andromedaslover · 1 year
hey girlypops! just wanted to hop on real quick to remind y’all that putting down other women does not save you from their fate. if a man “hates astrology women,” he hates all women. i don’t care if you don’t believe in astrology or think it’s ridiculous, putting down women who believe in it is horrific. 
if a man “hates fat women,” he will still treat you like shit. because that is not “preference,” that is not “concern for their health,” that is misogny. if a man hates women he will live and die that way. you can be the executioner or you can be the fool that defends him even after his death. 
there are enough people in this world who hate women without you being one of them. stand the fuck up. defend your sisters. do not fall victim to the trap of receiving approval from your oppressors. they will never see you as one of them. 
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andromedaslover · 2 years
“She decides God is no good, but he must exist, / he must exist so she can hold him accountable.”
— Ada Limón, from “The Echo Sounder,” Lucky Wreck (via lifeinpoetry)
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andromedaslover · 2 years
To my international friends: If you ever wonder why Americans are the way they are, just remember that 1/3rd of all US citizens are in a cult that teaches them to suppress the activity of their prefrontal cortex, particularly when it comes to doubt, critical thinking, and differentiating emotional responses from personal values.
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andromedaslover · 2 years
when I asked a Christian pastor if you could get baptized in Dr Pepper he was not amused and gave a dumb answer about are you really taking it seriously if you're using Dr pepper
but from what I've learned on the internet rabbis are very into questions like what Pokemon are kosher and can a dragon light a candle on the sabbath
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andromedaslover · 2 years
i’m sorry but i will never trust a christian again. i know too much about what you believe and what you think is okay and i can’t stand it. you disgust me. it is vile. 
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andromedaslover · 2 years
one time my pastor told this “charming” story of a seven year old boy who went to church on easter for the first time and was confused as to why the adults weren’t distressed about jesus’ crucifixion story. 1) it’s because we’re desensitized to it and 2) the fact that your GOAL is to traumatize and distress kids... disgusting and vile. i cannot and will not ever trust a christian again. 
girl help its midnight and i have a sudden and burning rage for the fact that LITTLE KIDS are given every horrible, bloody, traumatic detail of jesus’ murder and then are told that THEY are the person that put him there and THEY are the reason he’s in pain
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andromedaslover · 2 years
on indefinite leave 
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andromedaslover · 2 years
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LDN 1622, Stardust in Orion
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andromedaslover · 2 years
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Certainty was something I craved after leaving Christianity. And I felt very, very guilty about craving it.
As a new ex-Christian, I saw a lot of mockery directed at Christian ideas online and I wanted to be safe from that mockery. For the first few years after leaving, I hid my feelings and stopped myself from grieving the loss of "absolute" certainty in my life.
Only through mourning that loss and getting some healthy distance from my fundamentalist Christian life could I start to embrace and celebrate the uncertainty of my new secular life!
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andromedaslover · 2 years
i really don’t care how much you think your church is “good for kids.” no literal child should be forced to witness the acts of violence in the bible and be told that it is their fault nails are being pounded into jesus’ wrists. children are not “wretched sinners” they are fucking children. 
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andromedaslover · 2 years
girl you’re not talking about killing people anymore are you ok
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andromedaslover · 2 years
I don't think a Christian can ever really love a gay person unless the Christian is entirely for lgbt equality in the church. I was gonna phrase this post as "lgbt people Christians don't really love you because they want to fix you" but that seems a little broad. Yet broadly speaking it is true.
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andromedaslover · 2 years
​repeat after me evil colleagues we are valid we are despicable we are capable of things they couldn't even begin to imagine we are going to see our evil plans brought to fruition
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andromedaslover · 2 years
HARRY STYLES ?!?!!??!!!?!!!!!!??!!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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andromedaslover · 2 years
i’ve reblogged all the special interest asks to my new nd blog, @localsafehaven if you’d like to check them out/submit your own there!
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andromedaslover · 2 years
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andromedaslover · 2 years
hey guys! i’m thinking of making a blog dedicated to being a safe space for neurodivergent people and continuing my hyperfixation/special interests asks there. let me know if i should and if y’all would join (follow/interact) if i did!
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