Should You Invest In Bitcoin Or Ethereum?
Many people wonder if they should invest in Bitcoins or Ethereum , the other two big currency pairs. 
They both have their benefits and drawbacks. Both have different historical performances compared to the US dollar. And their value varies significantly within a day. But which one should you invest in if you are new to digital currencies?
To answer that question, you first need to know about each currency pair and their strengths and weaknesses. 
Then decide what qualities you would like in your investment vehicle. Then you can analyze the charts of each currency pair and compare their performance over time.
But before you dive into the comparisons, you should decide why you are investing in any currency. For instance, you might invest in bitcoins because they are cheaper than traditional currencies. 
At least for the time being, they seem to be. But if the economy of the country where you live begins to experience an unexpected downturn, then the government may ban the sale of bitcoins. This could lead to depreciation of the bitcoins you own.
etherium is another popular option for investors. This is a popular choice because it is not backed by a central government. Therefore, the value of etherium has a huge potential for fluctuation.
It follows that if the prices of traditional currencies fall, then so too will the price of etherium. But if you follow the advice I gave earlier and buy a high-liquid currency, such as dollars, you would have a lower risk of loss and more potential for profit.
But there are certain dangers associated with the market for currencies. One obvious danger is that a country's central government may intervene and stop the sale of some currency for fear that it will depreciate.
If this happens, then investors who bought that currency would lose a lot of their investment. The result of which would be a depreciating currency pair.
Another danger of investing in currencies is that the profits from trading them can highly depend on the current state of the economy in a particular country. 
If the government of a country begins to devalue the currency they are printing, then the profits of the printing process may dry up. This is one of the reasons why some governments prohibit the free flow of money - such as etherum - in and out of their country. 
In short, this could be a very risky venture for the investor.
However, many investors argue that there is nothing to lose when you invest in stocks, bonds, or commodities. You just need to remember that you will need the money to pay for taxes on your profit. 
So if a country has a depreciating currency pair, then you can buy goods and services for lower prices, and sell them at higher ones, earning a profit.
When you look at the financial statements of large corporations, you might think that they spend all of their money on advertising and securities advertising.
But in truth, about 80% of their revenues are actually profit, or interest income. If you look closely, you will see that companies are actually investing in the country's currency instead of their own stock. 
For instance, if a country is about to have a new government, such as a coupe of elected leaders elected in a recent election, then the country's central bank will purchase a big quantity of its currency in order to "contribute" to the political process. 
After the central bank buys the national currency of the country, the price of that currency immediately drops.
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