They always make me smile because of that." Even now Feliciano was smiling at the memory.
"I think that is a nice reason to like them. Did you know that they belong in the same category as cornflowers do?"
"I don't really understand flower categories, but I like cornflowers too."
"They were my favorite when I was younger. I used to pick them up and give them to Gilbert a lot. I can teach you some things about flowers I know." Ludwig smiled. Gilbert used to call him an endangered species whenever he would do that, saying that no living being on Earth could compare to how cute Ludwig was when he was a kid.
"You know I would like that very much."
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So, FYI you guys, sometimes if you go to your favorite writers and flail at them a lot about how much you love their fics with lots of specific examples, they will let you read thousands of words of their unpublished WIPs and you can flail even more. Also sometimes after that you get to be friends, too, and help them come up with ideas. And vice versa! This is pretty much the best thing in the world and it is called fandom.
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Hey! Hey! Yes, I'm on here too and glad you're still loving that fic. ❤
Prank War: Axis vs. Allies
The Axis trio is stranded on a deserted island again, but this time, instead of fighting them, they decide to prank the Allies. A gift for Azusicle on AO3.
They were stranded. Again. And it was the least of their troubles.
“I’m boreeed.” Italy whined, rolling around in the sand with nothing but his boxers on. “Let’s do something fuun.”
Germany and Japan sat in the rare spots of shade that could be found on the beach, cooling themselves down and discussing escape plans. Well, they would discuss them if it weren’t for the Italian. “You have an entire ocean in front of you, go for a swim or something if you’re bored.” Germany groaned.
“But Germaaany, I’ve been swimming all day. My skin would get all soggy if I swim any more.” Italy complained.
“Then do something else, we’re busy here.” Germany sighed. “Go take a walk or something.”
Italy pouted as he realized there was no way for either of them to come and play with him. He stood up and went to take the ordered walk around the island’s forests.
Keep reading
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Drawn Together: Chapter 19
Posting the longest chapter so far on The Longest Day, it might have been a bit too planned out...
Time is passing. Sometimes, it passes slowly, like it's stuck in the middle of a math class as the teacher proceeds to slowly discuss everything written on board. Sometimes, it passes faster than the blink of an eye, like weekends when one doesn't have to study. Time is indifferent to the world's issues. It just moves on.
And time moving on was the last thing Feliciano needed.
"Just pack the essentials, you don't have to bring an entire art studio." Grandpa Rome complained, standing in front of Feliciano's door.
Feliciano rolled his eyes, packing what would hopefully be his last sketchbook. "You said it yourself, Nonno, we don't know how long we'll stay in Germany. I want to be prepared." He attempted to squeeze a full pencil case into the suitcase.
"You can buy paper and pencils there. If you keep it up like that, they won't let us board the plane because of how heavy your luggage is."
"Don't worry. I packed less clothes."
Grandpa Rome gasped. "You packed an entire art studio but only packed 2 to 3 changes of clothes? Where is your priority, Feliciano?"
"Art is my priority. Besides, Ludwig has classes for most of the day which means I won't be leaving their house all that much for sightseeing." Feliciano raced across his room to pack a portable canvas stool. It would come in handy for his poor back. "Also, they have a washing machine in case my clothes get dirty."
"That's it, you're doing it all wrong." Grandpa Rome said, having had enough of Feliciano's chaotic packing. He picked everything out from the suitcase, laying it nicely on the bed. "I don't mind you packing all this art stuff, but at least equalize it." He examined the pile in front of him, placing the clothes back in the suitcase. "Bring more clothes, first of all. Second of all, you don't need half of this stuff. You can store the pencils, brushes and paper all in your canvas stool."
As Grandpa Rome counted off all the possibilities, Feliciano realized how much more sensible they were. He was just so used to having everything in their special boxes, he forgot how space consuming it all was. However, there was still one more problem he had to solve. "And what about the paint?" Feliciano asked.
Grandpa Rome glanced at him like he had just been asked where the dinosaurs went. "Don't you still have that package of acrylics I brought to you a year ago?"
Feliciano's face was almost drained of all color. He had somehow misplaced that package a while ago and his grandpa still had no idea. "Well," he tried to think of something. "I had it and I used it and, you know-"
"You ran out again, didn't you?" Grandpa Rome asked, thankfully not picking up on the lie. Feliciano nodded shyly. "If you ran out, you could have said something. You know I'd buy you a new one if you asked." Grandpa Rome sighed.
"I didn't want to be selfish..." Feliciano said, bringing some more clothes to pack as his grandpa told him to.
"It's not selfish, Feliciano. I love you boys and I want you to have nice things. Asking for something you like every once in a while isn't selfish." Grandpa Rome hugged him, brushing Feliciano's hair with his fingers, just like grandma would do.
"I guess..." Feliciano said. "But I like it better when you buy me something because it reminded you of me and not because I asked."
Grandpa Rome smiled, breaking the hug. "You grew up really sweet, didn't you? Just like your mom." There was a pained expression behind his eyes. He raised these boys instead of their parents, work having taken them away from each other, away from their children. Life is a cruel game.
"I wish they'd visit us..."
"Me too, Feliciano. Me too..."
Just as Grandpa Rome reached for another hug, a buzz of the phone interrupted him. Feliciano giggled, he knew who was the conversation intruder. He had been as eager to see Feliciano as Feliciano was to seeing him. "Ludwig... he ruined the mood." He commented, leaving his grandpa aching for another hug as he went to answer the phone.
"Hi!" Feliciano said, nodding to his grandpa that it was his cue to leave the room. Grandpa Rome rolled his eyes, but did as he was told.
"Hey..." A strong voice came from the phone. "I am guessing you are still in Italy since you are answering my call."
"Yup! Have not moved from my room yet, Captain, stuck a bit on packing and stuff." Feliciano giggled.
"I see. I realized I forgot to ask if there was a specific place your grandpa has business in. Because travelling might be a problem..." Ludwig said. Feliciano noted the worried tone in his voice.
"Well, as long as you're close to Berlin, it shouldn't be a problem." Feliciano answered. "How are you doing though? Are you excited?"
"I am doing well. I am really excited for you to come, although the book isn't really finished." Ludwig said. "It is a good thing we moved to Berlin for my college." Feliciano swore he could almost hear a chuckle coming from Ludwig, but it was so faint he thought he imagined it.
"Yes! That means Nonno can do all the work and we can go sightseeing together when you're not busy."
"Thank the universe you aren't coming during the exam month otherwise we wouldn't be able to do that."
"Why thank the universe?"
"Just an expression I use."
"Oh, I see. Well, I'm almost packed. Will you be at the airport to meet us when we land?"
"Of course. Berlin isn't like Venice, you would probably get lost if you didn't know the exact route."
"Coming from someone who has never been in Venice, I think I have some chance." Feliciano chuckled. "I can't wait to come to Germany, Ludwig. I'm so excited, I think I might cry!"
"Don't cry, just pack."
"Oh, you're right! I'm not done yet. Oh and," Feliciano rushed his packing, but paused as he remembered something. "What kind of pasta do you have in Germany? I was thinking of bringing some of ours, but Nonno says they won't let me at the airport. That's so mean, what if I get hungry and they don't serve pasta?"
"It isn't like you could cook it on the plane..." Ludwig trailed off, Feliciano's brain sometimes confused him so much. "I think we have decent enough pasta. Every store has some imported goods from Italy so you should probably be good. Barila, I believe, is Italian?"
"Yes! But you're saying it wrong, it's Barilla."
"No. Double l, not double i. It's like that German s, the one that looks like b."
"Yes! Perfetto!" Feliciano rejoiced when Ludwig finally said it right. "Barilla is good enough. I can live with Barilla."
"I hope you can, but you should also try some German dishes."
"Oh, I will. Will you make me some?"
"If... if you insist."
"Yes! Thank you, Ludwig! I can't wait to meet you for real, but I have to go now. Packing..."
"Yes, go already. I hope to see you soon, but with this speed it won't happen before the next Millenium."
"Why so cruel? I gotta go. Bye bye, Ludwig. See you soon."
"Goodbye, Feliciano." With that, Feliciano hung up, returning to his packing.
That night, Feliciano could barely get any sleep, tossing and turning with expectations of what the next day will bring. He had to be up early for the day, the way to the airport was long after all. When sleep finally took over Feliciano's body, he dreamed of his friend. One he was just a few hours from meeting.
"If you want to go to Germany, maybe wake up first." Someone's voice moved around the room, before Feliciano felt the early May sun gently brushing his face, but boiling his eyes to death.
He rubbed his eyes awake, almost ready to complain at whoever, it was Grandpa Rome, woke him up so early. Remembering he had to go to Germany stopped him in that action, rushing to get ready for the trip. Feliciano quickly brushed his teeth, swallowed a smaller piece of bread and got himself dressed up.
Parting from Lovino and Romeo was harder. Feliciano never spent too much time away from his brothers, a couple of days at most, and he was never away from home for long. This was all completely new to both him and his brothers.
"Don't cause too much trouble." Romeo said, arms squeezing the breath out of Feliciano.
"I'll try not to." Feliciano mumbled with what air he had left.
"If he robs you or something, it's your own fault." Lovino commented, a sardonic expression clear on his face. "I warned you."
"We'll be fine, but thank you for your kindness." Feliciano replied as sarcastically as it was possible for him. So not too much. It still earned him a pinch on his shoulder by Lovino, somewhat playful in nature.
"Boys, we will be back as soon as possible. I want you on your best behaviors and no bringing girlfriends or boyfriends after 9 p.m. in the house. Do you understand?" Grandpa Rome parted from Lovino and Romeo as well, holding Lovino a bit tighter that he usually would.
Lovino and Romeo nodded, closing the door after their grandpa and brother left, returning to their normal lives. But mostly, they went back to bed.
As much as Feliciano was looking forward to this trip, he felt sudden waves of nausea. He wondered if it was a good decision, if he should have just stayed home with his brothers. He already missed them. Yet, at the same time, Feliciano was really on fire for this trip. Years of wishing just to catch a glimpse of Germany were now finally coming to life. And his best friend will be there, waiting for him. Feliciano didn't know hot to describe this feeling. He was finally fulfilling his dream, but he felt anxious about it. Despite it all, he refused to let Grandpa Rome notice, afraid that if he did, he would send him back home. And Feliciano could not take that, determined to see the infamous Germany no matter what.
Only that travelling by Vaporetto to Marco Polo Airport took ages.
"Well, this is boring." Feliciano complained, about halfway on their way.
"I can't help you there." Grandpa Rome chuckled. "I've gotten used to this view by now. Take it in as much as possible, Feliciano."
"I can't. I'm just-," he stumbled over words, "excited." Managing out, Feliciano attempted to look around. Sure, the sea was beautiful in the Venetian Lagoon, although not the cleanest, but right now it held no meaning to Feliciano. His body was shaking on the travel boat, so much so that he believed the boat itself shaked.
"Well, your generation is always on the phone. Why don't you play with it as well?" Grandpa Rome asked sarcastically, although he appreciated Feliciano's tries to spend as little time as possible on the phone.
"It didn't charge a lot last night so I'm saving my battery."
"You spend the whole night on it again?!"
"What?" Feliciano jumped at Grandpa Rome's sudden change of tone. "No, I just couldn't sleep so I listened to some music. And it's been draining out a lot more quicker..."
"I see. Perhaps you need a new one then."
"No." Feliciano whined. "Transferring stuff from one phone to another takes a while. I don't have that much time."
Grandpa Rome rolled his eyes, but said nothing for the rest of their ride.
Upon arriving, they stopped shortly to eat their premade breakfast. Feliciano complained at the lack of coffee, but he knew better than to take one from the vending machine. Never trust vending machines. Sometimes they give you some absolutely disgusting tea instead of milk coffee. Feliciano tried it one time, it was just tea with coffee 'flavor'. Needless to say, he would never repeat that mistake again.
Before they knew it, they boarded the plane. Grandpa Rome made sure he brought their tickets at least a thousand times before they left home and on Vaporetto, so everything run smoothly at the airport. And their plane was huge, not really pretty on the inside, but so big you could fit their entire house in it. Unfortunately, Feliciano was too tired to admire the plane's size, falling asleep soon after they took off. He had about two hours to catch on his sleep, which he so desperately needed for Germany.
Feliciano slept through most of the landing and everything, but it took every little bit of willpower not to storm out of the plane. Grandpa Rome laughed at his enthusiasm, never understanding why Germany was a big deal to Feliciano. It was just another country after all.
As they stepped out of the plane and looked for their luggage in the Schönefeld Airport, Feliciano remembered he still had to let Ludwig know they landed safely. Pulling out his phone, he entrusted Grandpa Rome to take care of their luggage, with how decorated Feliciano's suitcase was, he should have no problems with it.
His phone rung, a sound that was always bound to get Feliciano's heart racing with either anxiety or excitement. Today was the first time his heart raced with both of those feelings, until-
"Hello?" A familiar voice answered.
"Hi Ludwig!" Feliciano greeted, nearly bouncing and falling on his nose. "Guess where I am?"
"Hopefully not stuck in Italy." Ludwig answered stoically, but Feliciano could hear the faint excitement in his voice.
"Nope! I'm in Germany!" Some people turned their heads to stare at Feliciano, something he failed to notice. "By the way, will you be picking us up or?"
"I assume you left the plane so when you pick up your luggage, head for the exist. There you will see a parking lot with a lot of buses. Gilbert and I are waiting for you by the only green one."
"Alright! Nonno knows the way so we'll be there shortly. See you, Ludwig." Feliciano didn't hear Ludwig's reply, quickly telling his grandpa where they should go. They picked up their luggage and were walking together towards the exit.
Well, Feliciano dragged his grandpa towards the exit. This was, in no way, a 'let's look around' situation, Feliciano had his friend to meet.
When it came to weather, Germany was nowhere near as warm as Italy, but that late morning had a warm feel to it. Lovino would probably complain that it's freezing, but he wasn't here so it didn't matter to Feliciano. The Sun was shining, but it wasn't the same burning shine as Italy had it. If it weren't for the clear sky, Feliciano would believe it would rain. That's the kind of shine, Germany's sun had.
It didn't take him that long to spot the only green bus in the parking lot, it was bright green after all, too much even by Feliciano's standards. But neither the bus nor it's color mattered now. What mattered were the two large men talking by it's rear, one standing tall and proud and the other casually leaning on the bus. Feliciano was willing to bet Ludwig was the stiff one, as he gave him the same awkward vibe as Ludwig did.
He dragged his grandpa towards the two men more, before the one leaning on the bus spotted him. Feliciano couldn't see it clearly, but it looked like his face lit up brightly as he smacked the other one in their direction. Feliciano couldn't resist the smile, walking just a bit faster than normal towards them, finally releasing his grandpa from his clutches.
As he drew closer to them, Feliciano noticed that he was, indeed, right about his assumption. Ludwig was the stiff one, somehow growing stiffer than a statue with every step Feliciano took, and Gilbert was the relaxed leaning one. When Feliciano was finally able to see Ludwig's bright blue eyes in person now, he felt the air leave his lungs.
But that could also be because Gilbert was very close to crushing his ribs.
Feliciano was so distracted by the sight of Ludwig in front of him that he failed to notice Gilbert had run up to him and was now casually holding him hostage, squealing the entire time. "You're so cute! Oh my myself, you're so cute and small! Ludz, look at him! So adorable!"
It had taken Ludwig a couple of seconds, or minutes, time is strange, longer to register what his brother had said. He had seen Feliciano so many times on video calls, be it Skype or WhatsApp, but in person, he was... Ludwig could use a dictionary right now, having lost all words imaginable at the sight of Feliciano in front of him. Feliciano was something else entirely, his heart told him.
He had been so captivated by his friend that he barely noticed a hand in front of him, one belonging to an older version of Feliciano. "Augusto Vargas, nice to meet you." He said with a stern expression, shown even in his handshake.
"Likewise. I am Ludwig Beilschmidt and my older brother Gilbert." Ludwig responded, nodding to the white haired man now attempting to spin Feliciano around.
Feliciano still had the issue of peeling his eyes away from Ludwig. All those pictures and video calls didn't do him justice. Sure, Ludwig was good looking in them as well, but Ludwig in person was incredibly handsome. "Hi Ludwig." Feliciano finally said. Staring at the man in question would get extremely awkward if he didn't say anything.
Ludwig nodded to him, a shy smile peaking through his sealed lips. "Hello Feliciano." He managed out.
"Isn't he the cutest, Ludz? Can we keep him forever?" Gilbert barged into their awkward conversation, but neither of them answered him.
"Is this your bus? Are we going to your place with it?" Feliciano instead asked, pointing at the painfully green bus. Ludwig held his laugh.
"No. We came by car, we just stood here because it was easier for orientation. Follow me." Ludwig said, already on his way towards their car, followed by Grandpa Rome with their luggage and Gilbert and Feliciano, with Gilbert still holding Feliciano.
For the first time since he met the two of them, Feliciano could finally breathe properly when he sat in the car. Gilbert was driving them and Ludwig was boarding their luggage as Feliciano and his grandpa sat in the back of their car. Gilbert and Grandpa Rome were talking about some things, possibly some introductions, but Feliciano didn't hear all that much. His mind was elsewhere, focusing on Ludwig's bright blue eyes like the cornflowers he could see out of his window. Feliciano's blue was mostly the sky and the sea, but they didn't match Ludwig's eyes. They were both stronger blues, ones that struck fear into people. Ludwig's eyes calmed him down, so much so that he forgot where he was.
On the way to their house, very few words were exchanged, none of them between Feliciano and Ludwig. They both struggled with words as it is and the company of Grandpa Rome and Gilbert didn't help in the slightest. Those two did most of the talking. Grandpa Rome asked how exactly did the two of them meet and Gilbert gave him a bit exaggerated version of the story, as well as some details on how he knew Antonio. That got Grandpa Rome interested for a while.
Feliciano, seated behind Gilbert, kept staring at Ludwig, sitting on the front with his brother, for most of their trip. Ludwig knew of this, occasionally stealing glances at Feliciano as well to show him he noticed. It was the only communication they had the entire time. That and Ludwig's ears casually growing redder every time he looked at Feliciano, something Feliciano thought was cute.
When he wasn't staring at Ludwig, Feliciano took in the sights of Germany around him. Sure, it wasn't nothing spectacular, but he absolutely enjoyed the green grass covered in poppies, daisies and cornflowers. Daisies he loved to death, the small flowers brought him so much joy, enough to casually mumble about them on the way, thinking no one heard him. Poppies confused him, from what he knew, they usually appear after rain, being the earth's version of a rainbow.
It was at time like this, when Feliciano was distracted by the flowers outside, that Ludwig enjoyed stealing glances at him. Something about Feliciano's pure passion for them was intriguing to Ludwig. He even noted Feliciano's quiet little speech about the daisies, but Feliciano didn't need to know that.
About an hour later, they made it to their house. It was really small in comparison to Feliciano's, only having two floors, but it looked cozy and friendly. It was then that he noticed the dog houses, immediately asking where the dogs were.
"Betty and Rod are watching them today." Ludwig answered shortly and Gilbert gave him a not so brief history of how he bought them this house after the wedding, before the pair could afford to buy their own. Gilbert also kept pointing out what a selfless act it was, considering he hated his cousin's guts.
Ludwig rolled his eyes at his brother as he let their guests in and Feliciano's assumptions were once again confirmed.
It was a smaller house, so the living room looked a bit cramped, but the kitchen was wonderful. It looked like it came straight out of the vintage Pinterest. Feliciano didn't really fancy the color brown, especially after that incident with his Adriatic sea painting, also known as the painting that got him there in the first place, but the brown shelves of the kitchen and its green walls looked stunning together. Separating the living room and the kitchen was the hallway and the staircase, Gilbert already intended on showing Feliciano his room and introducing him to Gilbird, his pet canary. And here Feliciano thought Gilbird would be a pigeon...
"Can I get a cup of water first? The trip was tiresome." Feliciano said.
"You slept through most of it." Grandpa Rome rolled his eyes.
"If you're still tired, you can take a nap in my bed. It's big and soft. I can sleep on the couch." Gilbert said, showing off his toothy grin about which Ludwig complained so much about to Feliciano.
"No. I'd rather you keep your bed. I'm fine sleeping anywhere as long as no one sleeps on the couch." Feliciano shook his head, heading towards the kitchen, followed closely by Grandpa Rome.
After Gilbert gave them a complete tour of the house, from bathrooms to their rooms and the main room no one used, which Grandpa Rome quickly claimed he and Feliciano would be staying in, they all settled in the living room. The atmosphere was still really stiff, especially between Feliciano and Ludwig, and to break from it, Feliciano went outside for some air.
He sat on one of the chairs in the garden, staring at the flowers once again. There were a lot of Hydrangeas and Heliotropes, both beautiful flowers. Heliotropes held most of his attention, being one of his favorites. Eternal love, so it said.
Feliciano was so invested in the flowers that he failed to notice Ludwig approach him until he sat down. "You really love flowers." He said.
Feliciano smiled, knowing he wouldn't be able to peel his eyes away from Ludwig, he kept his focus on the flowers. "Yeah. Painter's soul, you could say. They are very colorful and so..." He trailed on.
Silence washed over once again as both of them watched the flowers. It wasn't exactly awkward, but Feliciano wouldn't say it was the most comfortable silence of his life.
Just as he began thinking about it, Ludwig broke it. "Feliciano?" He called.
"This might sound weird but," Ludwig's eyes were looking anywhere but Feliciano. "Are you actually here?"
Indeed, the question was weird, but Feliciano understood. He had been having a hard time believing he was here as well, mostly because Ludwig's eyes distracted him. They were too beautiful to be real. "Yeah. I'm here. I'm here in Germany, in your garden. And we're flower watching."
Ludwig smiled. It was a small but genuine smile, the one that showed happiness more intense than any other. He reached for Feliciano, hugging him closely to convince himself of things no words could. Feliciano was so warm and welcoming and Ludwig was melting in his touch.
Feliciano felt the same, although Ludwig's chest was as hard as bricks, he found comfort in it. He finally got the hug he so desperately wanted. "Your chest is hard. Will mine be like that?" He asked.
"Only if you exercise." Ludwig smiled, releasing Feliciano.
The talk continued, lasting well until nightfall. Everything they held back saying during the first hours of their meeting was spilled out, like water to flowers.
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Prank War: Axis vs. Allies
The Axis trio is stranded on a deserted island again, but this time, instead of fighting them, they decide to prank the Allies. A gift for Azusicle on AO3.
They were stranded. Again. And it was the least of their troubles.
"I'm boreeed." Italy whined, rolling around in the sand with nothing but his boxers on. "Let's do something fuun."
Germany and Japan sat in the rare spots of shade that could be found on the beach, cooling themselves down and discussing escape plans. Well, they would discuss them if it weren't for the Italian. "You have an entire ocean in front of you, go for a swim or something if you're bored." Germany groaned.
"But Germaaany, I've been swimming all day. My skin would get all soggy if I swim any more." Italy complained.
"Then do something else, we're busy here." Germany sighed. "Go take a walk or something."
Italy pouted as he realized there was no way for either of them to come and play with him. He stood up and went to take the ordered walk around the island's forests.
It wasn't a long walk until Italy heard somewhat familiar voices coming from the nearby bushes. There was no way for that to be Germany and Japan, they were still by the seaside. Only when he heard a rather obnoxious laugh did he realize who it was. Panic ran through his veins all over his body, swallowing it in a matter of seconds. He pulled a white flag seemingly out of nowhere before he could hear Germany's voice loud and clear in his head. 'When you see the enemy don't panic. If possible come find me first, before doing anything you might regret.' That's right! The Allies didn't know Italy was there, but Italy knew where they were. He still had time to go get Germany and Japan.
Sneakingly, Italy made his way back to the shore where his friends were. Slowly, but surely, an idea was forming in his head. This island was in a middle of nowhere and the middle of nowhere usually meant there was no one to hear anyone's screams. Italy had a brilliant idea in his head, he just had to tell Japan and Germany.
"The Allies are here?!" Germany almost yelled in surprise as Italy nodded a couple of times.
"And they didn't notice you there, did they?" Japan asked.
"No." Italy answered. "But listen, I know a way we can get rid of them."
Germany and Japan exchanged brief glances with each other. Was this moment really happening? It feels too good to be true. "Let's hear it then." Germany said, not expecting much.
"Well, you see, when I was coming back here to warn you guys, I saw a lot of bugs wiggling around the forest and I thought why not prank the Allies away. That's better than fighting don't you think? And it doesn't even have to be just the bugs we can throw in a lot of other pranks as well." Italy fastforwarded through his idea, Japan nodding along and Germany seemed unsure about it.
"I don't know, Italy. That seems like it would fail." Germany said, brushing away the few strands of hair that had fallen out of their position due to heat.
Japan kept silent for a while, processing what Italy just suggested. "I don't know, his plan has potential, Germany-san."
"See, Japan agrees with me. Come on, Germany, let's do it! Let's do it! Let's do it!" Italy took a hold of Germany's arm, bouncing up and down.
"I still think it's a dumb idea, but fine. As long as you let me go." Germany finally agreed. Two against one wasn't a fair play.
"Yes! Let's do it!" But before Italy could sprint towards the place he found the Allies, Germany grabbed him.
"At least wait until the night falls and they are asleep, or else you'll be caught." Germany said. "For now, let's gather everything we need to prank them."
"Aye, aye, Captain!" Italy said, breaking free of Germany's hold and sprinting to do his duty.
"If only he was this fast when training." Germany let out an exhausted sigh.
Finally, it was night. Italy had taken Germany and Japan to the place where he found the Allies, having previously gathered enough prank material to last them for weeks. The trio sat there, hidden by the bushes, waiting for the Allies to go to sleep.
Watching the Moon's position, Japan concluded it was around 2 in the morning when all of the Allies went to sleep. They waited for another hour, Italy swaying side to side in an attempt not to fall asleep, then they acted out their plan.
The first victim on their list was Russia. Unsure of how to prank the tall man, Japan proposed they tie the ends of his scarf with his shoelaces. Italy drew a couple of eyebrow lines on his forehead, resembling England's.
Speaking of England, they decided to throw away his tea bags, replacing them with a couple of beetles Italy hunted down. Japan wrote 'You're welcome. Love from America.' in a near perfect copy of the obnoxious guy's handwriting. Germany, meanwhile, stuck a piece of paper which said 'I wet my bed.' at the back of England's jacket.
Their next victim was poor China. Japan knew just the way to prank him, having watched Korea do this in the past. He took China's boxes, which contained the ingredients for his famous fried shrimp and rice, and switched them up. He also added a few unwelcome guests to the mix, a couple of lizards' tails and snails. To top it all off, he made sure to hide his wok away so he couldn't find it in the morning. Italy drew him the English eyebrows as well as some additional mustache.
Germany, meanwhile, chose to take care of America. Rummaging through his stuff, he found quite a few cans of burgers and some buns. With an evil smile on his face, Germany placed quite a few worms inside the burger cans. Borrowing the marker from Italy, he wrote 'Wanker.' on every American flag he could find. Lastly, he added a touch of britbrows, knowing full well America will flip the table about it when he wakes up.
Lastly on their list was France. Germany considered shaving his precious body hair off, but Italy warned him that France was a very light sleeper. A mere sound could wake him up, let alone shaving his body. Japan offered to draw the eyebrows on France, using a special method to make sure the Frenchman remained asleep. As he did that, Italy spotted a canteen next to France's side, undoubtedly filled with wine. He grabbed him and excused himself to Germany, who had just finished placing a fake magic wand next to England, and Japan. Returning a couple of minutes later with a smirk, Italy placed the canteen back to France's side. Their job here was finished, now they just had to wait until morning.
England was the first to arise in the horribly hot morning, walking from person to person in order to wake them all up. There was something strange about everyone, but he figured he was just tired from yesterday.
China got ready to making everyone a nice and satisfying breakfast, but, to his surprise, his wok was nowhere to be found. "Hey, England? Do you have any idea where my wok went?"
"None in the slightest." England answered, waking Russia up. "You can use one of the pots we have inside if you can't find it now."
China sighed, his recipe won't be the same if it isn't made in a wok, but said wok was still nowhere to be seen. "I suppose I should." He got up and pulled a pot big enough to fit for his favorite meal.
Except that the moment he went to drop in the rice, snails greeted him. China screamed. "What the Westernization are snails doing in my rice?"
His scream woke up everyone who had yet to be awakened, as well as the three people hiding in the nearby bushes. Everyone exchanged glances between each other, now noticing what was wrong with their faces.
"China, dude, when did you grow the britbrows? And mustache?" America chimed in.
"I could ask you the same thing! Why do you have those ugly lines on your forehead?" China responded.
"Now, I tried my best." Germany whispered in their hiding, covering Italy's mouth carefully to not give their position away.
"Dude, my forehead is nice. Don't insult it."
"He's right, America. You have grown some serious eyebrows overnight." Russia interrupted, attempting to stand up properly to his full height, but failed to do so. His shoelaces tied to the ends of his scarf tripped him up and he fell face first to the brown ground.
"What was that just now?" France asked.
"No idea." China answered, walking towards Russia to flip him over.
"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Ki-" Russia kept repeating before China turned him back to his position.
"That being said, why do you all have the britbrows?" France, the sensible one, asked.
America and China looked at France, then at each other, then back at France. "I don't know how to tell you this, but you have them too." China finally said.
France's face went full on traffic lights... whatever that means. First it was bright red, then vomit yellow and, finally, frog green. He finally looked like his real self. "You're saying... my beautiful eyebrows... on which I worked so hard all my life... look like caterpillars!?"
America and China could only nod. France took it as a sign for him to faint. Just as England made his way back from his tent. "America, you wanker! What the bloody hell did you do to my tea?!" He screamed angrily, in anger.
"Dude, I didn't do anything to your tea." America raised his hands in the air as England marched towards him.
"Really? Then why is my tea box full of bugs with a note from you?!" England showed the box to America's face, the last of beetles crawling out of it.
"Those are beetles. You know, like the band from your place." America stated.
"Who?" China chimed in.
"What?" Came from England.
"Mmmmhm..." And Russia, somehow.
"Never mind." America rolled his eyes. "Point is, that wasn't me. I don't even write that nicely."
"Whatever, I'm just going to cook." China said, taking the shrimp can, but finding that it was actually full of rice and... lizard tails. The sky fell upon his eyes. His precious dish was ruined- although there was still a possibility that this new meal would taste good- ruined!
England kept pressing on the fact that America tampered with his tea, until America pointed at his forehead and demanded an explanation. Then he noticed a stick with a star poking out of England's pocket. "You cursed us all! We're all forced to look like you and you blame me for the tea!"
"What the hell are you even on about? I did nothing! You tampered with my tea!" England argued back.
"Whatever! I'm just going to eat! At least then I don't have to look at you!" America said, retreating back to his tent.
"Insufferable child!" England said, walking away for a very short distance before being grabbed by someone.
"What did you do to my flags?! And my burgers?!" America spat furiously.
"What kind of drugs did you take this morning?! I never touched your flags! They give me rashes!" England responded, equally furious.
"Well, no one else would write 'Wanker' on them because no one else uses that word! And why did you put worms in my burgers?!"
"I never wrote anything on your flags! And I never put worms anywhere, but you bloody deserve them!"
"You two, could you shut up for a minute?" France finally awakened from his hundred years nap, but without a kiss from a beautiful prince or princess or genderneutral royalty. "I need a drink from your fighting." He grabbed his canteen and took a sip. Weird taste for a wine. He spat it out, realizing what it might be. "America."
"What?" America asked.
"Come over here." America did as he was told. "Smell it."
America smelled the canteen. "Wine?"
France shook his head. "Smell again."
America smelled again, catching a scent that really should not be present in any wine ever. "Dude! That's piss! And you drank it!"
"I spat it out-"
"You drank the piss, what the hell is wrong with you?"
"You know what," China started. "I propose we all get off this island. There's too much weird things going on, we can deal with the Axis when we're as far as possible from this place."
It was a suggestion no one could refuse. They quickly gathered their stuff and helped Russia back on his feet. Just as they were ready to leave, England grabbed his jacket without realizing something was stuck to it. Everyone who walked behind him on their way to their ship had a good laugh, as did the Axis.
"You know," Germany started. "We should do this more often."
"I agree." Italy said as Japan nodded.
"Good. Now let's get off this island as well."
And they boarded the ship with the Allies, taking them all back to civilizations.
Meanwhile, back on the island, a wok was slowly being eaten by the local vegetation. Legend has it that it remained there for the rest of its metal days.
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to everyone who’s ever said something kind about my work: you help me get through the day. thank you.
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The request box is open! Come drop your asks and requests, or if you just want to chat, that’s good too! 
Rules: please DON’T request nsfw stuff, incest pairings (It/cest, Ger//cest ect.) and underage x adult pairings (if they are 1 year apart, it’s fine tho)
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Drawn Together: Chapter 18
This baby is 1 year old today... I feel old
"Nonno, please!" Feliciano begged for what felt like a thousandth time that day. Ever since he learned about his grandpa's trip to Germany, he has been dead set on joining him. "Please, you know how much I want to see Germany."
Grandpa Rome resisted. He had no idea how long he would be staying in Germany in the first place, not wanting Feliciano to be away from his brothers for a long time. Plus, he had no idea if his company would even allow Feliciano to come with him. That's just extra money for hotel and food they have to give. "No, Feliciano. Plain visiting Germany isn't a good enough reason for you to come with me."
"But you can say I'm your unpaid intern and it would be a good opportunity for me." Feliciano argued. "Please let me come, Nonno."
"We'll talk later." Was the response Grandpa Rome gave him every time. Usually that later lasted about two minutes.
Feliciano sighed, deciding that this was all he was going to keep getting no matter how much he tried. He walked over to the couch where his brother and Antonio were watching TV. Antonio held back the giggle at Feliciano's dejected face. "No luck?" He asked.
Grabbing the nearest pillow, Feliciano shoved his face into it, murmuring something Antonio didn't quite understand. "Sorry?" Feliciano removed the pillow just enough for Antonio to be able to understand him properly. "I want to see Ludwig." He repeated.
Lovino rolled his eyes. "Maybe that's for the best. Usually when people who met online meet in real life, it's a disaster. He might rob you and-" A pillow flew into Lovino's face. Feliciano's eyes looked unusually on edge lately, even more whenever Lovino badmouthed his friend. This, however, didn't stop Lovino. "If it's war you want, war you'll get." He threw the pillow back at Feliciano before jumping on him.
Antonio had made a quick escape from the battle of pillows and wrestling. A battle to the last feather, to the last standing hair on their heads, to the last inch of skin left without a bruise, to-
"I'm going out!" Someone spoke, interrupting their fight. Both Feliciano and Lovino stopped fighting in order to shoot deadly stares into the one who dared delay their match. It was only Romeo. And Lovino thought it was something important. He was dressed up unusually nice, though.
"Where are you going?" Antonio beat both of the boys to the question on their minds.
"Marie is giving me math instructions." Romeo simply said, making his way to the door, only to be stopped by Grandpa Rome.
"Marie? Who is that?" Grandpa Rome asked, a teasing smile framing his face. "Does little Romeo have a girlfriend? Your very own little Juliet?"
Romeo rolled his eyes, palms growing sweaty. "She's my friend and she's very impatient so I really need to go."
"Tell Marie I said hi!" Feliciano yelled from the couch where he was still trapped by Lovino.
"Will do." Romeo answered back.
"Yes, tell your girlfriend we all said hi." Grandpa Rome laughed as Romeo exited the house, shaking his head at his weird family.
"Who even is this Marie?" Lovino asked.
"His girlfriend obviously." Grandpa Rome answered.
"Young love... That's so nice." Antonio sighed.
"We're in love too, idiot." Lovino remarked.
"She's not his girlfriend. He has known her about as long as I know Ludwig." Feliciano chimed in, surprising everyone.
"You know her?" Lovino asked.
"Who is Ludwig?" Grandpa Rome asked.
"Feli, are you okay down there?" Antonio, the sensible one, asked.
"Peachy." Feliciano answered as Lovino finally stepped off from him so he could get comfortable on the couch. When everything was finally settled, they all gathered around him, Feliciano asked. "If I tell you what I know about her, will you let me come to Germany with you, Nonno?"
Whines and sighs came clashing together at Feliciano who smirked at his brain being a genius once in a while. He awaited his answer, unwilling to share his knowledge unless he got an approval.
"Feli, that's blackmailing." Antonio chimed in first.
"Really? This again? You horrible-" Lovino started.
"You're really dead set on going to Germany?" Grandpa Rome complained, interrupting Lovino before his swearing fuse could be set on fire.
As this kind of conversation went back and forth, Feliciano kept quiet while laughing on the inside. His family had a thing regarding curiosity for centuries, passing it from generation to generation, they just needed to know everything they were interested in at the moment. "Yes, yes, yes, unless you agree to let me come, I'm not saying anything." Feliciano finally spoke.
All eyes were dead set on Grandpa Rome, watching his every movement. Antonio was practically begging him with his eyes to agree to take Feliciano if it meant he would spill the beans. Lovino, on the other hand, was still as opposed to Feliciano going as he had been before, something he made vocally clear to his grandpa. Feliciano endured the insults, waiting patiently for his answer. All that pressure and curiosity was bad for Grandpa Rome's health. "Fine. I'll talk to the company, but will you please tell us."
Feliciano beamed with joy. Grandpa Rome's company wasn't all that strict when it came to family members tagging along. He knew because he witnessed it himself, a lot of workers had troubles separating from their families. Excitement filled his body, enough for him to ignore Lovino's complaints. He wanted to tell Ludwig about this so badly, but first, he had to complete his promise.
"Now will you tell us?" Antonio asked, growing impatient.
"I will, I will. Wait." Feliciano said, pointing at Lovino who was still ranting furiously. Antonio silenced him with a pat on the shoulder, taking his hand to hold until Lovino was completely calm.
Feliciano could now begin. "Her name is Anne Marie. He met her at the library one day after lessons. She studies math and is really smart. She's not Italian, but she came to study here because she didn't really fit in with the French girls. She's from Monaco, I think, and she's older than Romeo. I think he said she was around my age and she's also really pretty. I might have a picture..." Feliciano paused, quickly searching through his phone for a short while before giving up. Not a word was spoken during the entire time. "I can't find it now, but Romeo might show it to you when he comes back. They hang around a lot because she explains math to him and he teaches her chemistry. That's all I know."
Pause. Everyone took a bit of time to process everything Feliciano said. "So, she's not his girlfriend, but they hang out a lot? Sounds to me like they are im denial." Grandpa Rome spoke first, but before Feliciano could repeat once again that his brother wasn't dating his friend, he was shut down by Lovino and Antonio.
"Obviously. Unless Midget is gay as well." Lovino said.
"That's a rude nickname, Lovi. I think it's sweet that he has a friend who helps him out, but if they were dating she could help him out even more." Antonio chimed in.
"Like I said-" Feliciano tried once again, but in vain.
"Our little Romeo is growing up. Soon, he'll be married with kids and maybe that would get his head out of that science thing he has." Grandpa Rome looked ready to cry.
Feliciano noticed that any more attempts to clear the misunderstanding up would fail, so he texted Romeo what happened.
♡~Feli~♡: Sorry i told them about marie ♡~Feli~♡: On the plus side ill maybe go to germany!!!!! ♡~Feli~♡: Ill bring you presents as an apology and tell her i said hi
Romeo's reply came in rather quickly, letting Feliciano know that Romeo was still on his way to meet her.
☆MeoMeo☆: Dont worry bout it ☆MeoMeo☆: But do bring me presents
Feliciano laughed, the conversation about Romeo's life still ongoing. A perfect opportunity for Feliciano to slip back quietly to his-
"Oh yeah Feli, you mentioned some guy Louis, I think. Who is he?" Grandpa Rome remembered, catching Feliciano in his attempt to sneak out of the living room.
"Ludwig, actually. He's..." Feliciano trailed off, he hoped this question wouldn't pop out before they were on their way to Germany. Or at least, before he told Ludwig there was a chance he would come visit him. "My friend."
"Oh? Alright then. How did you meet?" Grandpa Rome asked.
"Internet." Before Feliciano could answer, Lovino interrupted him. Feliciano just gave him the stare, nobody in this family was going to let him speak normally today.
"Feli, we talked about strangers on the internet. You can't trust him." Grandpa Rome stared at him concerned, so much that Feliciano wanted to scream and tell them all about how kind Ludwig actually is. He kept quiet, fighting was always useless.
"He's not a stranger, Nonno. He's my friend's relative and a good person." He simply said, hoping his grandpa would understand and not press the issue anymore.
"Feli, I'm not having this conversation. I want you to stop talking to whoever that Louis guy is."
"Doesn't matter." Grandpa Rome raised his voice, something so rare Feliciano felt his knees weaken. "He could be a murderer and I don't want to have to bury you so young. Stop talking to him immediately."
For a moment there was heavy silence. Neither Feliciano nor Grandpa Rome spoke, leaving Antonio and Lovino just standing there awkwardly. Lovino almost regretted not keeping his mouth shut, seeing as Feliciano looked about ready to cry. 'It's for his own good,' was what he told himself.
Sucking back the tears, Feliciano nodded. "I'll be drawing in my room, call me when dinner is ready." And he retreated to the one safe place for him in the house, limping his way to it until his bed was before him. Grabbing Silence in Venice, he collapsed face down on the bed, seeing wet stars.
The buzz of Feliciano's phone woke him up. He had no memory of falling asleep, at least not while holding his favorite book, but as he saw the texter's name, everything came to him. Unlocking his phone, he was greeted with over 50 messages all from Ludwig.
Ludwig: So about that challenge Ludwig: I don't really know how to draw dogs well but they were acting cute today and so I hope you don't mind that instead of a drawing you got a picture
*Ludwig has sent 20 pictures*
Ludwig: I guess that is a bit too much
Feliciano kept scrolling and reading Ludwig's messages. Most of them were long ones detailing the entire day of his pets' life, but then they begun getting weird.
Ludwig: So i think about pigeons a lot Ludwig: They are really cool you knkw Ludwig: And like what if i was a pigeon you know what id do Ludwig: Id take my body trash out on every persons head Ludwig: Doesnt that sound super cool
These were the most recent ones and Feliciano suspected Ludwig probably got really drunk when he texted him those, although that didn't make much sense because it was barely 6 p.m. Nevertheless, as weird for Ludwig as they were, they made Feliciano smile.
♡~Feli~♡: Are you okay Ludwig
Ludwig: Ludwig Ludwig: Im not ludwig Ludwig: Im the great pigeon man the awesomest of all
Well, that was strange. Ludwig wasn't the type to use the word 'awesomest.' If anything, he usually complained about that word because his brother-
Feliciano realized what was going on here.
♡~Feli~♡: Gil is that you
Ludwig: You bet i am im gil the pigeon
♡~Feli~♡: Okay gil pigeon would you be a nice pigeon and give your brother pigeon his phone back
Ludwig: But we re having such a nice pigeon conversation  Ludwig: He would ruin our pigeon time
♡~Feli~♡: I would rather text you from your own pigeon phone thats why
Ludwig: Oh why didnt pigeon you pigeon say so
♡~Feli~♡: Thats a lot of pigeons
Ludwig: Sure is Ludwig: I cant find my pigeon brother he probably got pigeon lost pigeon watching Ludwig: I want him to find a noce pigeon to take caer of him while i go on pigeon adventures
♡~Feli~♡: Thats really sweet of you pigeon gil
Ludwig: It sure is Ludwig: I found him hes pigeon asleep
♡~Feli~♡: Oh alright ♡~Feli~♡: Thank you pigeon gil
Ludwig: I woke him up and hes pigeon mad at me Ludwig: Goodbye my pigeon friend Ludwig: Sorry about that I swear I just took a nap and he is already so drunk
♡~Feli~♡: Dont be that was hilarious ♡~Feli~♡: Gil likes pigeons a lot
Ludwig: Yeah Ludwig: He watched a British culinary show where someone made pies out of pigeon meat and he has been angry about it ever since
♡~Feli~♡: Oh poor gil ♡~Feli~♡: Was it a good nap at least
Ludwig: It was short that is for sure Ludwig: I have been playing in the garden with the dogs all day so I am a little worn out Ludwig: How are you Ludwig: Will you be watching Eurovision tonight
♡~Feli~♡: Oh absolutely ♡~Feli~♡: I really like this years songs i think denmark might win ♡~Feli~♡: I dont want to get my hopes up by claiming we will win because we never do
Ludwig: I like Italy's entry this year Ludwig: Ours as well but it isn't victory material
♡~Feli~♡: I like germanys song a lot ♡~Feli~♡: I can relate to it but thats a whole other story ♡~Feli~♡: Anyway im both good and bad ♡~Feli~♡: Good because i might be coming to germany soon  ♡~Feli~♡: And bad because nonno
Ludwig: Wait you will be coming here? Ludwig: For real? Ludwig: I am not really done with the book yet
♡~Feli~♡: No ill be coming with nonno because he has this trip with his company and things like that all over europe
Ludwig: Then is the bad news that he doesnt want to take you or?
♡~Feli~♡: No ♡~Feli~♡: I wouldnt be feeling this sad if he didnt want to take me its just that ♡~Feli~♡: He wants me to stop talking to you and being your friend
Ludwig: Why?
♡~Feli~♡: Lovi spilled that we met online and my nonno is really strict about online friendships and everything ♡~Feli~♡: So he ordered me to stop talking to you
Ludwig: I see Ludwig: Well i did employ you in a way so maybe you could tell him that if you are going to come to Germany Ludwig: It is less suspicious that way
♡~Feli~♡: I dont kno ♡~Feli~♡: My nonno can be really mean sometimes but lovi is even meaner ♡~Feli~♡: I want to fight back but if i did he ll tell nonno and make everything be my fault ♡~Feli~♡: Its stupid and i hate it i hate it here
Ludwig: Brothers are usually like that Ludwig: Maybe it is good that you aren't starting fights because in that way Lovino can't project the blame unto you Ludwig: But at the same time that pushes him to abuse you more just to get a reaction out of you
♡~Feli~♡: I wish i could live with you ♡~Feli~♡: I wouldnt be lonely at least
Ludwig: If you still have problems with your grandfather you can tell him that you can stay here Ludwig: I suppose if he is traveling with a company that means the company pays the bills to hotels and transport Ludwig: So if you and him want to stay you can come to our place and save some money
♡~Feli~♡: You know what thats a brilliant idea ♡~Feli~♡: Ill tell him that ♡~Feli~♡: But lovi would probably object to something there
Ludwig: My best advice is to ignore what he says and if he says something mean about you just nod but don't take him seriously
♡~Feli~♡: I can try that
Ludwig: Talk to your grandfather first please
♡~Feli~♡: Are you excited at the posibility of me coming over
Ludwig: Ecstatic Ludwig: Gilbert would be overjoyed as well Ludwig: And also because I want to know will your grandfather approve of me  Ludwig: Because I really don't want to lose one of my only friends
♡~Feli~♡: We re both so lonely amd sad we need each other ♡~Feli~♡: Ill text you his response
Feliciano locked his phone and put it for charging, racing down the stairs to find his grandpa on the phone. Grandpa Rome mouthed to Feliciano that they were talking about the trip to Germany and shook his head that the company was refusing.
Feliciano motioned to him to cover the phone because he had to tell him something. Grandpa Rome excused himself for a moment to the person he was talking to. "My friend said we could stay at his place so we don't have to pay extra for hotels and food." Feliciano blurted out.
Grandpa Rome nodded, passing the message to the person on the phone. They waited for a response. Finally, Grandpa Rome nodded and Feliciano was gone in a second.
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Drawn Together: Chapter 17
Almost halfway done with the plot yayy!
"Then when Lovi comes home, we tell him the plan." Lovino returned from his date with Antonio to find his brother Romeo talking about him.
"What plan?" He asked, entering the living room where Feliciano and Romeo were seated. The look on their faces staring at his own told Lovino something was up. "What did you do now?"
Feliciano and Romeo exchanged glances before they both spoke at the same time. "We-"  "See-" Silence. Feliciano nodded to Romeo to proceed with what he was going to say, since he was the first to receive the news of their grandpa's return.
"We were coming up with a plan." Romeo explained. "Nonno will be back the day after tomorrow and we want to avoid what happened last time."
Lovino's face collapsed, what little hope for the world he had was completely gone from his eyes. Since the incident everytime their grandpa was mentioned, Lovino felt like he was being choked, just wanting to escape and hide for the rest of his life. He sat on the lowest stair.
"Lovi?" Feliciano called for him, snapping him out of what darkness his thoughts produced now.
"Why?" He simply asked. "Toni was supposed to come over the day after tomorrow, but now..." He had no strength left to finish that sentence, memories of what happened last time flooding back in his mind.
Romeo stood up from his place on the couch, moving to sit by his brother instead. "I'm sorry, Lovi." He spoke and Feliciano nodded in agreement. "We can deal with Toni easily, right now we need to deal with the situation with Nonno." Romeo patted his brother's shoulder, but got a harsh reaction from him.
Lovino just wanted to be left alone, to hide in his room and not come down again the whole time their grandpa is there. They did talk after last time, but it was never anything too serious and always via text. They never talked about Antonio or Lovino's relationship with him, something Lovino wished would stay that way. But of course life was never nice. Of course he would have to deal with everything that happened last time. "Tell me the plan." He finally spoke, eyes hidden by his hands.
Feliciano sighed. "We thought about acting like nothing happened in the first place." He said. "So no mentions of dates and relationships."
"That's not going to work and you know it." Lovino said, done with everything before it even started. "There's no way in hell and beyond that Nonno will let that go."
"True." Romeo started. "But he let you see Toni in the end so maybe he won't bring it up."
"He would!" Lovino shouted, startling the two other boys. "He's an old man, they are all like that!"
No one said anything, no one even dared to open their mouths to say anything. Lovino just stood up and made his way up the stairs. "I'll be in my room until he leaves." He said, disappearing from his brothers' sight, groans and sighs accompanying his footsteps.
Lovino dropped directly on his bed the moment he entered the room. His mind wanted to cry until he could drown in tears, but his body lacked the energy to do so. Relaxing, he drifted off to dreamland, hoping that everything that would happen soon would be just a bad dream.
A loud sound woke him up hours later, his phone reading 11 a.m. Whatever those two were doing was just way too early for Lovino to deal with, so he tried to escape in the best way possible...
Lovi: Oi
...by texting Antonio.
Knowing his boyfriend, it was unlikely he was going to respond anytime soon. Lovino was fine with that. They were both busy men with their busy lives in this busy country. He might just become allergic to the word busy, but that is beside the point. The point is that his boyfriend would take hours to text him back and that his stomach would kill him if he didn't put enough coffee and food in it.
Making his way down the stairs, Lovino saw that his brothers were quite... busy. With cleaning. Seeing them so frantic about it reminded him of their talk yesterday, just as he was starting to forget about it. Normally, he would disturb them and order them around, but today he was just... busy. With not being in the mood.
"Lovi!" Romeo spotted him. "Bad news, Nonno will be coming late tonight instead of tomorrow." 
And there goes the escape plan he didn't even think of. "Tell him I'm asleep when he comes then." Lovino thought that should settle it in a way. "Whose turn is it to do the dishes?"
"Yours." Romeo answered.
"I don't do dishes. Feli, you do them."
"But I did them yesterday!" Feliciano complained.
"At least be useful if you're not going to greet Nonno. We don't have to do everything by ourselves." Feliciano argued.
Lovino raised his eyebrow. "You're really talking to me about usefulness when you've been on the phone this whole time. You're still texting that German bastard? You don't need that pathetic waste of air."
Despite knowing Lovino was always like this when it came to his and Romeo's friends, Feliciano lost his cool. "Take that back right now."
"Why should I?" Lovino shrugged.
Before Feliciano could argue any more, he felt Romeo's hands holding him down. "Stop! We have work to do, this is neither the time or the place to fight." Romeo said, looking between his brothers.
"He started it." Lovino was quick to answer.
Romeo once again had to restrain Feliciano from saying something he would regret. "You're both at fault here!" He turned to Feliciano first, nodding. "Do as he says, Feli. It's better that way."
Feliciano sighed in defeat, dropping his brush harshly to the floor. "Ludwig isn't a waste of air." He mumbled as he walked towards the kitchen.
"Don't come crying to me when you see him how he truly is." Lovino called after Feliciano before his eyes met with Romeo's, an unusually bitter aura in his otherwise kind green eyes.
"If you're not going to help clean, don't bother us." Romeo said. He pitied his brother for the situation he was in, but that didn't excuse his behavior towards Feliciano in the slightest. "And leave Feli's friend alone."
Lovino couldn't respond to that, Romeo was rarely ever angry like this. He got annoyed quite often, but would forget about it most of the time. This was different. Lovino decided he wouldn't deal with this, leaving Romeo to finish cleaning the living room.
By the time he returned to his room, hungry and prideful, he felt his phone vibrate in his hand. A text from Antonio.
Tonii: Good morning love
Well, at least it didn't take him too long. Seems like he wasn't... busy after all.
Lovi: Its anything but good
Tonii: Are you okay darling
Lovi: Obviously not Lovi: Nonno is coming home tonight
Tonii: Oh Tonii: Do you want to come over until you know its safe to meet him again
Lovi: Too late for that Lovi: And i think those two would kill me if i leave the house after what i did
Tonii: Did you yell at them again
Lovi: Feli is being stupid  Lovi: He talks too much with that german guy his brain is corrupted
Tonii: They are friends love Tonii: Its natural that they want to talk so much Tonii: Remember how we were like
Lovi: Thats different we didnt talk all the damn time and ignore our family and chores
Tonii: I guess so Tonii: Is there anything i can do
Lovi: Keep me company until night time Lovi: I dont want to be alone
Tonii: Of course my love Tonii: We'll get through this together
Time always seemed to move faster whenever Antonio was involved in his day. It has been like that ever since Antonio's family moved from Spain to Italy years ago and the two became close friends. Lovino disliked him at first, distancing himself from Antonio as he played with Feliciano and Romeo, but he could never escape the Spaniard's friendly smile. With more and more time passing, they grew closer to each other and, before they knew it, Antonio confessed his long term feelings for Lovino. Lovino refused at first, but he soon realized that he would rather spend his whole life with Antonio than spend it with any woman in the world.
Lovino recalled their first date as the bright blue sky shifted to the dark starry one, a smile on his face. Despite knowing each other since they were basically in diapers, Antonio was nervous the whole time. Lovino knew that Antonio had every right to be nervous, considering Italy wasn't the most welcoming place for people of any sexuality other than straight, but he still found it silly and sweet. No girl was ever like that with him. True, no girl really liked him as much to begin with.
They chatted a few more hours, before Lovino decided it was time for his pretend sleep. And it seems he chose just the right time because as soon as he put his phone down for charging, he heard the front door swinging open. "Boys, I'm home!" The loud voice of his grandpa sounded off in his head for longer than he thought possible.
He had no idea how much time passed, he heard voices talking and sometimes yelling, but never enough to hear what they were saying. It was only when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs that he shut his eyes close and pretended to be in a deep sleep.
The door of his room was showed open and the light turned on. Lovino blinked a few times as if he was truly asleep, but dropped the act when he saw it was Romeo. He had a worried expression on his face. "Nonno wants to see you." He said.
Lovino's own green orbs of sight stared back at his brother's, rising to a sitting position. "Didn't you tell him I was asleep?"
"We did, but he didn't buy it. He's really angry about you not greeting him."
"He should have seen it coming after last time." Lovino still wasn't making any attempts to properly get up.
Romeo sighed. "You better hurry if you don't want your right to date Toni stripped away from you again. Feli can't distract him for much longer." With that Romeo left the room, leaving his brother to get properly dressed and prepare himself for possible breakdowns.
He sent Antonio one last text before he descended down the stairs to the living room, trying his best to hide the obviously disgusted face when his eyes met his grandpa's. "Oh, so he's alive." Grandpa Rome commented, but Lovino didn't laugh as he usually would. He continued his way down the stairs until they were face to face.
"You've got some balls, Lovino." Grandpa Rome started. "Not even coming down to greet me properly. Is that how you young people behave these days?"
"Sorry." Lovino answered. "I was asleep." His eyes were running everywhere but to his grandpa's. He noticed Feliciano and Romeo looking between each other nervously.
"Don't give me that. I raised you, Lovino Vargas, I can see right through your lies." Grandpa Rome forced Lovino to look at him properly. "Now, what do we say?"
Lovino felt that urge to cry once again, squeezing his neck until he was struggling to speak. He had to fight it off, he had to appear strong. "Welcome home, Nonno." He struggled out.
Grandpa Rome smiled, finally satisfied with his welcoming, patting Lovino's shoulder. "Good boy." He said as he walked back to the couch where Feliciano and Romeo were sitting. "Now come and join us. I have to tell you boys a story that concerns you as well."
Lovino sighed, he didn't have much choice anyway. Feliciano got up from the couch and threw himself on the beanbag beside it, while Lovino took his place on the couch. Luckily he was seated next to Romeo and not Grandpa Rome.
Once they were all relaxed and ready, Grandpa Rome poured himself a glass of vine and began his story. "Around the end of April, I was mostly finished with my work in France, so my superior gave me a few days off." This was a trademark of Grandpa Rome, he never referred to his boss as boss, preferring the term superior. "Do you boys know where Calais is?" He asked.
Feliciano and Romeo nodded, Lovino just kept still. "Good. Anyway, being so close to England, I decided to pay it a visit since it's been a while. And I'm in London walking by this cinema so I decide to stop. You know, cinema's in London are so different from ours. We're a lot more lively than they are. I swear, everyone was grumpy when I entered." Grandpa Rome trailed on, the rest of them just nodding along.
"So I go up to the counter and I see only one movie playing in the next half an hour and it's this typically teenage movie. You boys would probably love it, there's a lot of beautiful women in it. Anyway, I buy the ticket and everything and I watch the movie. I was bored most of the time, I just don't understand you kids and your taste." He continued, motioning for Romeo to get up. Which he did, only to switch places with Grandpa Rome.
Grandpa Rome threw one arm behind Lovino's neck, holding him closer like that. "This movie was about this gay kid and how his friend bullied him. But the scene that stood out the most to me was when he was telling his parents that he's gay."
Lovino's eyes widened. "In that moment, I wasn't seeing a character from a movie anymore, I was seeing my grandson right there on that screen before me." He spoke that part with so much pride in his voice. And he spoke it to Lovino only. Yes, Feliciano and Romeo could still hear it, but only Lovino listened properly. He felt tears welling up in his eyes.
Grandpa Rome hugged Lovino, running his big and old hands up and down his back just like he did when Lovino was a kid. "I'm sorry, my boy. I said some things I shouldn't have said about you. But I'm an old man, things weren't like this in my time. This movie opened my eyes and told me I still have so much more to learn."
Lovino wept like a little baby as his grandpa spoke. He couldn't believe the things he was hearing. Feliciano and Romeo exchanged glad smiles for their brother.
Grandpa Rome nodded, breaking the hug as Lovino was wiping away the last of his tears. "I won't be staying long, but I'd like to apologize to Toni as well before I leave." He said.
"Are you going to France again?" Romeo asked.
"No. They are shipping me off to Germany this time." Grandpa Rome said, confusion obvious on his face as Lovino groaned and Feliciano stared surprised. This was going to be yet another long weekend.
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Drawn Together: Chapter 16
I may or may not have forgotten to post this chapter here for a while... Anyway, there are 5 references to other pieces of Hetalia work, see if you can get them all right. 
♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig
Ludwig: Yes?
♡~Feli~♡: Im sad
Ludwig: Why are you sad?
♡~Feli~♡: Mirror me is ugly ♡~Feli~♡: I have these dumb fat cheeks and this stupid baby face and this fat body ♡~Feli~♡: No matter how hard i try i cant lose them ♡~Feli~♡: Ill never be manly enough for girls to like me
Ludwig: Feliciano are you crying?
♡~Feli~♡: Ofc im crying ♡~Feli~♡: I just look so dumb no wonder ppl call me stupid
Ludwig: Okay, take a deep breath Ludwig: You only look ugly to yourself because you are crying Ludwig: You aren't dumb and you aren't ugly Ludwig: And I am pretty sure there are some girls out there that will like you Ludwig: Have you eaten anything today?
♡~Feli~♡: No ♡~Feli~♡: Im already fat enough i dont deserve more food
Ludwig: Feliciano Ludwig: Losing weight isn't about not eating at all Ludwig: Not that you have any to lose, you look perfectly fit in your pictures Ludwig: Once you stop crying go eat something Ludwig: You will feel much better
♡~Feli~♡: But ill still be fat and ill still have this stupid baby face
Ludwig: They are alright Feliciano Ludwig: They are barely noticable Ludwig: Now will you please go eat something
♡~Feli~♡: Okay
Ludwig: Good Ludwig: I am worried about you, do you think we could have another video call?
♡~Feli~♡: Let me dry my tears first
Feliciano took his time calming down. He made himself some tea and grabbed the leftover pizza from the fridge. Today, he was alone in the house, a feeling that worsened his melancholy. There was no one to hold him and cuddle him and tell him that things are okay. There was no one to yell at him and tell him to pull himself together and do something useful in life before whispering to him that he's beautiful. Feliciano craved those moments today.
He didn't even warm up his pizza before eating it like it was straight out of a famous Italian restaurant. His tea left forgotten as he dined, only the soft smell of cinnamon strong enough to calm his nerves down. It wasn't the time to be depressed, he had Ludwig to talk to. Finishing off his pizza, he grabbed his tea and retreated to his room, turning on Skype.
♡~Feli~♡: Okay im calm you can skype me now
Ludwig: Alright, let me just turn on my laptop
A few minutes later, Feliciano got the Skype notification on his computer. Accepting the call, he was met with the usual Ludwig business, bringing a smile to his face.
Ludwig was dressed properly, nothing too fancy, but also not in pajamas like Feliciano was. His hair was neatly slicked back and his room as tidy as always. Same couldn't be said about Feliciano.
On top of wearing pj's all day everyday, Feliciano was tightly wrapped up in a thick blanket like it was in the middle of winter and not plain old May. His eyes were still noticeably red and puffy, but Ludwig wouldn't comment on that even if it killed him. To add to the sad wintery atmosphere Feliciano had going on, between his hands, he was cuddling a colorful cup covered in stars.
Said cup was the first thing Feliciano noticed Ludwig was staring at. "Do you like it? I made it myself when I was a kid." He smiled.
Ludwig nodded, clearing his throat. "Yes. It really fits you, I must admit."
Feliciano giggled, feeling a bit of a sting from his eyes. He will probably have a headache in the morning.
"Are you feeling better?" Ludwig continued. "Did you eat anything?"
Feliciano nodded. "I had some leftover pizza so I ate that. And now I'm drinking tea to feel good about myself."
"Good. That is good."
"I guess."
"Do you feel better now that you had something to eat?" Ludwig asked, his concern for Feliciano noticeable in his voice.
"Yeah, I think. Sorry I worried you like that."
"Don't be. If anything, I am glad that you spoke to me about it. I know how you feel. I was a chubby kid too."
"How did you lose weight?"
"I didn't. Growing up, my weight just transferred into muscles and I trained for a while. None of it went away."
"Well, that's comforting." Feliciano sighed sadly. "I can't keep a training schedule to save my life. Especially now that I am out of school and do nothing all day."
"You just need something to push you to do it." Ludwig said. "How about a dare?"
"A dare? Are we playing truth or dare?"
"We can if you want to."
"Okay. What's your dare?"
"I dare you to do 3 pushups every day for the next month."
Feliciano nearly spat out some of the tea he was drinking. "Three?! I can barely do 1!"
"It is a dare, you have to do it." Ludwig almost smirked.
"Only if you do something as well."
Ludwig was about to start regretting his decision. "What is it?"
Feliciano thought hard for a while, before coming up with a challenge long and hard enough for Ludwig to do it. "You told me once you weren't much of an artist."
"Yes." Ludwig was definitely regretting playing this game.
"I want you to paint me a picture of what made you happy that day. Every day. For the next month." Feliciano smirked.
"Does it have to be a painting?" Ludwig meekly asked. "You know how busy my schedule is."
"No, but it has to be colorful. And I want them sent to me by 11 p.m. ever day."
"You really like challenges, don't you?"
"You dared me first. Now you have to do it too."
"Fine." Ludwig relaxed in his chair. "It is my turn I believe." He took his time thinking about the perfect question. "If you could only see one color for the rest of your life, which one would it be?"
Taken a bit by surprise, Feliciano thought for a while, looking around to spot a color which stood out the most to him. The sea was calm today, that got his attention, so calm it was almost calling for him, so, so very... "Blue." He said out loud, without realizing it.
"Somehow that doesn't surprise me." Ludwig's voice pulled Feliciano out of his trance. "I would like to see brown mostly."
Feliciano's face almost twisted at the word brown. Why brown? It doesn't even stand out that much in nature, it's just darker orange and an ugly mix of colors together. "Why?"
Ludwig smiled. "My dogs are mostly brown." Well that explained a lot.
"I should have expected that." Feliciano laughed. "My turn. Have you ever had a girlfriend?"
An awkward question to ask Ludwig, Feliciano noticed. His cheeks have gotten a shade or two darker than usual, something that would probably go unnoticeable if he wasn't so pale. Regardless, Feliciano just had to know.
Ludwig breathed in. "No. I don't even have a female friend that isn't family to me."
"You've never dated?" Feliciano asked in surprise. And Ludwig was so good looking?
Ludwig shook his head, slightly embarrassed. "I get it that I haven't, but you? Look," Feliciano started, "when I come to Germany, we'll go hunting for ladies so that neither of us are single ever again, okay?"
It was no use in arguing over girls with Feliciano, so Ludwig just gave in. "Why are you so obsessed with them anyway?"
"Is that the next question?" Feliciano asked.
Feliciano thought for a bit. "I think it's because I have multiple personalities living inside of me." He pointed to his chest. "One is your regular flirty Italian, the other is a sad bastard and the third one is just a huge lesbian."
Ludwig laughed, but Feliciano continued. "I think we all have a female part inside of us, mine just happens to like girls more than normal."
"Okay, if you say so." Ludwig still had to recover from his laughing fit.
"Also, lately I've been having these strange dreams. Like, one time I dreamed I was stuck in a dreamworld and it was all really beautiful and nice, but I would die if I stayed for too long. And you were coming to save me." Feliciano rambled. "Would you come save me from the dreamworld, Ludwig?"
"Of course I would." Truth to be told, Ludwig wasn't following Feliciano much.
"Aw, thank you. Anyway, that's not even the weirdest. I dreamed about this guy Steve one time, only he wasn't actually a guy but some alien creature. And he had this big mansion and I was stuck in there and I couldn't escape and it was so horrifying." Feliciano shivered at the memory of his dream.
"I must admit that it does sound horrifying. Especially if you happen to be claustrophobic." Ludwig said. "Now that you mention it, I've been having some strange dreams as well. And for some reason, you are always in them."
That peaked Feliciano's interest. Not that he wasn't interested in the first place. "Oh, I wanna hear! I wanna hear!"
"Well, one time I was a pilot during World War 2 and I was stationed in Italy and I met you, but then something happened and I had to leave. My plane crashed and I was imprisoned and you came to save me, then..." Ludwig stopped. "I don't recall what happened next, but it ended nicely, I think. I just remember flying a Messerschmitt Bf 109."
"Mrs. What?" Feliciano asked.
"Messerschmitt. It was a German fighter plane in World War 2. It was a rival plane to Spitfire and had a yellow nose."
Feliciano laughed. "I'll forget it's name, but at least I'll know it had a yellow nose."
"That is all you need to know." Ludwig continued. "Then I had another dream and it was poker themed. I was the king of hearts and you were my queen. That is pretty much all I remember from it."
"You must think so highly of me to make me your queen, I'm flattered." Feliciano giggled. "What do you think these dreams mean?"
"No idea, but I wish I knew. Maybe, they represent our bond with each other as friends."
"Maybe. Maybe they are telling us of our past lives and all that. Like your war one."
"I want to stop you because if you start talking like that, we will never leave the topic of dreams."
Feliciano laughed, glad that Ludwig was listening to him by stopping him from going too far with his talking. "When will you come to Italy, Ludwig? We could have so much fun."
"As soon as I have some more free time, I will pay you a visit."
"Yes! We can go on tour of Rome and I could show you the Colosseum and The Pantheon and Bocca della Verita and I could show you our beaches and we would have so much fun!"
"You sound like you have already planned everything out."
"That's just one possibility. I could give you a tour of all of Italy if you want. You just have to come here first."
Ludwig attempted his nicest smile. And failed. Feliciano was so excited about all of this. "Would you show me the Rialto Bridge as well?"
It would be a lie to say Feliciano's eyes didn't glow at this point. "Of course I would! And maybe you can bring your girlfriend, if you get one in time, and you can do the kiss scene from the book! You can even get married! Can I be your best man, please?"
"You will have to fight Gilbert for that position. I doubt he would just give it away."
"Gilbert, you are a worthy opponent. But I must take you down for the sake of providing myself the glorious Best Man position." Feliciano delivered the speech. "I can do best wedding speeches, I think Gilbert is already losing."
"We will see." Ludwig laughed. "But wouldn't you want to be your brother's best man?"
"I'm the odd one out, they got each other. Aside from you, I don't have much options on who else to have as my best man." Feliciano sighed.
"Well, that is really sad. I probably won't marry at all, so if you get married, I can still be your best man." Ludwig said.
"Really? You'd do that for me?"
"But what about Gilbert?"
"I admire you for believing that he would get married, but I doubt that would be the case."
"Harsh truth." Feliciano laughed. "I hope Lovi can get married. If not here, he could get married somewhere else."
"One day it might be possible."
"One day when the world isn't as hateful as now. I think he'll hate having to be married outside of Italy."
Silence fell upon them, just as the front door of Feliciano's house slammed shut. A soft, but loud voice could be heard. "Feli! I'm home!"
"Romeo is home. I'm not alone anymore." Feliciano commented.
"Do I suddenly not exist?" Ludwig asked, a bit offended by Feliciano's statement.
"No! I meant that I'm not home alone anymore. Don't go anywhere, I'd be sad if you stopped existing." Feliciano corrected himself.
A sound of footsteps coming up the stairs could be heard, but Feliciano failed to hear them.
"I won't be going anywhere then." Ludwig said, just as the door to Feliciano's room opened.
"Hi Feli." Romeo greeted. "Who are you talking to?"
Feliciano jumped slightly as the door opened, but smiled to his brother. "Ludwig. Come say hi."
Romeo did as he was told and greeted Ludwig. "Hi Lud."
"Hello." Came a response.
"Feli, nonno said he'll be coming home the day after tomorrow. We should probably prepare Lovi just in case." Romeo said.
"Good idea. I'll be down when we're done and we can plan the thing out." Feliciano responded and Romeo left him to wrap things up with Ludwig.
"So nonno is coming home soon. Which is bad. And we need to prepare Lovi for it. Which is worse." Feliciano explained the situation to Ludwig, seeing as the latter didn't know much Italian.
"I see. Basically, you get to be a pigeon again." Ludwig remarked.
Feliciano laughed, partially glad Ludwig still remembered that from a couple of months ago. "Probably. Maybe it works out okay in the end, but I doubt it."
"I am here whenever you need me. Except when I am at college or at work, but other than that..."
"Thanks." Feliciano laughed. "I gotta go. Me and Romeo have to plan this out carefully."
"Before you do, it is Romeo and I. Remember it."
"Yes, yes, Romeo and I, okay. Talk to you later, Ludwig!" Feliciano said, waving goodbye to Ludwig.
"Good luck!" Ludwig simply said and gave Feliciano a small wave before ending the call. They talked for good 3 hours, but to Feliciano it only felt like a couple of minutes.
He walked downstairs to discuss things with Romeo. Getting his brother and grandfather in the same room again won't be easy and Feliciano just hoped it would turn out okay in the end.
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Drawn Together: Chapter 15
This one is a bit shorter than normal... sorry :(
♡~Feli~♡: So Ludwig i have a question ♡~Feli~♡: How well do you protect against the germs
Ludwig: Pretty well, why
♡~Feli~♡: Because you live in ♡~Feli~♡: Germany
Ludwig: Feliciano Ludwig: I swear to god
Ludwig: https://youtu.be/tzQuuoKXVq0 Ludwig: I think you should watch this
♡~Feli~♡: Okie ♡~Feli~♡: The coffee one is so true i feel called out ♡~Feli~♡: OH I FOUND THE ITALIANS VERSUS GERMANS ONE ♡~Feli~♡: https://youtu.be/K0bI6YHhsvM
Ludwig: The vacation one is true
♡~Feli~♡: Yeah but lovi says you usually bring way more stuff and then ppl cant walk around the beach because of you
Ludwig: Well, I have only been to France for a summer vacation so there weren't a lot of options Ludwig: I am not a beach person to be honest
♡~Feli~♡: Thats cuz you ve never been to italian beachrs
Ludwig: I have never had a proper chance
♡~Feli~♡: Ill take you one day then ♡~Feli~♡: I promise you ll love it
♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig ♡~Feli~♡: Do you like planes
Ludwig: I guess Ludwig: Why?
♡~Feli~♡: I cant figure out how to draw them ♡~Feli~♡: They just end up looking like a deformed bird ♡~Feli~♡: I feel like ive created an outer space monster
Ludwig: I am not really the person you should ask for art advice Ludwig: Maybe try to find a model of some plane and keep practicing
♡~Feli~♡: Now you sound like my ex teachers ♡~Feli~♡: A trauma i never want to live through again
Ludwig: That reminds me Ludwig: What do you do for living Feliciano?
♡~Feli~♡: Clean after my brothers... ♡~Feli~♡: And art
Ludwig: So you don't have a part time job or anything?
♡~Feli~♡: Nope ♡~Feli~♡: Being lazy is my job acc to Lovi
Ludwig: That is fine Ludwig: I was just wondering because if you have to come here to work on the cover, I didn't want you to miss working hours
♡~Feli~♡: Id like to come someday ♡~Feli~♡: I wanted to see germany for a while
Ludwig: Well, if you don't have a place to stay at or you don't want to waste money on hotels, you are always welcome here Ludwig: Just call before you come
♡~Feli~♡: I will  ♡~Feli~♡: If i dont forget that is
♡~Feli~♡: So i found a list ♡~Feli~♡: Of my new years resolutions for 2018 ♡~Feli~♡: Guess which ones i did
Ludwig: None probably
♡~Feli~♡: Youd be close to correct ♡~Feli~♡: I did one
Ludwig: Which one?
♡~Feli~♡: I made a new friend ♡~Feli~♡: You
Ludwig: I... Ludwig: I am flattered
♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig do you like bugs
Ludwig: Not really, why?
♡~Feli~♡: I found this strange furry caterpillar its so cute
Ludwig: I feel the need to kinkshame you
♡~Feli~♡: Why?
Ludwig: For that word
♡~Feli~♡: Caterpillar ?? ♡~Feli~♡: Whats wrong with it ??
Ludwig: The one before it
♡~Feli~♡: Furry? ♡~Feli~♡: Whats wrong with it it does have some weird kind of fur
Ludwig: Never go on the internet Ludwig: Stay innocent forever
Ludwig: Algebra amazes me Ludwig: So much shit not enough bull Ludwig: Excuse my language
♡~Feli~♡: I will ignore the mentions of math language for the sake of you swearing ♡~Feli~♡: I want this on my gravestone
♡~Feli~♡: I asked lovi what furry means ♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig ♡~Feli~♡: Are you into that
Ludwig: No Ludwig: I am sorry you couldn't be innocent forever
♡~Feli~♡: I havent known innocence since i first learned what yaoi was
Ludwig: I am so terribly sorry
♡~Feli~♡: I am too for young me
♡~Feli~♡: Imagine if the world just turned to ashes one day
Ludwig: That could happen
♡~Feli~♡: Really ?? ♡~Feli~♡: I was just trying to be poetic
Ludwig: Yes  Ludwig: There is a theory that the sun will swallow Earth in distant future
♡~Feli~♡: I hope to be dead by then
Ludwig: We would all probably be Ludwig: If we don't recycle and take care of our planet
♡~Feli~♡: Yes
♡~Feli~♡: Your ass is grass herr sassafrass
Ludwig: Feliciano?
♡~Feli~♡: Yes this is Feli
Ludwig: You don't sound like Feliciano
♡~Feli~♡: You have no proof im not
Ludwig: Is this Lovino?
♡~Feli~♡: No ♡~Feli~♡: Sorry it was lovi ♡~Feli~♡: He took my phone to text nonno but he texted you instead
Ludwig: Your brother is interesting
♡~Feli~♡: Try living with him youd change your mind
Ludwig: *at 3 a.m.* Life is meaningless Feliciano Ludwig: We get attached to people, we learn to love them  Ludwig: But then before you know it Ludwig: They are dead Ludwig: Just like that the human existence crumbles
♡~Feli~♡: *at 11 a.m.* Ludwig are you okay
Ludwig: I finished a good book last night  Ludwig: I am anything but okay
♡~Feli~♡: Aww ♡~Feli~♡: I felt like that when i finished yours ♡~Feli~♡: Read it again for good measure
Ludwig: I have piles of homework to complete
♡~Feli~♡: Books are more important
Ludwig: I am going to have to agree with you there Ludwig: But I do have to finish this soon Ludwig: The deadline is in 3 weeks
♡~Feli~♡: Id do it the night before you have time ♡~Feli~♡: What kind of homework do you even have ♡~Feli~♡: How old are you Ludwig
Ludwig: 21 and a half Ludwig: It is just college assignments Ludwig: We got new ones today and I really like them completed in time
♡~Feli~♡: Aw you re a baby ♡~Feli~♡: Im 22 ♡~Feli~♡: What are you studying
Ludwig: Physics and mechanical engineering Ludwig: And I also have a part time job so Ludwig: Time mustn't be wasted
♡~Feli~♡: Thats a lot ♡~Feli~♡: Ludwig do you even breathe
Ludwig: No
♡~Feli~♡: Do you have anything comforting ♡~Feli~♡: Like some dog pictures or something ♡~Feli~♡: Im feeling really sad
*Ludwig has sent a picture*
Ludwig: Gilbert took them fishing today Ludwig: Are you okay
♡~Feli~♡: They are so cuteeee ♡~Feli~♡: CUTECUTECUTECUTE ♡~Feli~♡: Yeah im good  ♡~Feli~♡: Just feeling a bit under weather and lovi yelled at me that i was being lazy again
Ludwig: I see Ludwig: Sorry I am not very good with emotions Ludwig: Would you like some more pictures?
♡~Feli~♡: You get me enouth tnx ♡~Feli~♡: Send the cute
*Ludwig has sent 27 pictures*
Ludwig: I overdid it
♡~Feli~♡: I love them ♡~Feli~♡: When i get my ass to germany i will pet them lots and lots ♡~Feli~♡: Tell them that
Ludwig: Don't spoil my dogs too much
♡~Feli~♡: Oh i absolutely will
Ludwig: Good morning to you too Feliciano
Ludwig: No time for losers
Ludwig: Of the world
♡~Feli~♡: Lets form a band Ludwig
Ludwig: No time Ludwig: But i do appreciate being woken up by Queen lyrics at 5 a.m. Ludwig: Why are you up so early
♡~Feli~♡: Bold of you to assume I even slept
Ludwig: I see
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