averagejoesolomon · 10 days
Hi! It is Sunday, but I will not have anything for you tonight. Thanks for your patience—March always seems to kick my butt. I’ll be back at it soon!
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averagejoesolomon · 10 days
literally 6 people expressing interest sent me into the brainstorming phase. I’m open to any opinions/suggestions :)
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if you’re interested and I haven’t followed you back yet lmk!
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averagejoesolomon · 13 days
1000% and also relatedly, please enjoy one of my favorite poems on the subject: http://www.mjglass.ca/metaphor/getfound.htm
Headcannon that Cameron Morgan was that kid that when you played hide and seek as a massive class group, she would be the one kid who was completely forgotten and left to sit in her hiding spot for forty two minutes and fifteen seconds because she didn't know whether the game was over yet
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
what I love about cammie is she always lets us know when there’s a hot guy even when it’s an important life or death situation she’s so real for that
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
So, Full Circle this week? Wowza. That was so unexpectedly emotional. I was expecting to want to do the "kiss, kiss, kiss" chant, and yet this was so much more somehow? I'm so excited. I'm so nervous. Ahhh, all the feelings. I'm so ready for these two, but also, I'm realizing I might cry over them....... so ya. I'm fine. It's totally fine. 🥹😭🤧
These two. These two are. God, I am never going to get over Rachel "Come To Bed" Cameron and Matthew "Hold Her Hand" Morgan. I am sobbing, constantly. They fill my heart so thoroughly. I'm so glad you get to see them like this. (And don't worry—a "kiss, kiss, kiss" scene is not far off)
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
okay, so I know you're deeply into Full Circle, but I've been doing so much research with the original series and The Listen Series again lately and I just had to come yell at you (with love and immense excitement) because...
Mary? From OSOT?? I...Idk. Maybe it's just my own headcanon? But I swear...she didn't even flinch when Cammie got her in a lock? Took care of her. Knew all the languages she was speaking? Irish. Strawberry Blonde. Face full of freckles. Blue eyes. Close in age to Cam?
Is it just me?! IS THAT MRS. O'REILLY?!
Sarah, I need answers. Like did you also think this or I have stumbled upon this?
And if I've stumbled upon it, CAN YOU IMAGINE -
A girl, a little lost and confused, maybe on the run from something herself, and meeting Cam, she decides she isn't alone and maybe she saved Cammie on that mountain, but maybe, just maybe Cammie saved her a little? And she leaves. And she meets PHINEAS. AND THEN
Phineas. Decides to study the brain, because "Mary" was fascinated, after Cammie, and maybe they talked about it a lot, and maybe he just needed to feel closer to her, to understand his own grief, whatever the reason.
*see my next thing yelling at you
hello yes I'm back because, I just have to talk about Luke Collins #1 - both him and Zach telling Cam and Morgan that they aren't crazy? I cry. Every time. Every. Single. Time. #2- something about this last re-read, maybe it's cause I was bouncing around between both series, but how much more I noticed the direct similarities but also the opposite to their relationships and each other? Like Cammie and Zach, at Gillian's in OSOT and Zach says he can't fit. and he kisses her for luck. BUT THEN LUKE says almost the same thing. In Sleuth Will Set You Free? and Morgan's like I don't care and he is just....UGHHHHH #3- the beautiful subtle way Luke starts to get more open about his feelings for Morgan? And her too, but mainly him is what I'm focused on. That quiet Luke Collins thing. When Morgan literally describes them as being not so great at the outward, open thing like Matt/Scout - and then Luke is loop de looping on her arm and kissing her palm and is that a pistol in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?/just kiss me?! EXCUSE ME?! and he's all nervous and frantic energy until his hands settle on her when she finally wakes up and THE WRIST KISS in the last chapter. Anyways, just me kissing your beautiful big lovely brain as always and thanking you for writing this series over and over and over again 💙
😍✨💕🎉🥰 I certainly don't remember making the Mary connection to Finn's mom, but I am always always always open to more Finn lore—I absolutely adore that kid. Always down for adding more meaning where you can find it. And speaking of kids I adore, you're absolutely right about Luke Collins, in every way. He's the best. At the time, I remember trying to write him in direct parallel to Zach, though that changed over the 7+ years it took me to write the series. I learned a lot between book 5 and book 6, and Luke's development can be directly attributed to those 5 years away. I adore the way he comes across in all the books, but Over and Run With is a real breakout for him. brb gonna go re-read those Gathering chapters rn... 👀 (Thanks for screaming with me, I do love this series)
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
Okay, not really an ask (this is about to be SO long, I'm so sorry)... but I thought I'd say that, as I suspected, Full Circle has made my GG reread even harder. In the best way possible. There are just so many moments that have even more depth to them after reading this fic.
In DJGC it was seeing the Circle start to come after Cammie after seeing Matt start to go after the Circle, and how he never wanted it to get to that point (or even imagined it would). Also I feel like Macey's character development was somehow touched by how you've written the Cameron sister's background, especially with regards to Abby, her and Macey's connection has another layer to it now. And after rereading Full Circle and seeing Matt's unwavering loyalty to Joe and the lengths that he's gone to protect him, seeing the intelligence world turn on Joe in OGSY was just heartbreaking to say the least because it's everything Matt was trying to spare him from. And THE JOURNAL!! I'm not even gonna touch on that. And in OSOT...... yeah, I'm actually still recovering from that. Haven't reread UWS yet, but I'm assuming that will also wreck me.
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for making this series an even more interesting read. The sad moments are even sadder but it's fun in every way and it's made me love these books even more. I really didn't think that was possible. Anyways, I just enjoy reading Full Circle so much and appreciate all the work you've put into it!!
P.S. I also noticed that your blog is down and with it the "Will Full Circle update tonight?" button. So I was wondering if I could ask when the next update will be? Again, love this fic!
This is SUCH a compliment and the highest praise a fic writer can get—thank you, thank you, thank you. That is always the goal with what I write. I view fic as such a powerful too for adding depth to stories and taking more time to explore the human experience than one might find in a traditionally published book. It is seriously such a privilege to do exactly that for the GG series.
You've touched on so many points from the original series that I think about when writing Full Circle, and it's so fulfilling to know that they hit like I hope they do. Macey and Abby definitely have a deeper bond when you give Abby an heiress background (and, btw, so do Rachel and Macey—because it's Rachel who lets her in). Matt and Joe are the driving force being the whole story and it does hurt to see what's left of them in the original series. And the journal is the thing that made me want to write this story all those years ago.
Ultimately, I write Full Circle because I can't help myself. This story was going to come out of me one day, one way or another. But I am so so so happy that it happened now, when I could share it with others who are also amped about adding depth to this beloved series. Thank you, seriously, thank you for sharing this one with me.
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
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lmao, good luck you guys, I'm crying for so many different reasons rn. Please have so much fun with this one. If you're new here, you can read all of Full Circle on Ao3. Enjoy!
Chapter Eight
Matt’s never found a safe house shower that’s left him satisfied, but this one does a decent job of washing the Bolshoi down the drain. He gets a full ten minutes before the hot water runs cold, which gives him just enough time to find the start of a plan in the grout between each tile. The middle of his plan comes to him in the steam-shrouded path between bathroom and bedroom, while the end reveals itself at the bottom of his go-bag, right next to his favorite pair of wool socks. By the time he finally spots the passports, he already knows exactly how to sneak them out of the house, and exactly how to get them back.
Rachel's left the leather messenger bag completely unattended, looped around a golden hook on the back of the bedroom door. It hangs with a lopsided lilt, slouching under the weight of nearly a dozen different identities, and Matt reckons he could reach right for it. Pluck it from the hook and strap it over his shoulder. Take it before Rachel even knew it was gone, and leave her with all the plausible deniability in the world.
Except he hasn’t made up his mind quite yet. And anyway, he really ought to put on some pants before he fully commits to violating the Espionage Act.
“Oh.” It’s the last voice he wants to hear right now. It’s the first voice he wants to hear, always. Both. “Sorry, I didn’t realize—”
As the door swings open, Rachel stops short in the archway, her hair still wavy and wet with the smell of sage and lavender shampoo. He sometimes forgets—although he doesn’t know how—just how many freckles she has when she’s not all made up, especially in the summer months. He can always tell when she’s fresh off the plane from Italy, or France, or Spain, betrayed by the hundreds of little spots sprinkled across a sun-kissed red. He sees that same rosy color in her cheeks now, although that’s probably got less to do with recent European excursions, and much more to do with the fact that Matt is wearing nothing but a towel. 
Matt blinks, unsure of the protocol in this particular situation. “No trouble,” he says. “You, uh, looking for something?”
“You.” Rachel doesn’t blink. Not even once. “I was looking for you.”
She seems to have that much covered. In fact, she’s looking at him more than she’s looking for him, with all the same attention to detail she brings to every other facet of her life. Dark eyes slip across his torso like she’s taking in the layout, making note of every entrance, every route, every room she wants to hit along the way. In this particular department, Matt’s got nothing to hide—a clandestine lifestyle does plenty of favors for a fella’s core strength, to say nothing of all those dawns spent lagging behind Joe as they run laps up and down the Mall—but it’s strange to be on the receiving end of such a tactical and overt scan. Stranger still that he might like it.
He really likes it, actually.
The longer her look lingers, the more he’s able to settle into his own enjoyment. There’s a physicality to her gaze, as tangible as if she reached out to touch him. Her eyes brush across his chest, trail down his obliques, and wrap around his middle just in time to work their way back up again. Matt’s always been a good, wholesome looking guy, according to his mama and every girlfriend he’s ever had. But this moment proves he’s got the kind of looks that make a girl like Rachel Cameron stop and stare, which is a whole new level as far as he’s concerned.
“Well, you found me,” he says, unable to bite back a broad grin. He has to catch himself and straighten his features into something more serious. “And, uh”—he clears his throat—“keep finding me, seems like.”
She flits across his collar, down his shoulders, biceps, forearms, hands.  “What?”
Matt lets out a huff of a laugh. “My eyes are up here, Ace,” he teases, throwing two guiding fingers toward his face. “Not that I can’t appreciate a wandering eye.”
Finally, she blinks like she’s making up for lost time. One, two, three, right in a flustered row. “Sorry,” she says, and he swears she’s turning redder. “Oh my god, no, sorry. I just—I didn’t realize you had so many scars.”
Now it’s Matt’s turn to feel the flush rise to his face, not because he minds her looking, but because he didn’t realize she was looking that closely. He’s never been asked about his scars before, not least because few people ever see them. Outside of his own reflection, Joe’s the only one to know when Matt adds a new cut to his collection, and that’s only because Joe’s usually the one stitching him back together. He’s never had to answer for the menagerie of pink and silver marks puckered across his skin. Never had to explain why he seems to be more scar than not.
Matt doesn’t consider himself to be a nervous man, but something about Rachel noticing all of his long healed hurt gets his heart all twisted in a tizzy.
“Yeah, well,” he says with a shrug. “Knife wound here, gunshot there, a questionable tussle with a Spanish bull—you know how it is.”
“That’s not funny,” she reminds him.
“Wasn’t joking,” he promises, but this doesn’t console her the way he hopes. He tries another approach. “I’m sure you’ve got your fair share.”
She won’t stand for it. “That’s not a fair share, Matthew.” She eases closer, one step at a time and thoughtless in a way she never is. “Look at you. How many knives are you going to take to your side before you learn to cover it—and are those cigar burns?”
Her attention starts to feel sharper, infused with equal parts scrutiny and curiosity. Rachel’s the type of person who likes to understand how things happen, and he can feel her calculating the angle, force, and method behind every last mark. It’s a dangerous game, trying to guess all the ways a guy’s been wounded. Leaves too much room for the imagination.
“That’s the thing about the Russian Mob,” he says, trying to cut through her conclusions before they go too far off the tracks. “Once they get their hands on you, they’ll make you talk one way or another. Sometimes that means taking cigars to your chest for six hours straight.”
These scars are courtesy of low-level mobsters—that much is true. He leaves out that one of the mobsters was a Circle informant on the verge of switching sides, before he was found dead in his apartment a day later with a suicide note written in someone else’s hand. After a night like that, Joe had to haul Matt out of the country via cargo plane to avoid suspicion at customs.
What Rachel doesn’t know won’t hurt her. 
Finally, she trades tangible looks for real, honest touch. Her fingertips grace the field of burns from left to right, silently counting as she goes—twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two—before she lands on the mark just an inch from his heart. “Doesn’t look like you did much talking.”
Her hands are warmer than usual, but Matt still fights a shiver. “I try not to make a habit of it.”
Her eyes finally meet his, with that same appraising severity she spared for his scars. She studies him, intently, before saying, “I know that about you.”
They’ve had this same conversation before—or one like it, at least—on the procedural, bureaucratic training grounds of Camp Perry. He remembers a younger Rachel waiting for him after four long nights of sleepless, shivering, hungry Hail Marys and only now, years later, does it occur to him to wonder why she was the first one to greet him. “You never told me,” he says, “what they did to you. Back in training, when they took us all away and…”
Her hand falls, but her gaze does not. “That’s need-to-know.”
Matt tries, “What about want-to-know?”
“What did they do, Rachel?”
They’re right on the verge of one another, ready to fall straight into whatever shared past, present, and future they have. An answer sits at the edge of her lips, hesitant, and he could wait a lifetime just as long as she keeps looking at him like this—chin up to meet his height, eyes wide and wanting, her breath rising and falling just inches from his own. He likes the way she fits at his front, likes how his broadness compliments her petite frame, likes that she ain’t afraid to get right up in his face and tell him how things are. 
She takes a step back.
The only thing that keeps Matt from reaching out, wrapping an arm around her hip, and pulling her firmly back into place, is the fact that he’s got socks in one hand and a towel in the other. That, and he’s pretty sure that Rachel’s hands are actual, registered lethal weapons. He’s got no choice but to let her pull away. “I came in here to tell you that Townsend will be sleeping on the sofa.”
“You…” It’s a Cameron family specialty, to change subjects so abruptly it leaves his head spinning. “Uh, okay. Suppose I can take the floor.”
She works her way across the room and plucks a silk scrunchie from the nightstand, slipping it around her wrist. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she says, pulling up her hair with that special one-two-three movement women do. “You’ll take the bed.”
Sage and lavender waft through the room as she twists her hair into a bun with all the casual magic of Houdini tying knots. “I already told you,” he protests. “My mama would kill me if I let you—”
“I’m also taking the bed.” She keeps herself busy by fluffing the pillows and straightening the wrinkles from the quilt. “It's a queen. I don’t really need the whole thing to myself, do I?”
This is phrased like a question, but coming from Rachel, it sounds more like an irrefutable fact. She has that effect, always speaking with enough certainty that everything she says sounds like a universal truth. Usually, it’s in Matt’s best interest to take her at her word, but this one will take some extra convincing, on account of how it sends his stomach flipping.
“You and me?”
“In the same bed?”
“At the same time?”
“Matt, please don’t be a boy about this,” she says. “Abby and I share all the time.”
If Matt were to name all of the differences between Abby and himself, they would be here well into the night, the most notable among them being that Matt ain’t anyone’s sister. “You don’t think this is maybe a little different, than you and Abby?”
She glances up at him, a challenge in her eye. “Why?”
There it is again. That edge that sits between them. Over the years, they’ve become experts at dancing along this particular cliff side, and Matt doesn’t have the guts to jump first. Instead, he hooks two fingers through the strap of his bag and starts toward the door. A retreat. “I’m going to get changed.”
“Change in here.”
“I’m leaving,” she says, all innocence and throwing her hands up to each side to prove it. She’s already following through on her promise by the time she says, “Get dressed. Get settled. I’ll work out Townsend’s watch schedule with Abe and Grace—are you okay to take him for an hour or two?”
What Rachel doesn’t know won’t hurt her. “Sure.”
She closes the door as she goes, leaving the messenger bag swinging on its hook. Its buckles scrape against the wood, back and forth, back and forth, and Matt knows he has a decision to make. The more he thinks about it, the more it comes down to the same two options he always runs into: Joe or Rachel. Except this time, the answer ain’t so obvious.
For now, all he can do is follow the instructions he was given. He towels off, gets dressed, and meanders back to the main room. Abe’s made bedtime tea and tries to coax Matt into a cup. Grace has found a deck of cards and challenged Townsend to a game of War. The couple share a sickeningly long kiss before Abe retires to the bedroom, leaving his wife on the first watch shift.
It’s late and getting later, but Matt doesn’t recognize the evening for what it is. Throughout his career, he’s spent so many nights fighting off sleep that he doesn’t realize how tired he is, until Rachel calls to him from across the room. “Matthew,” she says. “Come to bed.”
She’s standing in the doorway of their shared bedroom and, for a moment, Matt spots a flash of everything he wants in the world—Rachel Cameron, freckle-faced and hair tied, beckoning him to sleep. Rest. Be, right beside her. It’s enough to stop his breath. It’s enough to get him up and moving without a fight.
They navigate by moonlight creeping through the cracks of closed curtains. Rachel slips into her side of the bed, and Matt fumbles into what is apparently his side. The mattress groans, and the frame squeaks, and while Matt admits this is an upgrade from the hellish loveseat, he still can’t find any comfort. He clings to the far edge of the bed, giving Rachel ample space, stiff as a board while he stares up at the wood paneled ceiling.
But slowly, slowly, her warmth seeps through their shared blankets, and his must too. Her low, even breaths fill the spaces between his own. He begins to unwind, one muscle at a time, until enough seconds have passed and enough sleep has taken over that he asks, voice heavy, “Rachel?”
And she responds, “Mmm?”
“What did they do?” he needs to know. “At Camp Perry, what did they do to you?”
He can’t see her through the darkness, but he’s got this crystal clear memory of her with a black eye, waiting for him with worry woven into her every feature. Her answering voice perfectly matches the version of her in his mind’s eye. “Nothing.”
“Fine, don’t tell me.”
“I mean it,” she says, vowels drawn out and sleepy. “They didn’t put me in a training cell. Didn’t starve me, or freeze me out, or beat me. I just had to…sit there, knowing that I didn't fight hard enough. Hell, I didn’t even have to do that—I was free to go about my day.”
He lets his head fall to the side, pressing past his pillow until he spots her silhouette. It’s a perfect profile. The curve of her cheek, the slope of her nose, and round, easy lips. “But you didn’t,” he guesses. “You couldn’t.”
She turns to look at him now, and he can feel her gaze, even if he can’t see it. “If my sister’s screaming behind a door,” she says, “I’m going to be on the other side of it, trying my damnedest to get it open, even if I know it won’t make a difference.”
That’s what Rachel does. She covers Abby. She covers her father. “Yeah.” And now she’s covering him. “I know that about you.”
It doesn’t take much, to cast an exploratory reach toward her side of the bed and come back with her hand in his. Her fingers are back to their usual chill, like the first day of fall after a blazing hot summer, and he likes the way their palms fit together. She must too, because she squeezes once, twice, testing the feel of it.
“You waited for me,” he goes on. “After Abby was released, you were still there, waiting for me.”
There’s a hitch in her breath. He can see it in the rise of her chest. Hear it interrupt the steady beat he’s long latched onto. “Yes.”
And maybe his own breath hitches, too. “Why?”
One more time, they find themselves on the edge of almost. Except this time, Rachel’s tired enough to fall. “I liked you.”
He smiles. “You had a funny way of showing it.”
“Maybe I didn’t like you yet,” she admits. “Maybe I just liked the idea of you. Maybe I hoped you could become someone great, and maybe I hoped I could be a part of that.”
“Am I?” he wonders. “Great?”
“Better,” she says. “You’re good.”
It wouldn’t mean anything coming from anyone else. But because it comes from her, it means absolutely everything. “You’re a part of that, y’know.”
She gives his hand another squeeze and laces her fingers between his. Before long, she falls asleep like that, and Matt reckons her touch could keep him pinned in place until his very last breath. For the first time in his adult life, he understands why his pops is always praising simple pleasures. 
And by God, he really is in love with her.
This is a revelation that comes at exactly the wrong time, although, if he’s honest with himself, it has slowly and steadily snuck into their years together. In hindsight, he realizes this is exactly how it’s supposed to happen. It’s impossible to fall in love with Rachel Cameron overnight, because there’s too much to her for any one person to love all at once. She ought to be savored, piece by piece, laugh by laugh, fight by infuriating fight. She ought to be discovered—taken in time, taken in stride, taken by surprise—rather than given without effort or care. To love Rachel is to know her, and understand her, and anticipate her every word.
He decides, then and there, what he’s going to do. Dozing off at her side, he takes sleep where it will come. The hours pass and soon it’s Matt’s turn to watch over Townsend. He carefully slips out of her hold, shakes the kid awake, and takes the messenger bag from its golden hook, trying to be the good man Rachel Cameron thinks he is.
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
Yes? Probably? Idk it depends on how talkative Matt and Rachel feel tonight, but I think we’ll see them tonight!
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
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Cammie Morgan aka Chameleon
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Bex Baxter aka Duchess
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Liz Sutton aka Bookworm
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Macey McHenry aka Peacock
Gallagher Girls character mood boards
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
Hi! I know my "Full Circle Update" button is down, so I'll just tell you that I don't have a chapter tonight. Probably next week? Apparently, tumblr doesn't allow you to keep a webpage and hide from their new AI scraping policy. For reasons that are probably pretty obvious, I'm prioritizing the protection of this blog from AI. I'll figure out something! Thanks for your patience in the meantime.
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averagejoesolomon · 1 month
Do you recommend reading The Listen Series or Full Circle first?
Doesn’t matter, I don’t think! I consider these both to be self-isolated series that have no bearing on one another. There might be Easter eggs here and there, but you don’t need to read one to understand the other—or anything else I write.
I will say, I wrote the Listen Series ten years ago and it’s a very different reading experience. I was still developing my own style, which means the Listen series is more of a mimicry of Ally’s style. Also, there are many more young adult themes, because I was a young adult when I wrote it.
Full Circle has a more defined tone with more mature themes, and though Ally’s style will forever influence mine, Full Circle is definitely its own thing. But! It is a work in progress, and it probably won’t be done for another five-ish years. The Listen Series is all wrapped up, and might be quicker to knock out.
Totally up to you and what reading experience you’re looking for. Whatever the case, thanks for reading my stuff!
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averagejoesolomon · 2 months
Hii, how are you? I wanted to read the Listen Series, do you happen to have a link for the master list. Thank you so muchh
Hi pal! The Listen Series is only available on wattpad at the moment. You can read it there, although I know it's not the greatest reading experience. I plan to move it to Ao3 at some point in the near future. Which brings me to a question for YOU (and others).
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averagejoesolomon · 2 months
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My dad is really dead.
I know, Cammie. I have always known. 
Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you.
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averagejoesolomon · 2 months
If Full Circle was a published book, I would totally pull an all-nighter and read it cover to cover. This LAST CHAPTER. Come on Sarah. The whole thing was (per usual) amazing, I'll say that till I'm blue in the face. JOE FINALLY knocking some sense into Matt? Joe PROTECTING RACHEL AND ~CATHERINE~ (he is secretly a sweet guy, and we know it). All the unsaid things, these boys. Also starting to feel the whole Circle of Cavan impending doom and it's got me in a choke hold.
PS. Particularly with the age gap Joe and Catherine feel much more like poor tortured souls together and less like lovers, DONT GET ME WRONG who doesn't love Joe, but shipping him with every single -older-gen woman does feel a little forced. So maybe it's not the way you intended it, and we will see that later, but I like the dynamic anyway.
PPS. This isn't exactly Full Circle comment but the dynamics between the two of them feels so cannon. I've officially got no clue how Joe and Rachel get together. like at all. The tension between these two is so cold. How.
Dude, you and me both. Sometimes I think about how this story has to end and I'm like "I can fix him tho" except I can't. I can't fix him. Matt's gonna take himself to his grave. BUT IN THE MEANTIME, yes yes yes, Joe and Catherine is so interesting to me and I'm so jazzed to see how it plays out over these next few chapters, and the next few installments. I don't particularly ship them (although there are plenty who do—and I've certainly written some stuff that implies romance), but I do think there has to be some sort of relationship there, for Zach to make any sense. And it's nice to give Joe some stakes.
And Joe with Rachel is 😍✨ I'm so excited. When these two do finally warm up to one another, it's going to be such a treat. THANK YOU for reading, and thank you for sharing your excitement.
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averagejoesolomon · 2 months
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Still, Matt has one more question that he just can’t seem to shake. “Joe?” he says. “What’s her name?”
It takes Joe long enough to answer that Matt wonders if Joe’s already hung up, and he’s talking into dead air. “Her name is Catherine,” he finally says. “Catherine Goode.”
-Full Circle (@averagejoesolomon)
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averagejoesolomon · 2 months
i said it was my favorite piece of media that i’ve hyperfixated on since the tender age of 12 and have not let go of since. i didnt say it was a Good piece of media
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