#referenced kid icarus' pit's wings
marskiiii · 18 days
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ok fixed the wing issue :) i actually prefer these more imo
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
hiiii, can i request M3/M4 with an mc that has wings? totally up to you (ofc)
also!!!!! i hope you have/had fun on your trip!!!!!! you deserve the break<3
Hi friend!! Thank you :) At the time of writing this I have not gone on the trip yet but it'll probably be queued up for sometime while I'm gone so we'll assume I probably had fun
GN!Reader, Referencing A Dear Beloved Game, This seemed funnier if I put all of them together, Colored Bullets Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage, Rime)
Okay do y'all remember Kid Icarus: Uprising? I won't go too into details but it was a really awesome game and I really really really hope they put it on Switch soon. But anyways my point is that the two main angel characters (Pit and Dark Pit/Pittoo respectively) do have wings but cannot fly without divine help. And even when they have help, they can only fly for short stretches at a time or else their wings will burn off.
Yeah we're gonna play by those rules :)
Okay okay okay I know I've talked about a hunter/prey dynamic with Sage before and I usually refer to it in a kink capacity but this time I mean it very literally!!! In the intro when you and Sage are in the hallway and he's looking you over, his pupils narrow a little and he is [ ] this close to reflexively pouncing because Birb. He manages to restrain himself but his flirting certainly has relevant undertones.
And on that same note, when Anisa has you on the desk?? There's a little bit of that too. Less so since she's only a half-ilephta but for a second there she is Thinking about it.
Okay so imagine that,, like at first when you're out with Felix you always have a cloak of some sort on. And then Rime warps you to the top of the tower and there's wind and your cloak kinda flies up and your wings start fluttering instinctively and Rime nearly does drop you because he Seriously Wasn't Expecting This. The only reason he doesn't is because he sees the fear on your face.
But if you can fly then imagine your cloak is still around you and you just shove him away so you can fall back off the roof and he's freaking out and about to jump after you (with the idea that he'll catch you and teleport you both to the ground) when you pull off your cloak and suddenly you're back in front of him, wings spread and the sun shining behind you like a holy light,,,, and I'm not gonna lie, at this stage Rime still hates you but he's also a little flustered.
Side note,, Felix,,,, remember when he first summoned you and he thought you were a demon? Yeah maybe you don't have angel wings maybe you have demon wings. Maybe he thinks you're an incubus/succubus/etc. I don't know. I think it's cute tho. And even if you do have the classic sorta wings his nickname for you would be 'angel' and that's pretty cute too
Felix and Anisa (and Rime) learn the spell to let you use your flight so now you can fly when you're with them! I don't think Sage can use magic. But! But my beloved Tulsi is an expert with magical weapons so I'm sure she can make you some kind of locket/magic artifact with the spell inside it so you can carry it around.
You guys have to clean up Fathom and you have to dust the ceilings
Imagine Sage and Rime get into a sight and you just dart over and slap them both on the back of the head and then shoot into the sky before they can catch you,,, Felix and Anisa are giggling while Rime and Sage are snapping at you,,,,
More importantly Rime and Sage having a rare alliance to bully Felix for being short (aka grabbing something and holding it over his head because that seems like the kind of thing both these idiots would find funny) and you just fly over and grab the item and hand it back to Felix like Here You Go Friend :) and then you give Sage and Rime the stink-eye
Sage gets stuck in a tree and you have to fly over to coax him back down. Bonus points if Tulsi is there too and when Sage tries to climb down he falls and face-plants and Tulsi just stares at him, while sipping some tea, and uses her foot to nudge his arm like 'yo are you dead' and you're just snickering because Oh I Thought Cats Always Landed On Their Feet and Sage is glaring at both of you.
Anisa helping you groom your wings,, making sure the down is cleared and the feathers are straight,,, she thinks they're so soft,,,,, really likes stroking them. Would totally sleep on them/wrapped in them if you let her. Maybe it makes her sneeze a little but she still loves doing it.
,,,Felix is taking notes and he needs a quill so you just reach back and pluck a feather and pass it over to him and,, 'Darling I'm not sure this will work. It doesn't exactly have the right type of nib...' 'Give it a chance.' 'Well, alright, but I just don't think it- holy shit it writes so smoothly' 'I know right?'
Rime's Halloween outfit was an angel,,, please consider he dresses like you and you dress like him. Couple outfit swap.
Side note Anisa calling you her angel,, her taking it as her 'holy duty' to protect you,,, soft,,,,
You and Sage are getting chased by a group of bandits that don't like Sage, and Sage tells you to run ahead so you don't get hurt,, you just fly over and kick them in the heads to drop them on their asses
*Ted Spankoffski voice* KICK MY HEAD
LoS tries to kill you and the M4 are freaking out and LoS like,,, makes the ground under your feet crumble away and lead directly to The Void (or hell idk) except you just float over the hole like :|
Stella is gonna pounce on you all the fucking time huh
Anisa buys you clothes and helps you cut/tailor them so your wings have room
Stella kills a bird and drops it on your bed. You wonder if you have to fear for your safety.
So I remember when Kid Icarus was popular a lot of people were kinda wondering if wings counted as erogenous zones,,,, do with that what you will
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