#i'm procrastinating
kowaibunny · 3 months
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Ham burger
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definitely-hulu · 2 months
So ngl I've been procrastinating a lot and I've seen a bunch of those likes motivation posts and stuff and even though my blog ain't that popular, thought I'd try. Pls help me @totally-peacock-i-swear
At 25 notes, I'll start completing my math homework the day it's assigned (we get one everyday but they're due on Wednesdays)
At 50 notes, I'll draw in my sketchbook at least once a week (rn it's like once a month)
At 100 notes, I'll start working with my watercolor pencils and charcoal pencils (mostly supplies I hardly use, especially paints)
At 200 notes, I'll experiment with different art styles (realism, minimal, etc)
At 500 notes, I'll clean my room.
At 1,000 notes, I'll finish reading The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan (I abandoned it like 4-5 years ago)
At 1,500 notes, I'll CLEAN my room (and maybe closet)
At 2,000 notes, I'll write to chapter 10 in my book (25 if this gets over 25,000 (get it, 25k for chapter 25))
At 5,000 notes, I'll read 10 pages+ of whatever book I'm reading before going to bed (instead of watching yt, idk why this isn't in here sooner but oh well)
At 10,000 notes, I'll clean my OLD room!! (Basically I just took what I wanted for my new room and left the other one as a wasteland)
At 15,000 notes, I'll start a YouTube channel for all the videos I've wanted to do (mostly gameplay or bloxburg building, even featuring my voice, idk I've just been thinking it'd be cool to do that, recently)
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Remember that one scene where Arthur is training with Merlin and Merlin is fighting for his life while Arthur repeatedly knocks him on his arse? I can’t remember what episode but it was early in season 1.
I like to imagine Merlin starts being sarcastic with every hit in hopes it’ll piss Arthur off enough to storm off and leave him alone. It backfires when Arthur starts replying and it turns into a venting session.
Like, Uther said some dumb shit about Arthur? Merlin starts a fight about it.
The knights can’t follow orders? Merlin is disobedient enough that Arthur starts yelling about how dangerous it is when his men don’t follow orders.
Arthur’s feeling bad about someone he couldn’t save? Merlin makes him see why he’s doing enough by arguing with him about it and reminding him that he’s only human.
And Arthur knows what he’s doing, he catches on eventually and will occasionally walk up to Merlin, push his shoulder only enough to be annoying until Merlin stops whatever he’s doing, then Arthur will just say “Fight me.” and Merlin will either say something he knows will get Arthur angry or he’ll throw a punch he knows Arthur will block and they’ll start sparring. (Merlin learns to fight eventually, neither of them realise it’s happening until he sucker punches a bandit and he’s out cold)
Anyway, it becomes something they do to help Arthur vent his frustrations.
The best part? It works.
So Arthur sees Merlin upset. It goes on for about a week when Arthur realises what’s going on. He sits down next to Merlin on the floor one night, nudges his shoulder like he would if he wanted to fight, and says, “why are you upset? It’s not like you’ve got anything to worry about.” In a purposefully taunting way.
Merlin scowls and keeps working, and Arthur tries again, “Really. All you do is follow orders. It’s not hard.”
And so Merlin looks up, clearly angry until he sees what Arthur is trying to do, so he puts down what he’s doing and starts fighting back, “no, just exhausting when those orders are given by a prat.” Or “Maybe if I had a day off once in a while.” I don’t know, I suck at dialogue.
It goes on for a while, until they get too close to the issue, Merlin snaps, tells Arthur he’s a dick and sobs, yelling about magic, and the great dragon being manipulative, loosing his father, loosing Freya, Gaius lying to him about his father and thinking Uther is a good king and a good man, and literally everything else that’s gone wrong.
Arthur pulls him in and hugs him, then tells Merlin they’re fighting together from here on out. It takes a while, but they work it out.
There’s plenty of “fights” about Arthur feeling betrayed by Merlin keeping secrets and Merlin being mad at his situation in Camelot and then being frustrated that he can’t get himself to feel angry at Arthur (I’ve got a half baked character analysis for Merlin and Arthur’s codependency somewhere in my drafts. I’ll come back to it eventually.) but they’re okay and they figure it out and end up stronger for it.
I’m holding back on sharing the major character death/dark!Arthur angsty alternate ending for this, but let me know if you want to see it :)
Edit: Part 2 - (the angsty alternate ending)
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gravewilt · 3 months
misa dooodle
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me spending time with myself 🫶🏻
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sleepypeek · 3 months
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umm...eva reference?
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dregdael · 10 months
once again rulepeating the cycle
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iced-flower-pot · 4 months
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Ghosts BBC / 04.04 - Gone Gone
Clearly i'm doing ok :'')
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study-core-101 · 3 months
guys, i just did the unthinkable
i did the work more than 24 hours before the deadline
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nerilestudy · 4 months
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Unleashing Focus: How Pomodoro Transformed My Procrastination Habits
Hey fellow students! 👋 Today, I'm sharing a study game-changer that turned my procrastination habits around : the Pomodoro Technique. As a second-year electrical engineering student, I've faced the challenges of balancing coursework, labs, and exams. The Pomodoro Technique has been my secret weapon, significantly improving my focus, productivity, and overall academic performance.
Overcoming Procrastination
I used to be a notorious procrastinator. The daunting size of tasks overwhelmed me, leading to delayed assignments and last-minute cramming. Enter Pomodoro, and everything changed.
Pomodoro in Action
Here's how I apply the Pomodoro Technique to overcome procrastination and boost my grades:
Clear Goals: Before each study session, I set specific tasks or topics to cover during the Pomodoro intervals.
Timed Focus: Using a simple timer app, I dive into focused 25-minute (up to 50 minutes) study sessions, eliminating distractions and boosting productivity.
Short Breaks: After each Pomodoro, I take a 5 or 10-minute break to refresh my mind, stretch, or grab a quick snack.
Longer Breaks: Every four Pomodoros, I reward myself with a 15-30 minute break to fully recharge.
Results Speak Louder
Since adopting the Pomodoro Technique, my grades have seen a remarkable improvement. The structured approach transformed me from a procrastinator into a focused and efficient learner.
If you're battling procrastination and seeking a study routine that works, give the Pomodoro Technique a shot. It's not about the quantity of study hours but the quality of focused learning.
To keep myself motivated and help other students, I recorded my study sessions using this technique and made them available online. You can check my channel if you’d like to give it a try.
Try it out, and let me know how Pomodoro works for you! Happy studying! 📚💡
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huh-j · 2 months
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Me studying nonstop because I won’t settle for anything less than the highest possible grade…
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nixcraft · 2 months
truth 😂
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geostelar5 · 7 months
Humans are dumb and predictable, we use it to learn.
So honestly one of my favorite parts about being an Anthropology Student and looking specifically into Paeleoanthropology is that we know the common human behaviors that have been done even though it like, damages our teeth and bones but we do it anyways and use that to determine things about us and others. One of these things is that Humans, even though it is damaging to our teeth tend to use our chompers as a Third Hand, like we hold onto so much stuff with it when we want to hold it steady or just dont have the room in our hands for it. We have been doing this hundreds of thousands of years and Paleoanthropologists in Spain have used that to determine if Homo Heidelbergensis, our Most Recent Hominin Ancestor(Basically the transition between Erectus and Sapiens) was mainly right handed or left handed. What they did was look at the damage marks fossilized teeth had, and saw the patterns, different damage patterns emerging if your holding say a bone in your teeth as you scrape the meat off of it with your stone tool. Weather your scraping with your left or right hand makes a distinctive pattern, and through that you can determine which hand they favored. As it turns out Heidelbergensis was largely Right handed! or at least the population that is in Sima De Los Huesos in Spain.
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siddheshmm · 22 days
16.05.2024. it's not going good. tired.
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completely exhausted and not even halfway through the material
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loyaldis · 4 months
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Big Sis Mari to the rescue with Matcha KitKat
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bloodygyaruuu · 4 months
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this is all i have for the kirby fandom atm sorry yall ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
be warned; i may put my lashes on kirby next
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