ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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Family always feels nearby. The closeness is never determined by distance or time. Frequent gatherings develop into mutual support. And occasional visits enrich lives with gratitude. Family is comfort; it is home. After watching the three videos, I think perhaps the most of them that touched me and hit me differently was the Pamasko and First Love. Because I experienced growing up apart from my Mom, she was an OFW before. So that video really pierced a hole right through me that it almost made me tear up. For that reason as well, it made me get closer to my father which I become a Daddy's girl. Because I have no one to rely on and my father has always been there for me, supporting me in all of the things I love, he filled the void my Mom left within me. Just like what happened on the video Pamasko, I also asked my Mom a special gift that I have always been asking, and that is her, coming back to the Philippines, to our humble abode. I can really relate with these two videos, I felt happy and sad thinking of those days, I am still a Daddy's girl up until now, he still the most closest person to me, my first love. My Mom is already back here in the Philippines a long time ago, because my Dad didn't agree with her going back overseas. We all know that she was just doing that to provide us and also to help my father pay all of our expenses and such. But thinking back again on how it feels was when she was away, we couldn't bare it. Now, life may be hard but we have each other's back and support and I think that we can get through all of this hardships because our strong foundation was our love to each one of us.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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Upon taking the Love Language Test under the Teens category, my love language result is “Quality Time.”
With this result, Yes I do agree with this because I prefer spending my time with other people or to hang out with my loved ones. I am a clingy type of a person, and I feel loved when a certain important person to me will make time for me, listens to my rants and other stuff that I wanted to talk about, especially when I needed someone and they are there for me, that's the most wholesome thing a person can offer to me. I just love treating this way, it makes me feel that I am somehow important to someone and I am loved.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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People say love is pure, painful, sweet, and dreadful — all at once. The truth is, love is a basic necessity in everyone’s life. Everyone needs to be loved to live a proper and healthy life. Love has various definitions. Ask someone and they will give you their own definition of love. Love is a variety of feelings, emotions, and attitude. For some love is more than just being interested physically in someone, it’s an emotional attachment. When you hear the word love the first thought comes into your mind is about your lover or your crush. But love is not only about Love for your partner, love varies in different ways, the love for God, love for family and the Love for friends, even with the things you find happiness, like painting and such, it is also a love. And for my experience, it was way back on my junior high days. I was on my 8th grade and my crush is not attending school anymore, he was my brother's childhood friend and my childhood friend as well. He is my long time crush actually, to liked him because he's really good at dancing and he also excels on other stuff especially on online games. He never really got interested in me, i never saw him gazed at me before, I can still recall how I tried any means just to caught his attention, dang, it was hilarious. Though, that's what I thought in the first place because he's the ex-boyfriend of my best friend and it's kinda weird if he would like me too, hitting bird with one stone? And then one day, one of my friend told me that my crush has been liking me from the moment we have met. He just can't tell me how he really feels because he was afraid and to think that my brother is his best buddy and their motto is "walang talo talo". And then after my friend told me that, I kind of noticing him gazing at me, he's starting to pay attention on my existence and then he confessed and asked me if he could court me. Of course! I said yes, hello! He's my long time crush, so I grabbed the opportunity and took the risk. HAHAHAHAHAHA Anyway, we didn't become official. I told him to stop courting me, because I was afraid and I think I cannot handle a relationship yet at that young age. He's a lesson that I don't want to learn again, kidding aside. We're not friends anymore but it's okay it was in the past. If I would be given a chance to meet him again, I'd probably won't accept it. I have already accepted everything, all the things that happened between us. I already moved on and we should keep our heads upward and move forward. This is my puppy love experience, it was really really fun for me, having the intimacy with someone is new to me. I was immature and ignorant back then but I was really thankful I have experienced that in my childhood. I learned from him that It is fine having a crush to someone. It is all part of growing up, hurting as well. Loving someone at a young age is not a crime however you should always remember your limitations.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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What makes you happy? When are you happy?
What makes happy is my family, of course. My friend and internet friends, my dog, foods, watching anime and reading manga. These are just simple things that makes me happy. I love how my parents do still have time to talk with me and my brother, teasing each other as if we're just friends. Especially when we are in food table and eating we tend to talk about stuff like the issues from what we have heard in the news, stuff from the past way back when my Mom and Dad are still living in the province these moments are the most precious routine I always cherish right now during the quarantine. I am very well happy and thrilled when it comes to watching anime, since my parents does not prohibited me from watching those because they knew that me and my brother loved it and anime has been the bridge that leads the both of us to get closer. I found peace and I feel like I am resting when I am reading manga, this has become my comfort especially when I am not in the mood. Reading manga brightes up my mood. Food as well, when my Mom's coming home from work the first thing I would asked on her was "Mom, did you bought something?" It has become my daily habit.
These are just simple things that makes me happy but they meant a lot to me.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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Upon doing the activity, i find it fun, exciting and helpful in which it also give information about how your brain works. This activity helps me to know which side of my brain is dominant. While doing the 9 phases of the activity the result of it is that my left side of the brain is the dominant.
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In this video, it shows a 4 exercises to test how fast your brain is. First exercise was Multi Colored Text, this exercise helps to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Human cognition involves many mental processes that are highly interrelated, such as perception, attention, memory, and thinking. Second, Schulte Table. It is a grid with randomly distributed numbers or letters used for development of speed reading, peripheral vision, attention and visual perception. Third, Finger gestures. It helps you to train your attention and develops the ability to switch from one task to another quickly. Fourth, Bimanual Synchronous Writing. It exercises to help you to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, thus stimulating the activity of both hemispheres. I had fun doing this exercises especially in the third exercise I find it amusing because I thought it was an easy exercise but I was wrong but still I enjoyed it. I will keep in mind these exercises and I will apply these learnings by doing this exercises.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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What situation do you consider as Positive Stress? As Negative Stress? Are you aware of your tripping point when it comes to stress?
The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. Stress can also help you rise to meet challenges. A situation that I considered as positive stress is Holidays and other occasions such as birthdays. You tend to get excited during these activities, right? Attending and accomplishing this things can lead you to feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment, well-being and wholeness. Negative stress is having an argument with my friends or one of my family members or some acquaintance. My fear and anxiety increases in this situation. I guess I am aware but not fully. When things get rough and my tears will escape due to frustration, I think that's the time I am experiencing stress. I just want to lay in my bed all day long and I don't want anyone to bother me. I get irritated when I am stressed out, so, sometimes I unconsciously blurted out my frustrations to my brother when he's teasing me knowing I am not in the mood.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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Do you believe that adolescence is a period of stress and storm? Why?
Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. It includes some big changes—to the body, and to the way a young person relates to the world. This is where they will experience the most exciting and can also be a confusing turning point in their lives, growing older and becoming a mature adult. Thus, it is definitely a period of storm and stress, because as when we are growing up we becoming more curious of how the world works and how to become an adult. This is where we become stressed on deciding and risking our chances to become an adult that who we wanted to be. We are experiencing things such as some childrens becoming rebels against their parents for a couple of reasons, for a their attention or for their dreams that they want to chase in. This is the period where we are stopping at relaying in our parents and we are becoming more independent upon taking our life's choices. We can't just always relay on their shoulders because we are not certain how long they will guide us, so might as well just swim in the storm than letting yourself get drown because of waiting that someone will lend you a hand.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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How would you describe your current situation as an adolescent? Is it a period of stress or are you slowly strengthening your identity? — I grow up enjoying every thing, even facing problems. I always smile even if I am struggling, I am basically an optimistic person. However I also have many insecurities, stressful moments where I will just cry out of frustration and I am very loud and talkative but I also have a very low self confidence. Now, I've become introvert, I don't feel like talking to other people even with my friends. I don't like going outside I'd rather choose staying indoors. I've become slowly getting far from who I was before. So to sum it up, I am not in a good situation as an adolescent. My current situation is a period of stress. For some personal matters, I got lost trying to find myself. I was in the middle of building my confidence when a certain person brought me down and bad-mouthed me which leads me to a mental breakdown. I isolated myself and ran away from all of them. I deactivated my social media accounts and blocked all any social media sites that they can reach me out. I just feel like owning alone my problems, I was thinking the whole time that I might bother nor be a burden to them, given that they are also facing their own problems. I am not that very open and I am not really a showy type of a person. Telling my problems to others took me a lot of courage. The good thing about it is that one of my closest friend tried all of means just to reach me out. She noticed I was gone and she contacted me, she got mad and helped me to get back from my self. As of the moment I am in between, this is my period of stress and the period of me slowly strengthening my identity. I am still recovering and building myself back. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue from moving forward and overcome all of the upcoming problems and obstacles that I may face in the future.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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"The song 'Forgiveness' chronicles a mother dealing with the death of her daughter at the hands of a drunk driver. The song is about Renee, who lost her daughter in a car accident at the hands of a drunk driver, a 24-year-old who was by all accounts a great young man, but made a tragic mistake. The mother been on a journey of hatred, and bitterness, and she's learned how to forgive the young man who took her beloved daughter's life. In a miraculous way, after her daughter's death, Renee began giving presentations, and in time, God put it on her heart to forgive this man and reach out to him in prison. She learned that until she was set free of the anger and bitterness she held towards the man, she was going to be the prisoner even though he was the one behind bars. As a result, the man found his own personal faith in Christ and they developed a unique friendship to the point where she feels like she gained a son, and she even went to the courts to cut the man's sentence in half. He made a terrible mistake taking the life of the young girl, and yet he's been forgiven. Renee told him that she serves a God who commands her to forgive and she needed to be set free as much for herself as for him. The Christian songwriter Matthew West heard the story and was inspired from it, so he decided to write this a song. The song is about doing the impossible, forgiving the unforgivable, because of God's grace. A lines from the song: It’ll clear the bitterness away It can even set a prisoner free There is no end to what its power can do So, let it go and be amazed By what you see through eyes of grace The prisoner that it really frees is you As the lyrics stated above, it helps me to open my eyes to see that living in harmony with others means forgiving from the heart. If we let ourselves be eaten by our angers and hatred it will only destroy our own selves. Hating someone will do no good, it will only imprisons us. Forgiving is setting free and letting go, freeing ourselves from circumstances that keeping us from reaching the true essence of peacefulness.
The question for today is, "Have you ever met a person who is complex that is difficult to fully understand?" — Yes, I have actually met a lot of people that are complex but the best example for this is my self. I am aware of myself and I know sometimes perhaps most of the time I am hard to understand and not easy to read. I doubt my capabilities and sometimes I am full of myself for an instance, they know that I am capable of creating art. I am not confident of doing other things aside from drawing however there are also some cases that I am not really proud or I view myself as good as it. I easily get mad and get hurt especially when receiving hurtful or offensive words because I am very sensitive in such thing and that leads me to hurt others too and I'll regret it later when I unconsciously blurted out some nasty words but I am not going to say sorry even though I am guilty or I feel bad about it. How prideful, isn't it? That's why I myself can't also understand my own. Moreover, I am really thankful to my parents and other friends who are also helping and guiding me to move forward from the uncertainty of the life.
What is your take away with the lesson?
— My take away with the lesson for today is that I've learned that being mindful means being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and how you're feeling both physically and mentally. Mindfulness is a form of meditation with an important aspect to it—acceptance. It means being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
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ajdaguiwaas · 3 years
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Do you know yourself? Knowing yourself can surely help with some of the confusion and conflict in life. If we can understand how we react to life with our instinctual strengths and our weaknesses, we can gain more control over our actions and make better choices. However in my case, i can't really tell if I do really know who my own self is. I am kinda aware of my sides, my weaknesses and strength but I don't really know me as much as how people know and how do they view me. What I already know about myself is I am a very soft hearted person, a loud one, an outgoing kind, loves to try new things, and friendly. That's what I know and how I view myself and I am always open to discover more about myself. How did you learn these things about yourself? I have learned these things about myself is through self-observation. As time passes, I am discovering things I didn't knew I am capable of. I am also receiving thoughts from the others, complementing me about the things I can do and they are very frank when speaking their likes and dislikes about me and I am okay with that at least I can change those bad traits that I have, not because they told me that they dislikes it that's why I'll make a change but because I want to be a better version of myself.
Where did the information come from? I tend to ask people for feedbacks but to be honest, I am really afraid to ask them on how they view me as a person because I am scared hearing their feedbacks about me and how will I be able to absorb them. Back when I was still in junior high my friends do always talk about me behind my back telling me nasty stuff and that's the start where I've become affrighted receiving feedbacks from other people. However I know asking other people or receiving feedbacks from other people will help to grow and be the person who I wanted to be. So I will just shrug off negative thoughts out of me and just use those criticisms as my stepping stone for growing. Do you like what you know? Definitely a yes, receiving compliments from other people helps me to boost my self-confidence. But I always keep myself lay profile and never boast things that the other people seen in me.
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