2wnikiangel · 2 years
[BNHA Pride Month 2022]
[SFW | Day 4 - Flowers]
Bakugou found it annoying, but sometimes he was pleased when a few red roses greeted him on the pillow in the morning instead of burnt sheets. He had never received a flower from anyone before, and he had always longed for it in his soul, even if it seemed absurd to him. In essence, he enjoyed it until he noticed how much Midoriya was watching him. He was used to it, after all, his friend had done it since they were three-year-old boys in the sandpit tearing down each other’s sand castles; but this time his gazes were much longer, and each time another flower fell from his palms, he quickly wrote something down.
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[SFW | Day 5 - Hand Holding]
They held hands like friends, held hands like partners, held hands like husbands.
 Even now, after thirty years, their fingers were tangled.
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[SFW | Day 6 - Confession]
He didn't care that Bakugou never addressed him with love nicknames. Kirishima didn't need his words. Bakugou expressed his love with gestures. And that was more than enough.
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[SFW | Day 7 - Proposal]
Bakugou pointed to the box. “And this is what?”
 “W-Well, that's—” He didn't finish when Bakugou opened the box. There was a silver ring.
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Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation] or on Twitter in [english thread].
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2wnikiangel · 2 years
[BNHA Pride Month 2022]
[SFW | Day 3 - First Kiss]
“Everyone would kill for you choosing spending your time with them. Realize that!”
“But Bakugou—”
Bakugou growled, and before Kirishima could say anything, he pulled him over. Their lips met.
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Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation] or on Twitter in [english thread].
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2wnikiangel · 2 years
[BNHA Pride Month 2022]
[SFW | Day 2 - Slow Dancing]
“So can I ask you to dance now?” He asked, holding out his hand.
Bakugou slapped and squeezed it tightly. “That’s why I came back, isn’t it? A deal is a deal.”
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Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation] or on Twitter in [english thread].
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2wnikiangel · 2 years
[BNHA Pride Month 2022]
[SFW | Day 1 - Coming Out]
“There are people like me who, when they finally understand themself and need to shout it out to the world. Then there are people like you who need to sort it out only within themselves. I know myself. Now is the time for you.” 
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Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation] or on Twitter in [english thread].
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Ignorance of jealousy / Nevědomost žárlivosti
Fandom: Free! Lengt: Oneshot, 6.500+       Rating: T (Teen and Up Audience) Warning: None Parning(s): Tachibana Makoto/Matsuoka Rin Tag(s): Fluff, Romance, Jealousy, Established Relationship, Long-Distance relationship, Not Beta Read
Fanfic for @mestizashinrin ! Thank for your wonderful support!
Makoto byl ten, který mu stále podával vodu, aby náhodou z horka neomdlel. Makoto byl ten, který mu dával svou bundu, když si myslel, že už je moc zima a Rin, který od dětství trpěl na prochladnutí, by se měl lépe obléknout. Makoto byl ten, který mu sundával z vlasů třešňové květy a vzpomínal při tom na jejich dětské sliby. Makoto byl ten, který mu dával své jídlo, když měl pocit, že Rin potřebuje více proteinů. Makoto byl ten, kdo ho držel, když se rozplakal a schoval se do rohu v šatně, aby ho nikdo neviděl. Makoto byl ten, který se nejvíce smál a oslavoval jeho vítězství, když se Rin postavil na stupně vítězů. A možná proto to byl právě Rin, kdo se jako první zamiloval. x Makoto was the one who kept giving him water so he wouldn't faint from the heat. Makoto was the one who gave him his jacket when he thought it was too cold, and Rin, who had suffered from a cold since childhood, should dress better. Makoto was the one who removed the cherry blossoms from his hair, remembering their childish promises. Makoto was the one who gave him his food when he felt that Rin needed more protein. Makoto was the one holding him as he cried and hid in a corner of the locker room so no one could see him. Makoto was the one who laughed the most and celebrated his victory when Rin stood on the podium. And maybe that's why Rin was the first to fall in love.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Last Saturday Night / Poslední sobotní noc
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Lengt: Oneshot, 9.000+     Rating: E (Explicit) Warning: None Parning(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki/Jirou Kyoka, Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta Tag(s): Po*n with Feelings, A*al S*x, V*ginal S*x, K*nk Discovery, Vo*eurism, E*hibitionism, O*gy, Fluff, Romance, A little bit of angst, Not Beta Read
Možná za to mohlo právě to červené víno, nebo dobrá nálada, která v místnosti panovala, či jen zvědavost, která v jejich letech ještě stále byla naprosto normální; když se najednou Denki zasmál a prohlásil: „Pamatujete si, co tenkrát říkal Mineta? Jak bychom měli ukončení roku oslavit orgií? Blb,“ zasmál se a dopil svou skleničku. Tváře měl červené spíše studem než alkoholem. „Říkal jsem ti ať toho kreténa neposloucháš,“ zavrčel Bakugou, když se uvelebil do gauče a nenápadně se přiblížil ke Kirishimovi. Ten se pousmál, když cítil, jak se o sebe otřeli jejich stehna. „Kdo by něco takového vůbec chtěl zažít?“ zeptal se Kirishima, když se nervózně poškrábal ve vlasech. „Já.“ Všichni se překvapeně otočili k dívce s růžovými vlasy, která dojídala poslední kus pizzy s feferonkami. „Co je?“ x Maybe it was the red wine, or the good mood that prevailed in the room, or just the curiosity that was still perfectly normal in their years; when Denki suddenly laughed and said, “Do you remember what Mineta said then? How should we celebrate the end of the year with an orgy? What an idiot,” he laughed and finished his glass. His face was red with shame rather than alcohol. “I told you not to listen to that asshole,” Bakugou growled as he settled down on the couch and approached Kirishima unobtrusively. He smiled as he felt their thighs rub against each other. “Who would want to experience something like that?” Kirishima asked as he scratched his hair nervously. “Me.” Everyone turned in surprise to the pink-haired girl who was finishing the last slice of pepperoni pizza. “What?”
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Mother’s Treasure / Matčin poklad
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Lengt: Oneshot, 10.000+     Rating: T (Teen and Up Audience) Warning: None     Parning(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki/Bakugou Masaru Tag(s): Family Feels, Family Bonding, Family Issues, Fluff, Angst, Crying, Kissing, Coming Out, Not Beta Read  
Dnes tomu nebylo jinak. Katsuki se vrátil na víkend domů, aby se mohli s Eijirem připravit na závěrečné zkoušky. Podle většího batohu na Eijirových zádech pochopila, že u nich bude přespávat. I to se pomalu stávalo pravidlem Eijirových návštěv. Zdálo se, že byl pro jejího syna opravdu tím nejlepším přítelem. x It was no different today. Katsuki returned home for the weekend so that he and Eijirou could prepare for the final exams. She could tell from the larger backpack on Eijirou's back that he would sleep in their house tonight. This, too, was slowly becoming the rule of Eijirou’s visits. He really seemed to be her son's best friend.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
“Bakugou now had everything he wanted. And he could have had more. He was the king after all.”
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The King’s Will / Králova vůle
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Lengt: Oneshot, 50.000+     Rating: E (Explicit) Warning: None     Parning(s): Bakugou/Kirishima (KiriBaku) Character(s): Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Enji, Aizawa Shoiuta Tag(s): Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alterate Universe - Fantasy, Aged-Up Character(s), Bakugou Todoroki and Midoriya are in Class 3-A, Barbarian Bakugou Katsuki, Prince Todoroki Shouto, Witch Uraraka Ochako, Alchemist Midoriya Izuku, Knight Iida Tenya, Dragon Kirishima Eijirou, Fluff, Humor, Angst, Established Relationship, Unrequited Love, Loss of Virginity, First Time, Rough S-x, Blood, Minor Character De-th, Wedding, Magic, Not Beta Read        
“O-Ochako?” He asked nervously. The girl stopped examining the stone and looked at the boy in front of her. “Y-yes?” She replied just as nervously. “Um, you are… O-ochako Ura-ra—” “Ochako Uraraka,” the girl confirmed, leaning on her cane, “you are Midoriya Izuku, aren't you?” The green haired boy just nodded. She looked at the blond behind him, “you are Bakugou Katsuki and you—” Midoriya noticed her blush, “—T-Todoroki Shouto.” Half-white haired boy just nodded, slightly taken aback by the situation they were in. The girl in front of them was Uraraka. But she wasn’t at the same time? What was happening? “You know us,” Midoriya said with a smile, “I'm glad, but it raises even more questions.”
Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki have sunk into an alternative fantasy world where they meet themselves. It seems like a pleasant diversion, but the moment Bakugou meets the barbarian prince and his devoted dragon, he knows that staying in an alternate reality will be much harder for him than for his two friends.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Více než jen narozeninový dárek / More than a birthday gift
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Lengt: Oneshot, 25.000+    Rating: E (Explicit) Warning: None    Parning(s): Bakugou/Kirishima (KiriBaku) Character(s): Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, other characters are mentioned Tag(s): Fluff, Romance, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Getting Together, First Kiss, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Po*n with Feelings, A lot of feelings actually, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Pining Bakugou Katsuki, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Pining Kirishima Eijirou, Top Kirishima Eijirou, Not Beta Read   
Neubránil se slabému úsměvu. Možná se nedokázali na některých věcech shodnout, možná měli každý z nich jiný způsob, jakým si dělat přátele; ale jedno bylo jisté – dobře se znali. Za ty tři roky si vybudovali něco, co dokázal Bakugou bez jediného ironického podtónu nazvat přátelstvím. I když… Posledních pár měsíců to bylo zvláštní. Kdyby se měl Bakugou vrátit do momentu, kdy si poprvé uvědomil, že je něco špatně, šlo by o vánoční oslavu, kterou už podruhé připravovali ve společných prostorách po poslední hodině ve škole před tím, než se všichni odhodlali jet zpátky na svátky do svých domovů.
He couldn't help but smile faintly. Maybe they couldn't agree on some things, maybe they each had a different way of making friends; but one thing was certain - they knew each other well. In those three years, they had built something that Bakugou could call a friendship without a single ironic undertone. Although… The last few months it's been weird. If Bakugou were to return to the moment he first realized something was wrong, it would be a Christmas party they had been preparing for the second time in the common areas after the last hour at school before everyone decided to go back to their homes for the holidays.
Read online on AO3 in [czech original] or [english translation].
A/N CZ: Představuji vám svou první povídku na fandom Má hrdinská akademie! Jaký jiný den si k tomu vybrat, než narozeniny našeho oblíbeného, vždy lehce naštvaného blonďatého bum-bum chlapce? :D Během psaní jsem tipovala, že skončím na nějakých deseti stránkách a dnes o víkendu jsem nakonec dopsala poslední větu na straně 37. Hups. Zřejmě jsem v sobě měla mnohem více pocitů ohledně Bakuga a Kirishimy, ze kterých jsem se musela vypsat, a ani jsem o tom netušila. :D Díky tomu se prodloužil i anglický překlad, který vydávám vždy paralelně s českým originálem, ale bohužel tentokrát se to opravdu v časovém presu nedalo stihnout. Jo a - Všechno nejlepší Bakugou! <3 Poznámka pro české čtenáře - Velmi, ale opravdu velmi dlouho jsem si rozmýšlela, jestli použít všeobecně známé přepisy jmen, nebo českou transkripci. Vždy se snažím dodržovat nějaká pravidla českého jazyka a upřímně jsem ráda, když naleznu příběh, který se drží transkripce. Což o to, napsat "Bakugo Kacuki" by pro mě ještě nebylo nic špatného, ale "Kirišima Ejdžiro" mi naprosto rval oči. Takže po velmi dlouhé debatě mezi mými vnitřními já jsem se nakonec rozhodla použít nejrozšířenější anglický přepis a zachovala jsem tedy "Bakugou Katsuki" a "Kirishima Eijirou". Doufám, že na mě nebudete zlobit. :)
A/N ENG: I present to you my first fanfiction for the fandom My Hero Academy! What other day to choose than the birthday of our favorite, always slightly angry blond bum-bum boy? :D While writing, I guessed that I would end up on some ten pages, and this weekend I finally finished the last sentence on page 37 in czech = 44 in english... Oops. Apparently I had a lot more feelings about Bakugou and Kirishima that I had to get out of myself, and I had no idea. :D Thanks to that, the English translation, which I always publish in parallel with the Czech original, has also been extended, but unfortunately this time it really was not possible in the time press. Hope you don't mind! Enjoy the story! I will be happy for any comment! :) Yeah and - (a little late) - Happy birthday Bakugou! <3
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
One month till closing this project. Still having a lot of free (ironic :D ) spaces. Someone who still wants something? :)
Birthday fanfictions project II.
Free! part
Hello everyone!
The time of the year come again. I’ll turn 25 this year and I again open my Birthday project for you. But now with a little twist! Since I started digitaly drawing, I’m opening not only request for fanfictions but also for fanarts!
Choose your preference, let me know by message, comment or reblong, and hopefully, you will enjoy the result.
Choose single character or couple I’ll draw for you. Write about your preference (winter season, with  animal, cute theme, dark theme, etc.).
Maximum number of works: 7 (already taken: 1)
Fanfiction [Last year result]
Lenght: Oneshots only.
Language: Every fanfic will be written in czech and translated into english.
Fandom: Free!
Rating: choose only one = G x T x M x E
Setting: choose only one = High Speed! x Iwatobi Swim Club/Eternal Summer (Highschool) x Dive to the Future (College) x Arabian Night AU (Ending 1) x Future Fish AU (Ending 2)
Parning(s): Choose only one x Main one with side pairning
Yes, I love Makoto and I’m not even sorry for shipping him with everyone.
Haruka + Makoto
Makoto + Haruka / Rei / Rin / Sousuke / Seijuurou / Kisumi / Natsuya
Nagisa + Rei
Rei + Haruka / Makoto / Nagisa / Rin
Rin + Makoto / Rei / Sousuke
Sousuke + Makoto / Rin / Natsuya
Natsuya + Makoto / Sousuke
Makoto/main cast (no, even now I’m not sorry)
Wish: Now it’s your time to shine! Write me about anything you want to read about your favorite ship. You have favorite thrope or genre? Tell me. You have headcanon you want to read about so badly? Give it to me. Or do you have an idea of a story that you don’t know how to write or don’t have the  courage to do? I’ll be your guest. You can also write what you DON’T want to be part of your fic (e.g. jealousy, mutual pining, cheating, etc.).
Warning: Mostly for Mature or Explicit fanfictions - if you want some kinks, that’s okay for me. But I won’t write anything that contains -  emetophili@, zoophili@ or pedophili@. Thank for understanding.
Maximum number of works: 5 (Already taken: 3)
Open: 25. 1. 2021
Close: 25. 3. 2021
All works will be published at end of July.
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
One month till clossing this project! Having a still a lot of free spaces! :) Is there someonw who wants something?
Birthday fanfictions project II.
Les Misérables part
Hello everyone!
The time of the year come again. I’ll turn 25 this year and I again open my Birthday project for you. But now with a little twist! Since I started digitaly drawing, I’m opening not only request for fanfictions but also for fanarts!
Choose your preference, let me know by message, comment or reblong, and hopefully, you will enjoy the result.
Choose single character or couple I’ll draw for you. Write about your preference (winter season, with  animal, cute theme, dark theme, etc.).
Maximum number of works: 7 (already taken: 0)
Fanfiction [Last year result]
Lenght: Oneshots only.
Language: Every fanfic will be written in czech and translated into english.
Fandom: Les Misérables
Rating: G x T x M x E (choose only one!)
Setting: Canon era x Modern AU (choose only one!)
Parning(s): Choose only one x Main one with side pairning
Enjolras + Grantaire / Combeferre / Feuilly / Montparnasse / Les Ámis
Grantaire + Enjolras / Combeferre / Montparnasse / Bahorel
Combeferre + Enjolras / Grantaire / Jean “Jehan Prouvaire”
Courfeyrac + Marius / Cosette
Joly + Bossuet / Musichetta
Bahorel + Feuilly / Grantaire
Éponine + Cosette
Wish:  Now it’s your time to shine! Write me about anything you want to read about your favorite ship. You have favorite thrope or genre? Tell me. You have headcanon you want to read about so badly? Give it to me. Or do you have an idea of a story that you don’t know how to write or don’t have the  courage to do? I’ll be your guest. You can also write what you DON’T want to be part of your fic (e.g. jealousy, mutual pining, cheating, etc.).
Warning: Mostly for Mature or Explicit fanfictions - if you want some kinks, that’s okay for me. But I won’t write anything that contains -  emetophili@, zoophili@ or pedophili@. Thank for understanding.
Maximum number of works: 5 (Already taken: 2)
Open: 25. 1. 2021
Close: 25. 3. 2021
All works will be published at end of July.
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
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What will be Valentine’s gift for this year😌
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
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Special Thanks @bezuni thank you for the translation ^0^ as you know I have very poor English … ฟฟฟฟฟฟฟ
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Never thinked about this two like this, but goodammit it makes sense and they look great!
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Can we see him with glasses in the coming movie? Please. KyoAni, we need this!
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boyfriend’s glasses …?
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2wnikiangel · 3 years
Makoto and his special power - walking radiator. Maybe this is why he's so hot.
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[How to get warm] Makoharu ////////
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